39.13% My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted! / Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Phoenix/Rebirth part 1

บท 36: Chapter 36: Phoenix/Rebirth part 1

Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi




-Hachiman's Room-

-Hachiman POV-

Well, this day certainly was interesting.

If I could summarize it to anyone it would be something like; I had a date with my girlfriend, we had loads of fun and even slept together in my room. But one thing led to another and now I found myself all naked surrounded by an equally nude redhead and the tired raven, who was having a hard time sitting–oh and we can't forget about the beautiful maid.

I know Issei would die of jealousy if he ever found out.

But you know what they say; 'Never judge a book by its cover' or 'This is not what it looks like.'

Not like anyone ever listens.

As expected, my teenage high school romance couldn't go on without any problems. Something always had to happen, I could never get a moment of peace for long periods of time. 'Vritra was right. My life can never be normal now'

"How do you do? I'm a maid that serves the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge. Pleased to make your acquaintance." She said curtly while giving a slight bow.

'How polite.'

"Yo… I guess. The name's Hikigaya Hachiman, not so generic anymore high school student and wielder of a partially working sacred gear. Though I may be pretty occupied with the supernatural world, I still practice to be a future house husband, cause at this point–I don't really need a job." Since she took the effort to introduce herself, I followed suit as well. "Oh, I also fulfill requests and provide adequate services to help you and your problems, so if you need assistance just call me."

That part came out automatically after doing it for so long.

Wonder if I should make some business cards?

"Yes, I have heard of your exploits–both good and bad. We appreciate your help in forging a peaceful relationship between the Fallen and the Devils. Please forgive my earlier behavior, I was in a rush and jumped to conclusions." She said while giving me a barely visible smile.

Wait, was this how it was supposed to go? I thought she would be all cold and rude to me while treating me like less than an insect. Isn't this how those Ice Queen characters play out in anime?

"What do you want, Grayfia?" Rias said, annoyed at her maid/big sister ruining her tender moment with Hachiman.

The beautiful silver-haired maid spoke silently and calmly. "Are you trying to break the agreement by doing something like this?"

She said it plainly as if she was astonished by it but didn't show any visible facial expression. Rias for her part merely twitched her eyebrow at that question.

"If I don't go this far, both Otou-sama and Onii-sama won't listen to me right?" She said challengingly.

Oi! You clumsy girl! Did you forget the whole emotional talk we just had a few seconds ago!?

"Both Sirzechs-sama and the master will become sad after they find out that you tried to give your purity to some other than your fiancée–even if it's the esteemed Black Dragon King."

Esteemed? Wow, they certainly had a high opinion of me. Definitely a step up from how everyone in the supernatural thinks of me.

So my doubts were correct all this time, it was your typical marriage disagreement.

How cliché… but it makes sense.

Hearing the maid say that, Rias became clearly angry. To not have her throw a tantrum or lash out, I grabbed her cheeks like I used to do when we were little.

"Calm down you doofus, remember our talk." I joked with her to lighten the mood, which seemed to work as she became less tense as I continued to pull her cheeks. I let her go after she simmered down, her cheeks a little red, as she glared at me with a mock pout. But her smile returned to her face with a slight blush. 'It's easy to forget that despite all of that mature conduct she displayed to the public was just a mask. In reality, she's just a confused and stressed teenage girl, who is frantically trying to solve her problems by herself.'

"My purity is mine only. I know what I did was not fair to everyone involved, but what's wrong with giving it to someone whom I acknowledged? And you know that Riser sleeps with his peerage! Also, Hachi-kun is not just the Black Dragon King… he's my cute magician, mine!" She leaned next to me and held my head to her chest.

I'm moved and all, but can you please not call me cute? Feels weird, especially with my mug being the furthest thing from cute.

"Ara Ara~ How bold of you, Rias."

Grayfia for a second, I thought I saw her smile, but I thought it was because of the lack of air as I was buried in a boob-hell. When looking back, Grayfia was picking up the discarded bra and panties of Rias.

