14.28% Travelling My Favorite Worlds! / Chapter 7: Getting Stronk!

บท 7: Getting Stronk!

no~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unknown Narrator POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Imagine an old timey news anchor)

"And so we wait as our recently young hero begins his search for knowledge, for knowledge is power, and power is the key to survival."

"Hey wait, what are you doing over there? Are you talking to my audience? The fuck is that Unknown Narrator POV shit up there?? This is MY life right here not yours. GOT IT. Good. Now GIT"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Joseph's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There we go, much better now that I made that asshole leave. Trying to steal the spotlight from me while I am studying and increasing my chakra. The nerve.

Well back to studying.

No, don't you do it you son of a bitch, you make them suffer with me, no no no. NO!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hiruzen Sarutobi's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

*After visiting Joseph in the hospital room*

How did that boy know all of that? Could he be telling the truth?

How did he know about the 9 tales being sealed here anyway? I barely know about it and I am the leader of the village.

Sigh, maybe there is some truth in what he says, I should go find Jiraiya to go look at the lab Orochimaru thinks is secret from me.

I do a couple hand signs which causes a paper and quill appear, I then write a letter on it to Jiraiya before sending it to him, I am going to need him to be serious for this one, maybe if I take his porn away for a week if he doesn't help me?

I chuckle a bit to myself and contemplate some more before I finally arrive to the lab, when I get there I am pleased to see that Jiraiya is there, "Now we are here to investigate, unless we find something Damning you are to leave him alone and let me handle it." This elicits a nod from Jiraiya.

I put my right hand on the door to analyze the seal while I start unlocking it with my left, after a few moments I crack it open and the door swings into the darkness. He always did love the dark and seals weren't really his strongest point, at least not like the Uzumaki clan's sealing ability.

Hehe, can't keep your dear teacher out of your room yet, now lets see what it is that you have going on in here, I start pushing some chakra through my eyes so that I can see what is going on and the first thing I see scares the shit out of me, Jiraiya mooned me!

I push Jiraiya to the side as I walk into the lab, I see test tubes strewn across the ground and for most of the time I don't notice anything, it wasn't until about 15 minutes into the investigation that Jiraiya called me over and I noticed it, Orochimaru was knocked unconscious by a man whose body was covered with sharingan, save for his left arm which has been destroyed apparently.

It seemed as if the man found time to escape Orochimaru's tests based on the fact that the man was covered in surgical scars and stitches. "Jiraiya, we must take them both away and put them into the prison until we can solve this. The Anbu tell me that the other villages are planning an attack on us soon so we can't afford to have internal strife now. God I hate war so much, but sadly nobody will listen to an aging man and his dreams of peace." I chuckle a bit to myself as I pick up Orochimaru who is light.

Jiraiya talks to me after picking up the man, "Don't worry Sensei, I may be getting old myself but I'll still lend you an ear. "

Ah this cheeky bastard, "Yeah yeah, lets find time to go enjoy the girls at the bath house later okay? I mean, investigate the bath house on official business."

He gives me a wide grin and I sigh before chuckling a bit, "Well lets go."

*15 hours later*

No, no don't do that Mr Lemon. You shouldn't hurt Mr. Orange. No don't you pick up that vegetable peeler, NO MR. ORANGE. LEMON YOU BAST-

"Hm, what who. I was working on paperwork and definitely wasn't sleeping. I swear." I look around in a daze before I pull one of the papers stuck to my face off. Seems as if Tsunade, Joseph, and an asleep Jiraiya are visiting me.

*After the meeting*

I quickly copy down the method for doing the chakra density as well as I can remember it. This is the most revolutionary thing of not just my generation, but all generations alive. With this our Jutsu that rely on chakra will be so much stronger than before!

I know he said that he was a 27 but honestly, he let this technique go so easily that I felt bad. Had to give the kid something and honestly I think(hope) everything will be fine, I mean those ZZZ rank forbidden techniques are so nasty they aren't even worth it. There's a note you sign when you enter there and every Hokage till now has only ever entered once, either to see what is in it or add a technique into it, never again due to how terrifying it is.

I am no exception. I will never enter that room again as things remain forbidden for a reason.

After I finished copying down the technique I couldn't help but wonder why in the world he would talk to Orochimaru? I tried talking to him earlier but he just sat there glaring at me like I pissed into his ramen. Maybe that kid will have a method, possibly it involves that young Uchiha boy named Shisui.

I sign the technique as being created by Joseph, this scroll will be passed down for years and this man will become a legend just for this scroll alone. I can sense it. If I can keep it in the leafs hands and get all the ninja's to do this and start training their control I wonder...

I look as Tsunade starts stirring, it seems she has finished her compression, after a moment it appears I was correct and she stands up. A moment later Jiraiya does as well, they both had smile on their faces from condensing their chakra.

