100% Danmachi: Goddess System / Chapter 16: Hostess Of Fertility

บท 16: Hostess Of Fertility

Marcus left the scene as he began to explore again as he received a notification of a new of his new title 'Red Blood Prince'. Marcus sighed as he should have worn something different, but just shook his head as he continued to explore as he found what he was looking for the Witch shop that Lenoa owned. He took off his glasses as he went in since he thought she may know what they are.

He went in as he saw the old witch staring at him. "Oh, a new customer How may I help you?"

Marcus went and bought a list of materials like magic crystals and other items to create magic items and others as he left quite quickly before she starts t patronize him like he had seen her do before to Riveria.

Marcus was mostly done exploring as he finished his gaining majority of the materials he needed. he has spent close to 1 billion valis on the items and materials he bought so he could upgrade the houses to his liking and for security. He put back on his glasses as began exploring again as his stomach rumbled telling that he was hungry.

He looked at the sky to tell the time seeing the sun position he knew it was noon and decided to go to the Hostess of Fertility as his stomach was rumbling. He looked over Orario from a high view to look for the Hostess he saw it in the northern direction. He began to walk there as he heard rumors about himself.

----Inside the Hostess-----------

Inside the Hostess Of Fertility, there was a joyous atmosphere as many adventures were yelling hugging and chugging down beer as they were laughing merrily and spreading gossip.

A light gray-headed and eyed women were severing dishes as the adventurers were talking about the recent rumors.

"Hey Hey you heard about the recent events?"

"Wait you mean about the Prince."

"The Prince! He is so like *blushes*."

"What rumors are you talking about?" The severing girl asks as many other people quieted down to listen since most been in the dungeon all day and have not heard the rumors yet.

"Syr-san, you haven't heard the rumors yet?" The man asks as Syr as she shakes her head no.

"Well, then I will tell you then. Earlier today there was a handsome man dressed in red and..." The man explained as everyone listened they heard him say about the money storage magic, space magic and how he teleported to the man and cut them down and told them that the man said that he did not teleport but moved at a fast speed that majority of the people can not see.

"You say he teleported, but he said he just moved at an extremely fast speed, which is it...Nyaa?"One of the other serving girls ask. The girl wore the same green maid outfit with a white apron on top except she was a cat girl and had brown hair and eyes.

"Well that is what is confusing to us it seems that he teleported, but he said that he did not but just moved at an extremely fast speed that most cannot keep up with. If what he said is true then only the Loki familia Bete may be able to actually compete with him in speed, but I am not sure if even Bete can keep up with his speed."

Many people started to laugh at the man saying that what he said was false, but Mia had a stern look on her face as she heard the rumor thinking it could be an enemy from one of the neighboring countries that try to take over them.

The restaurant was talking about the rumors as they began to change it how they believe how it truly was as first they do not believe someone was that good looking and had that type of hair as they have both never seen or heard of someone with that hair before.

An elven waitress with green hair and blue eyes was silent as she heard the door open she bowed and said welcome when she looked up she saw the 'Prince' from the rumors in front of her staring straight at her with a surprised face. Ryuu stared at him for a second a little shock by his charm but shook it off as she guided him to the bar since the tables were full.

As Marcus was walking behind Ryuu who was leading him to the bar, one person noticed him. He had a shock expression as his friend who was drunk ask him what was wrong as he followed his gazed and saw Marcus.

He stated it the red blood prince except it was quite gibberish when he said, but many people knew what he meant as they all turned their eyes and saw Marcus. Marcus sighed 'why is it like this now?'

Marcus was sighing as he was kept walking forward without looking almost bumping into the elven maid. He jumped back before touching her as she already had a knife in her hands. "Dear customer, you pay attention to were you are walking as you may accidentally touch or hit someone."

Marcus apologized as he knew she did not like being touch. She sighed and pointed at the bar stool. Marcus also began to go through the menu while also thinking about Ryuu and her familia and Revis. He was thinking about how Revis was a hybrid like Wer and Olvilus Act (in Sword Orario).

Both were once humans as seen as Olvilus Act was responsible for the 24th floor event and Wer from the data he knew from him he knew he was apart of Hades Familia sent into the dungeon to sabotage Zeus familia but failed and 'died' in the dungeon by Hades who expected him to fail, but sent him any way as a decoy for the real trapped killing both Wer and one of Zeus Familia and 2 of Hera Familia in the ambush.