"No matter the reason, you are the next heiress of the House of Gremory, so please don't show your skin to a man so recklessly. Even more so if you are in the middle of this situation."

She then put the bra on Rias's body.

The woman looked at me. She then bows her head down.

"Again, I am terribly sorry for her childish behavior. Sirzechs-sama has taken an appointment with Azazel-sama for a private meeting with you, he'll do everything in his power to personally offer you his apology." Grayfia said, while forcing Rias to bow as well.

"I think you are taking this too far, Lucifuge-san. Her brother doesn't need to do any of that. Rias just needed someone to talk to, and of course, Akeno and I were happy to help."

"Then you are a good person, Hikigaya-san."

"No, that's just called being a basic human being."

"You are as Rias-sama described to be, someone who has a hard time accepting compliments." Is it just me or is this woman a bit too talkative to me? Even both Akeno and Rias were giving her weird looks, so it must be uncommon. "But I must digress, Rias-sama should change her behavior if she wishes to be seen positively by the nobles."

"Isn't changing yourself the same as running away? Why can't you just accept who she is?" I argued back, Rias was perfectly normal the way she is, the girl didn't need to force herself to change.

"Then she will have to face the scrutiny of the Underworld population."

"Of course, she will, people no matter which species can and will be jerks as well as self-centered jerks. But that does not make them right, if you want something genuine–then don't force upon your society a fake image." I don't know why we were having this back and forth but the way she talked about Rias's duties as an heiress just rubbed me the wrong way. It made it seem that she was just a tool and was not treated as an individual.

Grayfia looked deeply into my eyes, her frost aura felt like it crept deeply into my soul. I hadn't noticed before, but I now realized just how powerful this person might be. She gave off the same feeling like those two Gods and Azazel.

"You are an interesting person, Hikigaya-san. It relieves me that Rias-sama has such a capable ally on her side." She said before preparing another teleportation. "With the appearance of the [Boosted Gear], she could have easily taken Hyoudou Issei as her ally. Yet she saved her pieces for someone special–Rias-sama has matured far beyond what she used to be.

I couldn't help but laugh at her thoughts, "Hehehe, she didn't mature, Rias is just a bit more clear-headed than before. Aside from that, she is the same girl from when I first met her."

I ruffled Rias hair, who was pouting at me cutely, before smacking my hand away.

"Grayfia, did you come here of your own accord? Or because the household sent you… or is it Onii-sama?" Rias chimed in, her blush very apparent from my actions. Though the heiress tried acting serious–I could see right through her like Akeno's lingerie.

…Oof, I need a cold shower.

Grayfia, not betraying a single emotion, just said. "All of them." She prepared another red teleportation circle. Rias soon joined her side all clothed up, looking prim and proper–so was… Akeno?

"Weren't you just dead tired right now?" I couldn't help but ask, as she showed no sign of tiredness.

The sly minx just gave me a smirk, "You need to work harder when it comes to a Fallen like me, Hachi-kun~"

Was this woman serious!? Part of me wanted to take her again for her cheeky attitude, but the mood was ruined.

"Pft!" Rias had the audacity to laugh while Grayfia just shook her head, looking like she was tired of our antics.

"We need to leave, Lady Gremory and Lady Himejima are waiting for us."

"Mom as well?" Akeno was a bit startled by that fact. I knew that Shuri-san preferred to keep a distance from the devil's politics. But for her to join in? Now that's worrying. "Let's go, Rias."

"See, you Hachi-kun. I'll explain more tomorrow. I'm sorry again, I wasn't thinking straight about tonight… can we just pretend this never happened and go back to how we were?" Rias said, with hope in her voice.

I felt a little bad for crushing them.

"Not in your dreams, I'm gonna dangle this over your head for years to come." Like hell, I would ever let this opportunity slip away from me.

"Oh, come on! I was even going to tell you everything!"

I kinda got everything figured out, to be honest, you weren't really subtle ya know.

"It has been a pleasure to meet you Hikigaya-san." They all got ready to teleport away, as Grayfia gave me another bow, this one much deeper.

