"Why?.. Why can't you just stay with me?.. I want you to be with me... Just with me..." Xiao FengYun uttered in an agonizing voice. His arms tightened around her; afraid for her to disappear.
Tears suddenly fall from YuYan's eyes, soaking her big brother's shirt with it. She finally hug him back and said. "Big brother.. I'll be married soon.." Her voice is faint and shaking.
"Do you love him?" Xiao FengYun softly asked but YuYan did not respond. He did not dare to loosen his embrace. "If you don't.. No matter what I need to do, I will never allow it to happen..." He added.
YuYan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. She can feel her big brother's possessiveness, but she can't blame him, he wanted to protect her. "Big brother, I'm fine.. I'm no longer a baby.." She reminded.
YuYan understands how her brother feels completely. How can she not? Despite that some of her memories are still messed up, she saw from Mo Rica's memories what he has done in order for her to live.
5 winners for 1 gift card worth 50ss each. Eligible participants, here are your numbers.
1 @aceknight
2 @BennetDarcy
3 @denthoughts
4 @Lovelydovely
5 @zahri
6 @rylle08
7 @colorfulclouds
8 @ckulet
9 @Sabinaa
10 @YorkYi
11 @DevinaLockwood
12 @toothfairy1001
13 @Annushree
14 @Derica
15 @naechimmy
16 @JustJiAen
17 @Ennaeihj
18 @Jayjayjayau
19 @Himezuri
20 @timangsky25