The warden gave up on that idea when he realized who was watching him.
Apart from the people of the two schools, there were also the prisoners.
He had treated these people rather badly, and they would never help him with his lie.
Feng Wu couldn't have picked a better spot.
He almost felt that she had chosen this place on purpose.
Seeing the look in Lord Dai's eyes, the warden said, "Miss Dongfang attacked first."
Lord Dai's face darkened.
Feng Wu said unhurriedly, "Why did Miss Dongfang want to kill me?"
The warden said, "Because you were instigating a jailbreak!"
Feng Wu smiled at him. "Was I?"
She explained the definition to the others.
"What is a jailbreak?
"It refers to breaking prisoners out of jail through violent means."
Feng Wu asked Lord Dai, "Did I do that?"
The warden gritted his teeth. "You stole my keys."