Huh, did something change from our talk?

"Yeah, you too Lucifuge-san." The Teleportation lit up and slowly engulfed them. Before they had completely vanished, Grayfia left a few more words for me.

"And please, call me Grayfia."


Well if that ain't a perfect opportunity for a misunderstanding, then I don't know what is. In the end, I just waved them goodbye–before going to sleep. I was dead tired today, both physically and mentally.

'Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.'


Next morning. Asia and I were walking towards school together.

She did ask where Akeno was since she was used to her presence as well. I could only give her a vague answer.

"Are you feeling alright, Hachiman-san? Your eyes look more tired than usual." Asia said worriedly.

"Yeah, yesterday was kinda a mess. But I'm fine, I just had a lot on my mind."

I rubbed my eyes since I wasn't able to get a good night's sleep. I woke up many times due to my stress and worry. Another reason, which I hated to admit, was simply that I kinda got used to Akeno's presence by my side.


The familiar voice of another terrible temptress pervert I knew came from behind us.

"Kya!!" The nun was stunned when she felt someone hug her from behind and have a pair of hands roam across her body.

"How is my little angel doing? I missed you so much! You should spend more time with me in the club!" Of course, it was none other than Aika.

The woman had taken a huge liking to Asia and kinda became her second friend of sorts.

"Aaa Uuu, please stop it Aika-san!" Poor Asia was struggling from the intimate contact. I would have thought that living with Kala of all people would have desensitized her a bit.

"Yo, Aika," I greeted her.

"Oh, Buchou! When are you going to make Asia-chan an official member of the club? Do you know how much I'm struggling with the influx of requests!?"

"Hey, I also help you manage them as well."

"Only a few but most of the time you're either gone or lazing around!"

I can't help it, since the requests I take care of are from the supernatural world. I can never allow Aika to come even close in contact with any of my clients no matter how harmless they may be. The supernatural world is a slippery slope, the more you meddle with it, the harder it is to be free from it.

Killing and murder are already common enough in their world, I worried for her well-being even if I never show it.

"I-I think tha-that is a good idea, Hachiman-san. Aika-san is a hardworking person and I don't mind helping her as well." Asia said a bit flustered being hugged by Aika.

Though Asia's involvement with the supernatural was inevitable with her sacred gear. I never fooled myself into thinking that I could forever shelter her from the outside, but I can at least let her enjoy a normal life as much as possible.

"Oooohhh!!! Such an angel you are Asia-chan~ It makes me want to gobble you up!"

"Aika-san! Please calm down, there are students nearby!"

Well, they did get along well and I trusted Aika to keep her safe from creeps.

"Alright, calm down now pervert-chan, don't force me to bring out the spray bottle again…"


"... I'll allow Asia to officially become the third member of the Service Club."

Aika burst into a loud fit of cheers while the nun looked absolutely ecstatic like an excited puppy.

"I won't let Hachiman-san down!" She said while cutely flaring her nose and pumping her fists.


"Buchou's engagement problem? Though I don't know much about it, apparently it had been set when she was very young by the two families."

"How did you find out?" I asked Kiba, after catching up at the end of the school.

"Okita-sensei can be a blabbermouth when he's drunk."

'Never meet your heroes' as they say.

"Does Rias know?"

"Not really, I didn't want her to feel bad and have her forced to confess. She'll say it when she feels comfortable. Even Koneko-chan agreed with me on this issue."

Kiba said that to me while we were walking towards the Occult Research Club.

"Does it have anything to do with the low birth rate among devils?" It was common knowledge that for a devil having a child was a monumentally difficult task. With the rising number of new devils and the stagnant number of nobles, the picture became quite clear.

"Hachiman-san is quite smart, but yes, that's most likely it," Kiba said while looking a bit sad with the situation. "Wish there was something I could do to help her out."

