However, Mrs Yan had allowed Lady Tang to carry that baby until now, which indicated that Mrs Yan wanted it.
After all, Yan Yan was her only child, and the Yan family needed a son.
At that thought, Mrs Yan darted a harsh look at Yan Yan, who was shivering in a corner!
How could she have such a stupid daughter?
Why didn't Yan Yan realize why she had let Lady Tang carry the baby to full term? She would decide what to do with the concubine after the baby was born!
Lady Tang could live if she gave birth to a girl. If she had a son, Mrs Yan would get rid of the mother and keep the boy for herself. However, Yan Yan had just ruined everything!
Both Yan Yan and Feng Liu were petrified.
For everyone had seen that it was the two of them who had knocked over the old lady and Lady Tang… If anything happened…
Yan Yan was too frightened to look her father in the face.