"Counter Measures Failed. Captain, we have an emergency, there's an intruder on board. Error, Fault in Memory Bank B2. Resolving... opening the last log, stardate June 2, 2182." 'Thank god!' I thought, but at the same time, hearing its last words made me curious, so I decided to wait and hear the fate of the crew.
June 2, 2182
"Captain, we have an Intruders on board!" The Captain had an angry snarl on his face as he slammed his fist down onto his chair.
"I know dammit! It's all my fault." He looked out the windows of his starship to see the wreckage of his foe's and longtime friends and the remains of the colony ship his wife and three-year-old daughter had been aboard. If only he could have done something, anything, Instead he was helpless as they took his wife and family.
"Captain, I'm getting calls from multiple decks asking for orders."
"Tell them to prepare for plan B, and tell all of those that want to live to run to the escape pods."
"Roger, Captain"
"Amy, how's the progress on our little present?"
-Five minutes later
"Captain, the escape pods are out of range."
"Good, open a channel to the RUP Flagship." The screen hanging down from the ceiling flickered and displayed the image of a man in his thirties sitting down in a chair with a smug look on his face.
"Ah... look who it is, Captain Yale, have you come to beg? if you get on your knees and do it, I might even consider it." the man chuckled to himself a little then stopped and looked at me, waiting for a response.
My face twisted into a snarl, "Where is my family? You evil bastard."
The man's face turned into a look of mock fear "Oh, so scary... whatever shall I do?" a chorus of laughter echoed from the background. The man put back on a devilish grin, " Don't worry they are already in route to my private collection; you know the place."
A look of agony crossed my face and then I turned to him with a smug look of my own, "What would happen if you died before they got there."
The man face had a look of real fear for a moment then switched back to one of a cocky child, "They would be released into the RUP population, but they would not be set free, they would live in the slum until they could buy there way out. But that will never happen, do you seriously think you can kill me?"
I smiled, "Yes, yes I do." The man looked at me with an amused, curious look, then 180 into one of pure fear.
"EVERYONE RETREAT! He's going to activate a Nova Blast!" All the enemy ships that had surrounded him fiercely tried to turn their ships and run away, but they were too late.
"Thank you, Amy."
"Your welcome, Captain Yale."
"Hey Amy, can you do one more thing for me?"
"Of course Captain."
"If you survive this, please, don't let my sacrifice be forgotten."
I lifted the pictures of my family on my desk, engraving their smiling faces on my heart. Then said the last words I shall ever speak.
"Do it."
"Affirmative, Charging... 10%... 43%... 76%... 100%... Firing."
With that the power core let out a massive wave which vaporized every human being in the radius of the entire solar system, killing every person on board. With no one left to control the ships, they all drifted into the gravity of the main planet and slammed onto the unforgiving soil.
End Log...
"That so sad." The story of the captain and his ship explained why there was no power when he got on board, but it doesn't explain why they were here.
"Indeed, Captain Yale was a great man. But boy, I need your help. Can you call your parents or call the UHF and report my location, my antenna seems to be damaged."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because to my knowledge, there's no one else on this planet and I don't have a spaceship."
"That is the impossible boy, then how did you get here then?"
"I don't know; I just woke up here." I lied, It's not like I can announce that I was reborn here.
"Hmm... Well, if that is true, then we are doomed. Unless you possess the capacity to fix me, which I highly doubt."
I smiled at that comment, "What if I told you I could?"
I laughed at Amy for a moment, "Hey Amy, where can I find some tools? I'm going to need them if we're to get you flying again, also Amy." I said while rubbing my tummy, "Where do you keep your grub?"
'Oh... great Creator, why?' She mentally thought. I'm a starship, not a babysitter.
"Hello?? Amy..."
"In the locker to the left of the Power Core."
"Thanks, Amy."
"Your welcome, boy..."
Tell me how I did in the comments, and make sure to vote if you liked the chapter. Happy Reading!