"Stop moping around Yuuto, it's not your fault. Whatever happens, I know Rias will deal with it accordingly. In the most likely scenario of this ending up with a rating game, I will need you to give your all for her." Even without knowing the full details, I could deduce that a rating game was a very possible event to happen soon. The devils were notorious for dealing with their problems through strength in most cases rather than diplomacy.

Ironic since humans believe their silver tongues to be their greatest strength.

"If you wish to make a difference in the devil's world, then train your sacred gear to its absolute limit. I know you train with Okita Souji, but don't rely on his training alone. You gotta diversify yourself, keep your enemies guessing on your next move. Use your past tragedy as fuel to improve yourself."

The smile on his face quickly slipped away. "The past… we still couldn't find Valper, despite traveling all around the world. I can't find peace without killing him."

Kiba, for all his calm exterior, is just like me. Trying to contain the rage and anger in his being from leaking out to his everyday life. Though our situation differed, it was based on a foundation of regret and self-hatred.

I blamed myself and he blamed the Excaliburs.

"Do you really hate swords or do you just hate them because it's easy to hate them?"

He ground his teeth in barely suppressed rage and clenched his fists. "Though you have told me so countless times, I still can't accept their existence. Unless they don't end up in the hands of someone worthy, those weapons will always bring misery to others!"

I gave him a side look, "Will the destruction give you peace of mind, or will change the blame onto something else? Yuuto, you trusted me with the details of your past and you must realize how your hatred of swords is not something your fallen friends would have ever wanted. Because at the end of the day, they're just tools that grant power to whoever can wield them, and they do what the wielder ask of them."


We strayed a bit far in our conversation so I went back to the present matter at hand. If I could use words to mitigate the scenario then that's a plus in my book.

"Why don't we return to our initial topic? I take it you don't know the fiance's name?"

It took a moment, but Kiba shook his head, "Unfortunately I do not. Buchou never brings up this issue with us, only a couple of mentions of the person's nature here and there but aside from that–nothing."

Should I prepare myself for a young master type of guy?

With my luck–most likely.

When we arrived at the front of the door, Kiba and I noticed something.

"Looks like Grayfia is here," I said as I recognized the cold aura. "Guess we'll meet this fiancé soon enough."

Kiba puts on a serious face by narrowing his eyes.

I open the door without any concerns.

'It's showtime!'


Inside the room were Rias, Akeno, Koneko-chan, and of course, Grayfia-san. Acting all calm, just like last time.

Rias has a very serious face. Akeno was smiling like usual, but she had a cold vibe. 'Someone's gonna get electrocuted today…'

Koneko-chan was sitting on the sofa, quietly munching on some sweets. "Good morning, Senpai, want some?" She offered me some sweets with her smile looking a bit strained.

I took a seat beside her, taking the sweet off of her hand. "Relax, everything will be okay."

"I don't need to worry since Senpai is here." She said, sounding less worried than before, while she scooted closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder feeling her relax.

That's quite the confidence you have in me, little neko.

The room had an atmosphere where no one was talking.

"Good day, Hikigaya-san, your presence though not required is very welcomed," Grayfia said politely. "Though I'm afraid you came at a bad time…"

"Let me guess, the fiance is coming?"

"Ho-how did you…" Rias was a bit stunned at my words. She wasn't ready for me to have figured everything out. "I didn't… "

"It wasn't that hard to figure it out, your situation isn't exactly rare. In fact, it's quite common for nobles, and I just happened to connect the dots." I gestured towards Koneko-chan and Kiba with a smirk on my face. "You're so bad with secrets that basically everyone here had it already figured out."

"As expected of Rias-sama."

"You guys!" She sighed, massaging her temples feeling the wind knocked out of her sails. "And here I was trying to figure out how to tell you what was happ-"

It happens exactly when Rias was in the middle of her talk. The magic circle on the floor glowed. The color was different from the Gremory's iconic red. Even the sigil was that of a phoenix.

"A member of the Phenex clan?"

The heat in the room went up a few degrees.

Flames came out from the magic circle, further increasing the heat. It felt like we were suddenly transported in the middle of a freaking desert!