"So, what do you think? Should I give this to all Shinobi and have them begin training their control? You know the war is coming soon." Tsunade contemplates for a moment before answering, "I believe that you should give me 2 days to see how difficult it is for me to adapt my chakra manipulation to it, if it has good results then we would say yes since there would be times we need to limit our power and not use brute force."

I nod in response, I am a strong advocate for better chakra control that I am for Chakra amount, though the amount can be good in conjunction, if you have strong control and next to no chakra you can still be a force to be reckoned with.

"Okay, you, Jiraiya, and another Shinobi with poor control will be the ones to test this out. You may now leave." I wave them off so I can start training with the control.

"Oh yeah, teach, don't forget what we talked about yesterday~" He chuckles as he walks off. I miss when I could be that carefree. I should find a Hokage to take over for me soon, preferably someone who will be in their 20's soon.

Oh well, I'll find a good candidate soon enough. Right now is my nap time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hiruzen Sarutobi POV END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Is-is it my turn now? Can I finally have my story back? Awesome, just in time for me to test out multiple Shadow clone Jutsu, I got my chakra up by a lot, it's at about 5000 now, and that's with it being condensed.

Wondering how I did it? Well shadow clones have some of my chakra in them, so almost like Naruto did with sage mode I am having the spare ones increase their chakra reserves along with me while 1 is in charge of reading the scroll. Neat huh?

Well now is the time to see if it will work or if I need more chakra. I inhale a bit and make the sign, and a moment later I feel most of my chakra being pulled out of me, in fact all but a tiny fraction is left, and there are about 100 clones in front of me. Excellent!

I send around 50 of them to go and read the various scrolls while the other 50 help me bolster my chakra reserves more and more.

Only after 5 hours of this did I dismiss the clones, and I think I made a mistake using clones. I was instantly flooded with memories of scrolls and some questionable material that was added in between some of the scrolls. I'll confiscate some of those for later, where was I? Oh yeah, the sudden influx of memories was nowhere near as painful as the influx of chakra, my chakra which was immensely low before is now rapidly growing, even in it's condensed state. After several moments it grew to the same size that it was before I condensed it.

Show me my chakra status por flavor (Yes I had him do Spanish poorly on purpose).


Chakra Regen: 6 per minute

Chakra Density: 2.3

Chara Impurity: 92%


Not bad, wish I knew how it was that I have been making it more pure though, also how am I getting more chakra Regen? If I can make it Regen more chakra than I have per second I'd be able to pretty much infinitely cast (sign? Do?) Jutsu's.

Well whatever. Time to rinse and repeat! let's make 200 clones this time?

Yeah I realized later that the path I just went down was incredibly stupid and I didn't learn from using 100 clones. In fact I kept forgetting about the 200 clones too and eventually got it up to 500 clones before I finally started to remember. On the bright side though I now have 200,000 chakra, Downside I am now scarred from that. Oh and I have all the Jutsu memorized from the clones so now I can be even more of a dick with that move Minato used, the flying thunder god.

This combined with the fact that I can slow down time so much will make me deal with enemies like nothing. My seal is pretty cool too if I do say so myself, when I was putting it down it ended up being the Tri-force. So overall I am pretty satisfied with it.

I also learned while I was using it I don't need to put it on kunai like Minato did, I can honestly put it on a piece of paper if I wanted to, or I could put it on a wall. There's really no limit to where I can put it so that amazed me.

Well now I'm pretty much been in here for 8 hours so I am starving. I'm going to go bum some food off Jiraiya, or maybe I should ask the Hokage for a Job? Hm, yeah that's a good call, I don't wanna break Jiraiya's bank.

I tell the Anbu at the door that I am done and that I'd like to go back to the Hokage's office, he just silently nods and starts the long process of locking each door. After he does so I am unable to feel my symbol anymore, hm it must be the space seal I found in one of the scrolls. Shit I need to get something to help my memory, I forgot. Well I'll just save up some points for it.

After walking for a time the Anbu knocks on the Hokage's door before we hear a "Enter" and we both walk in with the Anbu entering first. The Hokage raises his eye to me entering, he probably didn't assume that I would be back so soon.

"So Joseph, what is it that brings you back here so soon?" He raises an eyebrow at me waiting for a response apparently.

"Well I finished reading all the scrolls you allowed me to, I even increased my chakra more. The main reason though was I honestly have no money so I can't get my own food and I wanted to see about getting myself a job or something." He was looking at me in shock for the first part of my reason for coming here, but once the second came up he rubbed his eyes.

"I completely forgot about money. I was so focused on Orochimaru and working on my Chakra control that it didn't even cross my mind. Uhh, well there was no bounty on Orochimaru and we still haven't proven him completely guilty, but in regards to the technique I can give you some money for it, either monthly payments for 2 years or just a one time payment."

