When they saw how speechless Sima You Yue was, everyone was beside themselves with laughter.
"You Yue, it's fine. Even if you do nothing but eat all day, heartbreak valley can still provide for you." Fatty Qu laughed as he slapped his thigh.
A few black lines streaked the side of Sima You Yue's head. These laughing guys were really skiing for it. Every single person was laughing, but Bei Gong was a little better. She didn't laugh at her.
However, when she cast her gaze to Bei Gong, Bei Gong stepped backwards, hurriedly waving her arms saying, "If you eat like this, there's no way I can help to cook for you. You should look for someone else."
She really took her seriously!
Sima You Yue pushed the plates away before climbing onto the table with a roar. She pouted, "You guys are the worst. We just got reunited but you're all laughing at me. Have you no conscience?"