The silhouette of a man was visible from inside the flames. When he swung his arm across to the side, the flames disappeared and some of the heat as well.

"Fuu, it's been a while since I came to the human world." He said with arrogance filling his tone.

I knew it!

Generic annoying young master!

He was a handsome young man in his early 20's with short blond hair and dark blue eyes.

His outfit consisted of a burgundy blazer with gold embroidery on the right with matching pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his open blazer is a white dress shirt that is not fully buttoned, giving a slight view of his chest.

If that ain't another major flag for an arrogant cliché douchebag, then I don't know what is.

The guy looked around the room and then smirked after finding the irritated Rias.

"My lovely Rias. I came to see you!" He said as he began approaching her, her annoyance grew with each step. "Now then, Rias. Let's go and take a look at the ceremony hall. The date of the ceremony is decided so we need to check it before the—"


"Hey buddy, it's quite rude to act so intimately with a girl who doesn't like you." I didn't just sit idle and let such a disgusting vermin get his hands on a clearly annoyed Rias.

"W-what… a human? Let go of me you lowly trash, who do you think you are!?" He demanded condescendingly, his holier than thou attitude building my annoyance.

"This is Hikigaya Hachiman-sama, this era's current Black Dragon King," Grayfia said, not giving me an opportunity to reply.

"Humph, a human insect in the end. Oh Rias, you shouldn't allow a nobody human weakling to barge into our affairs. Throw him out or something, his mere presence just dirties the room."

Well, this guy certainly had a PhD at pushing someone's buttons, and I'm ready to just end him already.

"He is not a nobody! He's my precious magician!" Rias rebutted in anger, I could feel her demonic energy rise with her anger. "Don't you dare insult him in my presence, or else consequences be damned and I'll murder you right here and now…" She growled the last part in a deadly whisper, her eyes glowing with rage.

Damn, a murderous Rias was indeed scary, I could the goosebumps all over my skin.


"Oh my, harsh like always. Hahaha!!!" Riser didn't even seem phased or he was just plain ignorant of her threat in front of him.

"Hachiman-sama, this is Riser Phoenix-sama. He's a pure-blood High-class Devil and the third son of the House of Phoenix." Though it seemed like she was introducing him, I felt like she was trying to tell me something else…

So a high-class devil whose clan is famously known for their 'immortality'. I heard of Ruval Phenex, even watched some of his matches–I can see these guys are related appearance-wise.

"The tea made by Rias's Queen is superb."

I think that's the only thing I agreed with Riser so far.

"Thank you very much."

Akeno was also giving a fake smile, her distaste of this man very visible to me and everyone else but him. I wondered if she poisoned his tea…

He sat alone on the sofa, opposite to me with Grayfia standing in the middle. Funnily enough, the rest were squished along my side. The sofa was barely enough for all of us, aside from Kiba who, just like Grayfia, remained standing like a proper Knight.

"I would have preferred you to join my side, Rias. Sharing some tea with my soon-to-be wife is to be expected."

"Riser! I told you before! I will not marry you!"

"Yeah, I heard that countless times before. But Rias, that won't do, you know? I think the situation of your household is quite serious."

"That's none of your concern! If I'm the next heiress for the House of Gremory, then I will choose who will become my husband! My father, brother, and everyone in the clan is rushing it! Also, it was a promise that I will be free until I graduate from university of the human world!"

"That's right. You will basically be free. You can go to college and you can do whatever you like with your servants. But your Otou-sama and Sirzechs-sama are worried. They are afraid that your household will become extinct. We lost a great number of pure-blood Devils in the last war. Even if the war has ended, our rivalry with the Fallen Angels and God hasn't ended yet. It's not rare for the successors of the pure-blood Devil to get killed in the worthless battle against them, which leads to the household becoming extinct. So for a pure-blood Devil that also happens to be a High-class Devil, getting together would be the obvious solution for the forces of Devils. A pure-blood High-class Devil. Even though you know that these children will be important from now on, right?"