Well I remember something about this stuff while in economics class about you should take the one time payment since the inflation will not apply to the monthly payments, which makes the money less. Or something like that I think. Shit maybe I'm remembering wrong again?

Well Yolo, if I screw up I'll just go and work. "I'll take the one time payment please." He nods before forming some hand signs which summons a quill and paper, some sort of summoning Jutsu? After writing on it it disappears, probably sent it to someone.

After a few moments of the Hokage sitting there humming a tune, an Anbu appears beside me and gives the Hokage a bag while he kneels. The Hokage then dismisses him from the office. "This bag has 1 million Ryo in it. Normally this Jutsu would be worth much more but considering​ the fact I have you access to so many scrolls this makes it even."

No shit? A million? this is more money than I've ever had before! I bow a bit since I don't know customs, "Thank you sir."

He puts his hand up to stop me, "You don't need to bow, I see it as a useless custom if I'm being honest. I don't see myself as being above others since I used to be a Shinobi like many others. Though I will warn you some most other Kage's don't have the same temperament as me" He frowned as he though of the other Kage's, perhaps the war is going to happen sooner than I thought? I should train so I can make a name for myself in the war, make it so I get some XP so I can level myself up.

Hm, I also need to find time to go and take care of Orochimaru, hopefully Shisui has awoken his Mangyeko. Need to take care of Tsunade too, I want to actually get her to treat me as a love interest, but I need to build a solid foundation for myself first. Even to take care of Danzo in his weakened state I will need to train more.

Now that I have money though I should purchase a place to live and food so I can train in peace. Yeah that's what I'll do. I look to the Hokage, "Could I be permitted to purchase a property? That is if I have enough funds for one."

He looks at me with inquisitive eyes, like why would I want to buy a place. He nods after a few moments considering and asks me, "How much would you be willing to spend? As I will inform you that you most definitely can afford a place, it is just a matter of how good it is."

I contemplate for a bit as I don't know how well the money works here yet. So to play it safe I inform him the most I'd spend was 800 thousand. I guess that's a lot more than I thought because he started coughing quite vigorously on some water he was sipping.

"Um, that can get you a mansion, all the furniture, and then some. Are you sure?" Well that is certainly more than I thought it would get me. Let me think about getting more money though since I can smell a business idea.

"How much would it take to buy an apartment complex?" After asking this he looks at me with an odd look in his eyes so I ask him a different question, "So I take it you don't have any apartment buildings?" He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head before resting his head into his hands. He appears to be listening with interest.

"Basically it's a large building with apartments on each floor, let's say 6 per floor. Each apartment can have a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. There are some where the bedroom shares the same area of a living room and the kitchen takes up a small corner. The point is people would rent these small versions of houses for a much cheaper price than it is to rent or buy a house. Though sometimes apartments are close to workplaces, if that is the case then it can cost more so you have the benefit of being close to work." I give him a spiel about all I remember about apartments, which isn't much honestly.

He thinks for a bit before shaking his head, "Sorry but I don't wish for something like that in the leaf. I appreciate the thought though."

Damn, and here I thought I'd be able to get some easy money. Well whatever, "I'll just take a small home then. If it is close to this building then that would be better"

He nods for a bit before contemplating, then his face erupts into a grin as I assume he thought of a property, "I have just the place for you. 70,000 for it, it is about 10 minutes walk from here and is the closest house that is for sale. It has 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a decent sized garden, and an outdoor toilet."

Oh god this world has no plumbing? I wryly smile and say I'll take it. I'd much rather take something that the Hokage vouches for. I hand him the money and he hands me the deed for it so I 'Put it in my pocket' (I really put it into my dimension). Then he calls an Anbu over again, this man needs a secretary, all these poor highly trained ninjas are basically doing his chores. Like don't get me wrong, he's Hokage so I don't expect him to do this, I don't expect it from highly trained Black Ops assassin's though.

I smile at the Hokage and wave as I follow the Anbu towards the house where I plan on training for a week. On the way I spot a few stores selling food so I grab some and throw it into my dimension, the Anbu doesn't question anything though, probably thinks I have storage scrolls.

After taking an hour buying shit I finally ended up at my house and the Anbu member gave me the key before leaving.

j0sejalap3n0 j0sejalap3n0

So I am not going to try and force humor out of things, if what I do seems forced I will tell you it's just stupid things that come in my head randomly while writing.

I also hope that this solves some issues for some of you regarding the current plot of Naruto. Fix can easily be said as: MC caused a ripple effect and made some things happen sooner, others not at all.

If anyone has cool ideas for the story let me know and I'll give my input. Thanks for supporting me!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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