32.93% Out of Space / Chapter 221: I Got Bigger Guns

บท 221: I Got Bigger Guns

"One to all Flying Fish," The flight leader hit his comms as he watched the remainder of his flight forming up next to his wing. "Fish with guns to go in first and provide close-in support while Fish with anti-shipping ordnance to commence bombing of that wiggly thingy next, over."

"Roger!" The rest of Flying Fish flight replied and the planes formed up into a 3 - 3 - 2 formation. The first three Sea Cobras were armed with twin .50 caliber guns and a dual 20 mm gun pod dipped their nose and the planes appeared to burst into flames as the guns fired while the other three Sea Cobras with their anti shipping bombs pulled up higher to gain altitude.

Streaks of yellow red tracers licked out towards the sea monster that was dazed by the shelling provided by UNS Floatin Wreck. The heavy rounds hit the thick hide of the Krarga and the rounds barely even managed to scratch its slimy surface.

"SHIT!" The pilots of the first wave of Sea Cobras yelled as they saw their own tracers bouncing off the sea monster and some even appeared to bounce back to them!

The three Sea Cobras spun away as they dodge their own ricocheting rounds and cursed as they found no damage were done to the creature.

The second wave of Sea Cobras dived down at an angle of 50 degrees from the skies with air screaming through their wings. Releasing their load of two 50 kg cast iron bombs, they quickly pulled up one after the other and large water spurts erupted around the squirming sea monster as the delayed fused bombs detonated, the shock waves further shocking the creature.

The Island Whales bayed in fear and swam further away, trying to escape the sudden loud explosions. The Whales raised their serpentine heads out from the waters and watched the death struggle of the Krarga while the strange buzzing creatures roared loudly at it.

As Flying Fish flight regroup after their strafing and bombing run, another volley fired by the Floatin Wreck hammered the sea monster and suddenly the Krarga vomit out a dark cloud of blue substance and its movement slowly ceased as it floated on the waves.

"Flying Fish one to Matador," The flight leader radio as they circled around the sea monster. "I think the monster is dead! Over!"

"Matador rogers," Came back the reply, "RTB for resupply over."

With that, the planes of Flying Fish returned back to base while the flight of Cobra launched from Far Harbor took over observation duties over the sea monster.


UNS Singapore, Conference Room

The trio from the Islands glued their eyes to the wondrous imagery coming from a large rectangular flat surface. They had watched some dramas and shows with a similar artifact in their hotel rooms but these current images that were being shown were 'live'.

They were invited by Captain Blake over to this strange yet fascinating castle that appeared to be made out of some kind of metal. It only further confused them as to they would these hoomans go and waste so much good iron just to make something like this, was it because they were so rich in metal that they can afford to splurge on some so weird castle?

Could the ores they traded for used to build this strange castle? Is it some kind of monument to the gods? The Islanders couldn't understand what was going in the minds of these strange hoomans.

They were given several pictures that were drawn so lifelike and with colors so vibrant that it could only be made by some kind of high leveled magic. They recognized the monsters shown in the picture and told what they knew of these creatures to Blake and his staff.

Not long later, they were shown these amazing moving images that Captain Blake said were happening, 'Live' as in right now. The trio was stunned by the implications of such a magic artifact as it meant that something that was happening across vast distances could still be viewed as it was happening with this artifact!

Akron immediately asked, "How much is this artifact? Give me an offer!"

Captain Blake laughed as he heard what Akron asked, "This, unfortunately, is not sellable."

"Why? I can give you any price you ask for!" Akron quickly said. "I can trade with you our largest warship! A Man of War!"

Dijon and Megan gasped as they heard what Akron was willing to offer for that artifact. A Man of War was the Isles pride and joy. There were only 15 such war vessels in the Isles's fleet, with each Fleet Master owing two to three only.

It was the symbol of strength for the Isles, which even the pathetic few ocean going warships of the Empire can barely match the might of a single Man of War! Akron had only two Man of War in his fleet, with one surviving as his Flagship while the other is captained by his son.

A Man of War could carry up to 300 fighting men and carries eleven heavy ballistas on each broadside. Its armor can withstand multiple hits from ballista bolts and brought fear to its enemies when it appears. The cost of building one Man of War, can easily fund the construction of several smaller frigates!

Yet Captain Blake wasn't impressed by the offer. He shook his head and said, "I am very sorry, but this tech is not for sale."

"Tet?" Akron frowned. "Give me an offer, I will do my best to match it!"

Blake smiled, "No, I think you do not understand what I meant, this can't be sold and seriously, I do not really need any warships." He gestured the screen which shown the death of the Krarga as if mocking the Man of War of the Isles.

"Akron, enough," Megan spoke up seeing that Akron wanted to push harder. "Look at their weapons, they can easily kill the Krarga with just two ships and their flying machines. What makes you think they need a Man of War?"