I shared a glance with Kiba and sadly smiled and nodded at me, our previous conversation basically confirming the situation.

Even with them arguing, I did not lash out or shout. I needed to first analyze the situation and not make a rash decision.

"The newly produced devils–the ones like your servants, the reincarnated devils, are expanding in terms of strength but that would make us, the high-class devils with old history backgrounds, lose our place. There are old nobles who get close to the reincarnated Devils because they are very powerful. Well, that might be alright. The newly produced devils are also important for our future. But we can't allow the pure-blood Devils to go extinct right? You and I were chosen in order to prevent the pure-bloods from going extinct. My house is safe because I have my older brothers and even a younger sister. But there are only two siblings in your house. And your brother is someone who left the house, letting go of the Gremory name. Then there would only be you, Rias, who can inherit the House of Gremory. If you don't take a husband, the House of Gremory will go extinct in your generation. Are you trying to crush the household that has been continuing for a very long time? Because of the past war, there is not even half the number of Devils who were referred to as '72 pillars'. This marriage has the future of the Devils, your clan, on the line." He gave a long explanation, as he continued to stare at Rias with a serious look.

I would be lying if I said I did not understand a few of the points.

If history taught me something, it is that the nobility feared nothing more than losing their status, they feared equality. The prestige and wealth their ancestors have garnered for centuries to be gone in an instant was their worst nightmare.

But I disagreed with the rest of his argument completely. As much as it pained me to admit it, the hierarchy in the Underworld will never lose out in power.

The common trait in humans is that we changed as a society and individual in the span of a few years, while devils who could practically live indefinitely would remain the same for centuries.

Even if the number of reincarnated devils outgrew the nobility by a wide margin, as long as the Maou's existed–the system would never change.

The Underworld needed this system to survive, they were at constant war with Gods from other pantheons and other outside threats. They couldn't risk a change in the system and have the entire devil world collapse due to being caught off guard.

They knew this, every single reincarnated devil did as well.

One would need to be Ophis or Great Red level strong to incur any kind of change.

"I'm not going to crush my house. And I am willing to take a husband."

"Oh, I knew you were a smart girl, Rias! Then let's not waste time and–"

"But I won't marry you, Riser. I will marry the one I acknowledge. Even the Devils from the old noble house have the right to choose."

Buchou talks over Raiser and says it clearly.

Hearing that, Raiser suddenly became deadly quiet. His eyes narrowed on her.


"You know, Rias. I'm also a devil who carries the name of House of Phoenix behind me. I can't let that name get tarnished. I didn't even want to come to a small old building like this in the human world. Rather, I don't like the human world that much. The fire and wind of this world are filthy. For a devil like me, who rules fire and wind, I can't stand it!"


Flames burst around Riser. Threatening to burn everything around him.

"I will take you back to the underworld, even if I have to burn all of your servants."




Yeah, screw diplomacy.

"[Delete Field]... "


The familiar transparent black dome expanded all across the room until it grew to engulf the entire building itself. Riser was caught by surprise and had his flame grow so weak that they got snuffed by the wind. He fell onto his knees while looking stunned at my display of power.

"You know, I woke up this morning very tired, more tired than usual–which put me in a bad mood. It doesn't help that your mere presence just makes the temperature in this room unbearable and irritating…"

I further pinned him down the floor with a bunch of tentacles bursting from the ground wrapping themselves around his limbs.

"You'll pay for this human!" He summoned more of his flames to burn away my tentacles–was a phoenix's fire hotter than a dragon's breath? Probably, but his certainly wasn't.

"That's enough."


"-!" This time another person stepped in, an aura of pure frost and power fell on my shoulders. The flames of Riser were gone, the entire room became covered in a thin layer of ice and my tentacles were frozen–breaking apart effortlessly.

I looked to my side and saw Grayfia still standing in her place, her face still as stoic as ever. She didn't even look like she was exerting any effort on suppressing both Riser and me.

'Another monster…'

Tch, still got a long way to go, it seems.