That may not sound a lot but you had to remember that Zeus Familia people were all level 5 and Hera's familia should be the same or around. Marcus remembered the only person apart of the Astraea Familia mentioned was Alise Lovell and she had red and green eyes like Revis except Revis' hair is more blood red.

Alise face was never shown, but Revis could be the reborn her as a creature, after all, a person that has seen the dark side of humanity tend to fall pretty hard sometimes, as Revis is emotionless which is the complete opposite of what Alise said to be or her memories were erased when she changed forms. He thought about it while he told Ryuu what he wanted.

He decided to hold off on the question until later as it would be annoying for now since he hopefully won't meet her anytime soon. He would wait to raise Ryuu favorability up a bit before asking her personal questions. He looked at Ryuu who had a subtle aura around her that only Marcus can see causing him to be happy.

Marcus had discovered many feet of what he did in other worlds had crossed to this world along with some of the other worlds he had conquered and those he never been to before causing many legends and other things to become mixed up in it.

An example is how he as the inquisitor, the grey warden whose soul fused with an old god became a god, and an elven god was known to this world and his exploits as to why he became an elven god in that world. It also detailed him as the pioneer of magic, sorcery, enchantment, and other exploits he did.

After staying in this world for over a year. He learned that many people believed in god's that did not exist as the Pallums did, but they only faced some of their gods not being real not all thus not falling into depravity as the Pallum race.

When he can see an aura around someone it means that someone is a person who believes or once believe in him as one of his otherworldly forms. As he was gifted the title Vertheil by elves as the tenth elven god of Evanuris. The elves humans and some other races will either call him Vertheil, Inquisitor, or Grey Warden God.

(Evanuris is not worshiped as gods, but more immortal elves with power that can fight against gods themselves with their divinity at least more people/worshippers see them like that.)

The name meant something along the lines of 'The one who comes in many forms', but many elves, especially after the god's descent from the Heaven, do not worship Evanuris anymore. For the ones that do they do not or will not worship both him and Solas aka Fen'Harel (Dread Wolf) as one is a traitor to his kind and the other is someone who takes more forms than one following them would go against many elves especially for Marcus because there have been many'legends' around that form which caused many elves to dislike him.

Marcus had realized that his bloodline awakens faster than the others along with his Warden is because of those believers who worship him. The aura changes on which form of him is worship as green colored aura means they worship his Inquisitor form and grey for his Grey Warden form. Ryuu who was walking back with a plate in her hands had a chaotic aura with many beliefs of many of his different forms, but the green stood out the most with occupying over 30-35% of the aura which he saw while the gray aura was around 10% causing Marcus smile in delight as he has some followers here.

Ryuu came back with a plate filled with meat on Marcus smelled it and looked at it. He had ordered one of the more expensive dishes, it was meat that was caked in spices. Marcus like spicy food and sweet food the most, but he was in the mood for something spicy so he ordered this meat.

Marcus became petrified as he saw the meat was in a pool of blood lava that was literally boiling he looked to see Ryuu staring at him as she turned her head he followed her direction and saw the owner Mama Mia who was looking at him with a grin on her face.

"I made this especially for you this is called "The Hot Hot Mama". Try it and tell me how you like it."

Marcus looked at her grinning as he thought 'The name is alright, but it sounds like it is named after you even though you are nowhere near h..*Whstle sound* Marcus thoughts were stopped as a sensed danger and used flash step dodging the Kitchen knife thrown at him by Mia as she ha an angry smile on her, while her eyes displayed shock.

Mama Mia told him to stop thinking unnecessary things as she went back and had a pensive look as she saw his movements. He was fast very fast that even she would have a hard time keeping up with him. She felt that she needs to report to Freya about this as she was in thinking process she heard Ryuu asking Marcus a question.

After Marcus dodged the attack by Mia everyone looked at him in wonder as they saw the famous teleportation, but the serving girls who were all at least level 4 knew he was moving at an extreme speed not teleporting.

Ryuu saw Mia Grande, the tall dwarf owner, pensive look she decided to try help her out a little to see if she can get any information since she owes her. As Marcus was sitting down preparing to eat Ryuu looked at him causing him to be confused.

Ryuu was struggling thinking about how to ask and what exactly to ask. Marcus saw this and thought she wanted to ask him a question but did not know how to ask. "If you want to ask a question then ask as long as it is not something to deep of a secret I won't mind sharing with you."