"I- I... yes, you are right," Akron backed down after hearing Megan's word. "I am sorry, Captain Blake, I have overstepped my boundaries."

"It's okay," Blake waved away his apologies. "I can understand how exciting it is and the possibilities it can offer."

Akron nodded solemnly, knowing that with such an artifact, they can get information directly firsthand without any time lag by using wyvern or courier dragons!

"Is what is shown here true?" Dijon asked suspiciously. He has taken part in a battle with a Krarga many years back but had failed to defeat it and yet a third of the convoy was destroyed.

Blake nodded and said, "Yes, the Navy is now attempting to bring back the carcass of the sea monster back.

"Can we see it?" Megan's eyes glowed in excitement. "I didn't see a Krarga before."

"Sure, I will make the arrangements once the fleet has returned to the dock with the creature."


FAC - 04 'Mozzy' was momentarily airborne as it hit a wave and Seaman Lero felt gravity disappearing as he braced himself inside the open air dual .50 cal gun turret on the flying bridge of the speeding boat. He gave out a cry of excitement as the boat appeared to fly through the wave tops.

Along the sides of Mozzy was FAC - 05 'Lassy' as it plowed through the waves, kicking huge sprays of water at high speed. Lero peered over the gun shield of his weapon and saw a huge purplish grey island coming up ahead.

A flight of Cobras buzzed around above them while in the far distance several islands with flippers and heads appeared to be swimming closer to them.

"Heavens!" Lero gasped in amazement as the PT boat came next to the floating carcass of the sea monster. The boat pilot reduced speed and the PT boat made a circuit around the sea monster. The water was filled with a dark blue stain which Lero assumed to be the blood of the monster.

The huge glossy lifeless eyes of the monster stared dead ahead and Lero counted a total of four eyes, two on each side of its 'face'. The mouth tentacles stretched out far and bobbed up and down with the waves and there was barely any wounds seen on the body of the creature.

"Is it dead?" Lero heard one of the crews below yelled as they all looked at the monster floating there. Lero shuddered at the thought that if it wasn't, they will be the ones dead!

Still, he aimed his armed .50 cal at the creature as the boat slowly powered next to the creature. As they came next to the creature, the stench was overwhelming, smelling like a mixture of rotting garbage and spoiled milk.

Coughing madly and pulling his sea strained uniform to cover his nose, Lero's eyes teared as the stench irritated his eyes. Mozzy's commander, Petty Officer Jorn quickly ordered the pilot to back the boat away and not get too close.

Both the PT boats moved away from the carcass and stay roughly two hundred meters away from the mound of flesh and upwind from it.

"Fark! That is disgusting!" Lero spat over the side before taking out a canteen of water to rinse his face and mouth. "No wonder no fishes are coming to eat that thing with a smell that bad!"

As he capped his canteen, he noticed the Island Whales coming closer and closer. "Hey, Boss! Those weird island fish is coming closer! What do we do?"

Petty Officer Jorn heard his yell, clambered up to the flying bridge and looked out from his pair of binoculars. "I heard they are quite docile and friendly. Maybe they just coming over to say thanks?"

"Erm, will they flip us over when they come too close?" Lero swallowed his fear as he saw the moving islands coming almost right on top of them. He could even see wyverns roosting in the trees on the backs of those creatures and thick vegetation growing on their backs.

The one which was grappled by the Krarga had its back look like it suffered a hurricane, as the foliage on its back was torn and trees were broken here and there. Lero wondered how these creatures came to grow an island with trees and plants on their parts at some point.

The Island Whales paused several meters away from the two boats and both sides stared at each other in curiosity. The heads of the Island Whales looked serpentine, with thick folds of skin and intelligent beady eyes. Their mouths were beaked shape like a Pico Pico bird and they have turtle like flippers.

"So what do we do?" Lero asked again as he nervously held on the butterfly gripes of his dual .50 cal.

"Fark, as if I know!" Jorn whispered back. "Gonna make a damn call!" With that Jorn climbed back into the wheelhouse leaving Lero alone in the turret mount.

Time passed and the Island Whales just watched them while the injured Whale once in a while gave a bay of pain.

The unique hull shape of the UNS Matador and UNS Floatin Wreck soon appeared over the horizon. The Island Whales gave out a cry as they saw the ships but did not do anything else except watch.

Commander Ford stood at the launch deck and frowned as the wind changed and the stench of the monster drifted over. He mentally estimated the length of the sea monster to be at least twice that of the Matador and he peered over the side of the ship into the dark waters below and wondered what other horrors are there underneath his feet.

He turned to the assembled crew on the deck and yelled, "Alright boys, we got a shit job to do!"

"That is to stow that sinking bag of shit monster back to Far Harbor!"