"Hikigaya-sama, Riser-sama, please calm down. If both of you were to continue, then I won't be quiet about it. For Sirzechs-sama's honor, I won't hold back."

That was holding back!?

"As expected from the woman known as the 'Strongest Queen', even a wisp of your power is enough to subdue us. I definitely wouldn't want to fight the people from Sirzech-sama's peerage." Riser said with a shaky voice while trying to act cool.

Oh, would you look at that, a second opinion I agreed with him... Ew.

Also, I was getting tired of this, "Grayfia-san, let's just cut this chatter and just go on with the main topic at hand–when is the rating game?"

"What? A rating game?" Rias asked, confused at my statement.

"Come on, Rias. At this point, what other better way would your brother have aside using a rating game to ultimately put this matter to rest." I told her, just wanting to get this over with already.

"Hikigaya-sama is correct. Master Sirzechs-sama, and those from the House of Phoenix knew it would turn out like this. To tell you the truth, this was to be the last marriage meeting. Everyone knew that it wouldn't be solved peacefully, so they decided to make a rating game as a last resort."

If this was the Rias from the past, a rating game would have doomed her to lose from the beginning. Back then she was barely trained nor did she have a particularly strong peerage member. Heck, even now she didn't have a full set–but it didn't matter.

I believed Akeno alone would be strong enough to handle this prick.

"Alright, I was hoping for this as well."

"Hee, so you're accepting it. I don't mind. But I'm already a mature devil and I have already participated in the official game. Right now I have won most of the games. Even so, you still want to play, Rias?"

Riser replied back with even more provocative words.

"I will erase you," Rias said back fearlessly.

"Fine. If you win, do whatever you like. But if I win, you will marry me immediately."

Both of them glared at each other.

"Understood. I, Grayfia Lucifuge, have confirmed both sides' opinions. I will be in charge of the game between the two households. Is that okay?"


"Yeah." Riser said nonchalantly, "You know this is pointless right? The only one who could even remotely give me a challenge is your Queen."

"That was the old me, you're so out of touch with me that you don't even know of my progress." I could feel the sheer anger and disdain behind her tone. "I alone am enough to destroy you."

"Hahahaha, don't be silly now Rias, I am an elite fighter, my flames burn hotter than any being in the Underworld and I have the blood of the proud phoenix coursing through my veins." Saying that Riser snapped his fingers, and another magic circle on the floor glowed.

The magic circle had the same emblem of Phoenix that Riser appeared from.

I raised an eyebrow at the number of girls that emerged from the circle.

"Well, these are my cute servants." Riser stated, presenting 15 people that seemed to be his servants gathered around him. Each looking like a model, possessing an attribute that I would link with a fetish. You had your lolis, the dominatrix, schoolgirl uniform, tight leather outfits, a dancer, twins, Chinese qipao, cat girls and of course the busty Onee-sama.

"Quite the diverse collection you have there." I couldn't help but comment, earning multiple glares from his peerage.

"A human like you wouldn't understand the beauty my girls possess, let me show you how passionate they can be." With that said, he honest to god started making out with one of them! The tongue kissing, the breast fondling–no wonder Rias hates this guy. Bastard has no shame flirting with another woman in front of his supposed fiance.

"Was that supposed to make me jealous? Funny, here I was thinking you have so many girls to hide some of your… shortcomings. In the end, you're nothing but a rooster trying to show off his feathers despite soon ending up as a yakitori in a shitty restaurant."

I did not regret my words.

"You insolent human!!" He screamed at me in rage, "Mira!"

"Yes, Riser-sama!"

A small girl similar to Koneko rushed at me with a wooden staff. Her speed and explosive strength reminded me of Bawler all those years ago.

"Are you dumb?" I didn't even bother using my [Delete Field] and just shot a [Magic Arrow] at the girl. She couldn't block it and got blown away, her stick snapped in half. "I literally had you on your knees, what good would an ever weaker opponent do?"

"You'll pay for this!" One of the girls shouted at me, one with bandages on her head.

