The man-eating flower king had lived long. It understood Sima You Yue's meaning, but it was unwilling.
"If you want me to admit you as my master, that is not possible!"
Sima You Yue wasn't in a hurry. She controlled the flame, burning slowly. She faintly inquired, "Freedom and life, which one is more important?"
Freedom and life, which one is more important? The man-eating flower king asked himself. Could he let go of his freedom for life; could he really do that?
"No! I won't let go of my freedom and conviction to become someone's contract beast!" the man-eating flower king cried out, wondering whether he was talking to her or to itself.
"I believe you are an extraordinary man-eating flower king with integrity."Sima You Yue reasoned, "But it's no loss for me to not be able to obtain you, so I will respect your decision."
"The flame burned faster, very soon, almost half of the flowers on the hillside will be all burnt up.