Ryuu looked at him in surprise, but shook it off and decided to ask the most important thing first. "What is your level?"

"Hmm my level, oh it is level 3."

Everyone choked when they heard that. Telling someone your level is not bad as they could found about it in the guild, but to find out he is only level 3 was surprising, but the next comment he made caused many to fall off there seat.

"Oh, by the way, I guess I should tell you, but I am 13 so don't get my age confused."

Everyone was left including Ryuu as surprised was written all over her face unlike before where only her eyes displayed shock. Marcus smiled as Arnya butted in and ask "Are you really 13, Nyaa?"

Marcus nodded as she asked another series of questions by like which familia was he apart of, which he replied that he is from a familia in Orario, but he rather keeps it a secret for now since something troublesome could happen.

She kept asking questions which some he would tell her some truths, some he gave vivid answers, and the rest he said no comment. Ryuu stopped the cat girl from asking any more questions as she thanked Marcus and left to attend to the other customers.

Marcus heard a notification saying Ryuu favorability has increased by 10 while the Hostess increased by 5. Marcus ignored it as he looked at the dish in front of him that was giving off steam that was fogging up his glasses. He decided to take them off as his charm had intensified after taking them off since the glasses help kept it in check and made him look cool instead.

Many looked over at him as they felt his aura and looks seem to have intensified causing many females to blush just taking a peek at him for those of lower ranks as the more experienced ones blush a little as Mia and the other hostess looked at his lasses and felt that they were magic equipment to keep his aura in check. Mia even though he was interesting as he was almost similar to Freya and made a mental note to tell Freya about him.

Marcus cut the meat and took a bite out of the blood red meat. The first thing he tasted was the mild spices as they were delicious and complimented the meat making it taste very delicious, but the next second the sweet pleasant flavor of the meat was meet with a scorching taste of like 10,000 ghost peppers going off in his mouth.

Marcus face turn red as he to sweat finally he started to breathing smoke as an imagery fire came out of his mouth was once fully opened everyone could feel the heat. Marcus' mouth was on fire, but gradually the heat in his mouth subsided he felt that his taste buds may have been burnt off.

Ryuu came over with a couples glasses full of water, ale, and some other drinks as Marcus chugged them down. She had a little concern look on her face as Mia laughed at his expression and could not help, but ask.

"How do you like my Hot Hot mama special? Don't worry if you managed to finish it then it is in the house!"

"Hot very hot, but delicious," Marcus said plainly as everyone including Mia was surprised by his response. In fact, it was actually true first Marcus loved to eat hot things like especially his demon bloodline it seems like they especially loved hot things to its max.

Marcus then looks at his plate as he took a deep breath and grabbed the entire tray as Mia saw what he was going to do tried to stop him as he ate the entire meal in one bite. Marcus faced into a deep scarlet red as he looked like a grill as smoke was coming out his face and eyes were spinning over the intense heat.

Everyone panic as they saw him like this as Ryuu went and grabbed the biggest cup they had and poured ale into it as she was handing it to him he saw the jug and grabbed accidentally touching Ryuu fingers, but he did not notice himself as he went and chugged the entire jug down as his face turn back to normal color and he let out a sigh as a wisp of smoke escape.

He looked at Mia with a smug expression as she threw one of her jugs at him hitting him in the face as his head went backward. She scolded him for his stupidity saying that he could have died, but Marcus just said something like spicy food could not kill him or at least she didn't reach that level yet to kill him with spicy food causing Mia to clinch her fist as hit him on the head.

Marcus' head hit the wooden bar was a dent to appear as Mia told him to pay for costing him almost as much as the meal he ate. He ended up leaving the restaurant as the meal had filled him up. As he was walking by Ryuu he saw her looking at her hand as she was reminiscing and remembering a scene from her past causing her to be dazed.

Marcus then remembered he touched her fingers by accident and apologized as she snapped out of her daze and shook her head saying that it was alright as Marcus then walked out of the pub as Ryuu stared at his back as he walked out until he was gone from site she then turned back and went back to work.

SageGodVerhar SageGodVerhar

I only did this as a small interaction. Ryuu hates when people try to touch her as it is in her blood. Bell did it without realizing it and she protected him.

She won't do the same she felt merely curious as to why she did not get mad or repulsed as she felt 'kindship' and 'warmth' from it thanks to his Elven bloodline.

I also changed some things and details like this I decided to take place around 1-2 years before Bell comes.

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ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ เขียนรีวิว


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C16
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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