Neobear Neobear

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บท 222: The Great Krarga

Far Harbor

People lined the wharves and docks as they watched with fantasied horror at the huge dark purplish lump of flesh that gave off an overpowering stench being towed in by the seaplane tender, UNS Matador.

Despite the gagging smell, the elves who lived in the interior of the continent have never laid any eyes on any sea monsters before only hearing them in the tales passed down by their ancestors who crossed the Great Ocean coming to the New World.

Even the Islanders were impressed by the sheer size of the monster as they nimbly climbed up their ships' masts to gain a better view.

As the Matador passed by Far Harbor, it blew its fog horn in acknowledgment to the excitement and awe crowded who cheered wildly. They suddenly saw several moving islands that appeared to move following behind the UNS Float Wreck. They looked at each other in and wondered what are those, while the Isles sailors were dumbstruck by the scene.

The Matador released its towing chains and the PT boats took over the duty of towing it towards land at a location, two kilometers away from Far Harbor to prevent the stench from reaching the port.

The PT boats dragged the carcass as close to shore as possible and the tide washed the sea monster up to the beach where a large group of people donned in bright yellow bio hazardous gear waited.


Dr. Sharon stared at the sea monster in excitement, momentarily ignoring the voice in her as she ran left and right of the carcass, taking samples and measurements. Even Magister Thorn wearing the cumbersome biohazard gear moved with vigor as he oohed and ahhed together with Dr. Sharon.

At a further distance, with their faces covered with cloth masks and rebreathers, Captain Blake stood with the trio of islanders and several other officers as they watched the ongoings happening at the beach.

Tents and isolation chambers, spotlights and measuring tapes were all set up here and there as the science team and techs swarmed over the sea monster.

"What are they doing?" Dijon, his voice muffled as asked while looking at the strange yellow suited people moving around the monster's carcass.

"They are taking samples and other readings to find out more about the creature," Blake thought awhile before he replied in as simple terms as he could. "They are dissecting the monster."

"Sam- pearl?" Megan frowned at the unfamiliar word. "Die- secting?"

"Erm," Blake snapped his fingers as he thought of the appropriate reply. "Cutting it up to see what it is and see if anything can be used from it."

"Oh like a Monster Dismantler?" Megan asked.

"Yea, I guess so?" Blake could only give a helpless shrug. "They are also studying it to find it weakness and other stuff."

"I see," Dijon nodded in understanding. "Understand the enemy to defeat the enemy!"

Blake nodded and returned to watching the scene before them. He had speed read the preliminary report sent by Commander Ford as they have flown over here.

The pilots reported that their .50 cal and 20 mm guns barely able to penetrate the rubbery hide of the monster and the 50 kg bombs and the 3" HE shells killed it in the end.

If that was true, they would need to develop AP shells for the 3" guns and also some form of depth charges or even torpedoes to kill these monsters if there are more of them out there! Blake frowned as he thought of the unknown lurking out there and they definitely need to equip all the ships with sonar!

"Do these monsters appear frequently?" Blake asked. "How do your ships deal with them?"

Dijon stared at the hooman, thinking whether should he tell him anything. He chest still smolders with the thought that the Princess's heart is his.

Megan watched Dijon's expression and rolled her eyes before lightly slapping the back of her hand against his shoulder. Dijon gave a sigh before saying, "They normally stay at the deeper parts of the oceans. That is one reason why no ships ever made it back to the Old World."

"The younger ones tend to drift into shipping lanes once in a while," Dijon explained. "We will hang bells underwater and hammer it. They do not seem to like the sounds made by ringing bells underwater and will go away."

"But how do you spot them?" Blake asked curiously.

"We don't..." Dijon stared directly at Blake.

"We only know when suddenly a ship gets eaten..."


Dr. Sharon hovered excitedly over a tech who was using a hi powered drill to pierce the hide of the monster. After several minutes, the drill finally sort of managed to punch through the rubbery hide and yellowish fat flowed out.

She quickly scooped the pale yellow fluid and collected it into a jar before running off to the onsite mobile lab that was set up for analysis. The sea monster looked similar to a Terran giant squid with an arrowhead but with 2 pairs of eyes and a pair of pincer claws.

"How fascinating!" Dr. Sharon cried she first saw the creature. It has been quite a while since she had a new species to play with. And today there were two new species for her to look at and play with!

"I will find out all your secrets," She whispered to herself as she sat down on the lab table. "Than I will look at those cute little Island whales! Hehehe!"


UNS Matador, Bridge

Ford gave a sigh of relief and removed his cloth mask. The stench of the monster was just really bad and he wondered if the smell will linger on, on his ship. He better have the Chief Mate to open up all hatches to air the whole ship later.

