The following days and weeks were spent vehemently doing preparations for the ceremony. Well, for the most part, Xue Jinxu had been informally assigned to manage and to take the lead with the arrangements to suit her liking.
While the husband was still busy being the OIC in Xue Shipping, the lady got to work with the preparations. Not to mention, she reopened her shop, Kodomo-toki, which added to her hectic schedule.
Every single day meant business as usual for the two.
Xue Jinxu spent more time with Jiang Biyu, the mother-in-law than Chen Linyun who could only make so much time for his own mother. Mother Chen was fine with that, because who wouldn't be satisfied with Xue Jinxu as a daughter-in-law?
The two families discussed and had chosen an auspicious date for the wedding ceremony in October –a little less than four months away from the current date. It was still in June.
Let me know your thoughts, guys!
I'm so full of love for this novel.
I can release so many chapters because I have free time in my hands right now.
I will do my best to make it the norm. Fingers crossed.
Can't thank you enough, guys.
Love y'all.