Although it is his normal way to speak, Xiao MingRou's warning is clearly a threat to everyone, especially for the two couples but no one dared to speak.
Without hearing any response from the young ones, Xiao MingRou added. "Butler Ho will send you to that place. "He stood up and started to walk towards the door.
Before Xiao MingRou can make another step, he paused when YuYan suddenly spoke but he did not bother to turn around and look at his daughter.
"Please wait.. Da... I.. I just… Do you know where's big brother Yun?" YuYan courageously asked but she doesn't know why she felt hesitant to call her father 'daddy' like she used to.
'I don't know why. I wanted to call him daddy.. But deep in my heart I feel like… Everything has changed.. I wish I can clearly remember my memories.' YuYan said in her mind.
Looking at her father's back, there was a deep pain on YuYan's heart. She wanted to rush over and embrace her father, but her feet seemed rooted in the ground.
Hi everyone,
I'm back!
Finally out of the hospital. I've been gone for so long, I'm so sorry. I will try to catch up with the chapters.