He turned his gaze towards the Island Whales that had followed them back and wondered what they wanted from them. If those things lingered around here, they gonna cause some shipping hazards as they can move around the area.

Now that they reached Far Habour, they just have to wait for a tug to pull them into the port and the crew can get some time off after they secured the ships. Ford sighed as he thought of all the paperwork and reports he got piled up for him when he returned to his office on land.

"Damn, I rather fight sea monsters than do paperwork!"


A couple of hours later, Blake boarded the Matador with much fanfare from the crew with the Islanders in tow. They looked around the ship with curiosity as they stood on the launch deck and wondered why did they build the top decks flat and how does this ship with two hulls move with any sails.

Ford smiled at the expressions of the Islanders and Dijon recognized Ford as he waited with a party of senior officers at the entrance to the island bridge. "Welcome onboard the Matador."

"What is this flat deck for?" Dijon could no longer hold back his curiosity.

"This?" Ford tapped the deck with his feet and grinned. "Its for flight operations."

"We can land dragons and other flying machines here," Ford explained to the surprised Islanders.

"Dragons?" Dijon gave a jerk as he looked around the launch deck again. "This is... ingenious!"

"Why haven't we taught of it before!?" Akron cried out. "The Isles have no heavyweight or medium weight species of dragons."

"But we have plenty of lightweight dragons that served as scouts and messengers," Akron explained. "Normally if we use them on board the ships, they land or fly off from the masts of the ships, but there is a chance to damage the masts, riggings, or sails."

"This idea of having the decks of the ships flat for dragons to land and take off..." Akron eyes glowed as the concept of a dragon carrier came into his mind.

Megan stood at the side and watched the exchange among the hoomans and her colleagues and frowned inwardly. These hoomans have so many innovative ways to do things and they kept insisting none of these ideas were powered by magic.

Where did these hoomans come from? And where did they all learned these 'tek-no-logee' from? Will they turn on us and invade us? Megan felt more and more uncomfortable the longer she was with the hoomans as she couldn't understand them.

"Megan!" Dijon yelled out. "This ship is amazing!"

Megan schooled her face and smiled, not giving off any indication of how disturbed she is with the smiling hoomans. She shuddered slightly as she looked at the two tall hoomans looking at them with consolation looks like they were children in their eyes.

Dijon and Akron continued to discuss about the endless possibilities that this concept could bring to the Isles. Megan feigned interest and kept a wary eye on the hoomans who lead them to a tour of the ship, in a way, showing off their power.

Frankly, she was shocked by the power of the hoomans and the Princess alliance. Two ships and a few strange flying machines killed a sea monster that would normally take over 20 great warships to defeat and they did not even suffer a single casualty.

Not to mention the prosperity of the city they have seen that no other cities or kingdoms could replicate! There were no beggars seen nor even any poor folk. The poorest folk could even afford clothes with such high quality that no other kingdom could give them own people.

Megan suspected that this Blake wanted them to see how they defeated the Krarga and even hosted them to view their warship was to both give them a warning and assurance at the same time.

The message was simple. Become our enemy, and we will destroy you easily just as we had with the Krarga. But ally with us and you can be guaranteed good returns from how prosperous you have seen with your own eyes.

Megan was very sure this was not all of their powers, they must have some hidden card somewhere and with this thought, Megan felt afraid. One wrong diplomatic move, and we will have a Great Krarga at our throats!

She better make sure that Dijon doesn't do anything to anger the Captain or they will have a diplomatic crisis in their hands!


Site of Krarga Research and Recovery

Magister Thorn hummed as he watched the efficient workers break down the Krarga piece by piece and labeled properly in the cold night. Lucky, it was winter and it helped to keep the carcass from rotting faster, if not, Thorn couldn't wonder how much worst the smell would be!

Workers struggled with power tools to cut the monster up with several science department techs overseeing the whole operation under the glare of the bright white lamps.

Power tractors hoisted the crated portions of the sea monsters and loaded them into trucks to be sent off to the refrigeration units to be further analysis by the Science Department later on.

He wondered who will win, Blue Thunder or this monster if the two of them ever fight. He had never seen such a huge monster in his life and the size and weight of the Krarga clearly outclassed the heavy weight dragons by a wide margin! He would place his bet on the Krarga by the looks of those hundred meters long tentacles that had nasty looking barbed suckers.

He doesn't even know what spells could hurt this creature and by the preliminary reports he heard from Dr. Sharon, the hoomans thunder weapons were barely able to pierce through its hide! Well good thing was that he doesn't really like the water!

Once his portion of samples arrives at the Academy, he will use a variety of spells to test on to see which spell and element are the most effective against it.

"Hahaha!" Thorn suddenly laughed while rubbing his hands. "My, even after getting this old, this old man still gets the chance to see new wonders! My life hasn't been in vain! Hahaha!"

Neobear Neobear

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