"Try me bitch." I provoked them further before sending hundreds of my tentacles to tangle around each and every one of them.




"Wha-what is this!?"

"Ew gross! It's slimy!"


"Ahh~ not there…"

Shit, summoning so many of them made it difficult to control each strand. It was maybe this world's perverted nature but these tentacles always had a mind of their own and wandered in the most lewdest of places.

"Release them at once!" Riser tried to interfere but I threatened him by bringing back my [Delete Field]. "Argh!"

And here they are again, a proud 'phoenix' kneeling in front of a human.

"I would have preferred we do this diplomatically, but honestly… I'm done with you. I've dealt with some annoying people before, but you honestly take the cake. Stay there and watch as I make fun of your peerage right before your eyes. You are unable to help them, so powerless in front of them… I wonder how they'll react. You. Are. Weak." Mental attacks were always the best. This jerk wouldn't understand a punch to face even if it were done by God himself. So I targeted his more prominent point–his inflated ego and pride.

"Riser-sama help! These things are too gross!"

"Nyah~ help!"

"Wait~ I'm not ready, ooh~!"


Wait, even his sister joined his harem!?

You know what? I'll just turn a blind eye at that.

They all began calling for help, some even tried to break free with magic but I just overran their system with my own magic. Especially the Queen, who was doing her best to bite back her moans. She was planning to release a large burst of energy similar to an explosion, but she had a hard time focusing as some of my tentacles moved under her clothes. I made sure to not go overboard and actually hurt any of them.

"Do you enjoy the sight, Yakitori? Where is your previous boisterous pompous attitude? That arrogant air where you saw me as someone completely beneath you. Yet here I stand, looking down on you as I show your girls a better time."

"I'LL KILL YOU! I SWEAR I'LL BURN YOU TO ASHES, RELEASE THE REST AND RAVEL!!" He was getting worked up, the white of his eyes becoming all red from rage.

"You're welcome to try, though you'll have to go through Rias first, and trust me buddy–I don't believe you'll succeed." I taunted him further, doing my very best to inflict as much mental damage as I could. "I wonder what your girls taste like…, especially your sister and Queen, bet I can get her addicted to being with a dragon."

Please don't kill me Akeno, I'm just putting up an act!


"I believe that's enough, Hikigaya-sama." Grayfia took her time to intervene, I was grateful for that, I was reaching my limit. "As per agreed the rating game will take place here in exactly 10 days, enough time for both parties to finish their preparation."

She waved her hand creating a teleportation circle beneath Riser and his peerage before planning to forcefully send them away.

"It has been a fun meeting Riser, be sure to come to me soon enough, I promise I'll handle your girls with care."

On queue, several girls moaned from my tentacles, pissing him off even further.

"HUMAAAA-" He couldn't finish his words as Grayfia finished sending him away.





I fell on my butt, breathing heavily and looking pale as snow. The feeling of nausea building up inside of me.

"I feel dirty," I said to no one in particular, feeling extremely uneasy and disgusted with my previous behavior and action. Fortunately, I was successful enough to guide his anger at me. During the rating game, he'll be too preoccupied with my presence to pay much attention to the game and come up with a plan.

'An angry bull is easier to predict.'

This will significantly boost Rias's chances of winning.

"Heugh, I'm gonna need a shower... and some coffee" Sometimes, I really did hate how good I can be at acting as the worst person alive.

"Hachi-kun… " I felt Rias hug me from behind, followed by Akeno holding my hands in a comforting manner. "Thanks… for everything."

"Hey, I saw how you hated dealing with the guy, so I just changed his focus from you to me. It wasn't something major."

"Still… you didn't need to bring yourself more trouble."

Yeah, well... What's done is done.

"Rias, take these 10 days to further train your powers, I'll be gone on a mission for a while."

"I will…"

Alright, now it was time to meet up with Azazel and get my ticket to my next destination.



Get 4 chapters in advance at my p@treon at /NimtheWriter. Access to contents a month in advance even for my other Broly fic.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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