Arthur, once a successful and rich businessman, was given a second chance in another world. He was tortured for months by men his wife hired and, now... he was offered a new beginning but it wasn't what he wished for.
He was met with the unexpected when he found himself to be a minuscule entity known as a Parasite.
PS: MC is a hypocrite.
PS2: This story contains profanity and gore so read at your risk.
เขียนรีวิวHi, Crow here... so I wanted to thank you for reading my story and if you like it (or not), feel free to post a review criticizing whatever needs to be criticized or post your honest opinion about the characters, plot (if it exists) and so on. Again, thanks for reading!
The level of hypocrisy is way too high in this novel.... "The only way he would lose all rationality and start a massacre is if someone dared to hurt Lucy, at that time, none would can wish to escape from his grasp as he will mercilessly kill them all" The academy tried to kill not only him BUT ALSO HIS WIFE, LUCY! WHERE IS THE ANGER? Where is the towering killing intent?Not only is he not fucking angry after almost being killed and his wife almost killed but his personality improved?? Mary said "sorry" and he just let her fucking go? What? Someone was a part of the group that had the intention of killing him and Lucy but she is let off because she said sorry.... the stupidity is next level for real. Not only that but Mary even had the audacity to make requests when her life wasn't taken... (not to kill the headmistress). He also went and apologised to the royal family of humanity, but they were the ones to provoke him, not once nor twice but several times but in exchange for that he not only didn't kill a single person but also apologised and gave out weapons and tips to the royal family.... is this even life? Someone spits in your face and you give them an amazing gaming computer???
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์This had some potential but it feels like you wrote yourself into a corner at the very beginning with the MC being given an incredibly powerful ability. Which leads to you having the MC overlook obvious ways of getting stronger simply so something in the immediate future remains a threat. It also doesn't help that you make the MC incredibly inconsistent in terms of goals and personality. For example, in the beginning the MC is new to the world, possesses a skeleton and enters the nearest town with the goal of remaining low profile and learning about this new world and its dangers, as in who and what to be wary of. He finds a book store, buys all the relevant literature and decides its no long an immediate concern to read them and goes for a stroll... in a body, he already noted attracted attention due to the chilling feel it gave to those nearby. He happens upon an auction, the items of which are mostly sold to a man who is clearly rich and powerful in status as he not only bids high but no one dares bid higher and chance offending him. That is until the last 'item' a slave. Now, it should be mentioned that before the MC even entered this town he came across a bandit camp with slaves, as can be imagined horrible things were done to the slaves and he killed all the bandits as well as mercy killed one of the slaves who endured too much. As for rest despite his anger (which he shouldn't be feeling as X sealed it) he doesn't help them, he just leaves. Back to the auction, the 'item' is revealed as a beautiful demon-girl slave, he doesn't know her story, he has no reason to care for her in any way but for reasons, she gains his attention and he decides to buy her... to gather information... he then keeps doubling the bid of the rich and powerful royal until he wins for a total of 2 million gold. I feel like I should repeat that his goal before all this was to lay low and learn about the world and he keeps flip-flopping like this throughout the novel. In the end he feels less like a character and more like a plot device, he's whatever you want him to be at any given moment so you can drive the story in your desired direction, regardless of his personal history or personality. I can also get into story pacing but I think I'll stop here or this is going to get ridiculously long.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Not worth reading. The MC is the most inconsistent, and quite literally retarded MC that I have seen in a long time. Nothing he says or does fits in with his backstory or supposed mindset, and even then it wildly changes every few paragraphs . It's also incredibly frustrating how retarded he is. He gets the ability to possess any living or dead being and fully, permanently, gain their stats and skills. So what does he do with that? Nothing. Instead of bouncing between anything he possibly can to gain the maximum possible benefit of his ability he does nothing with it at all.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์The story has many to the reader forced moments. If the author has an idea he does it as easy as possible, even breaking established character behaviour. His power ups are correlating to the plot the MC has 40000+ Intelligence, but it doesn't improve his IQ even a bit. The auction house scene was so forced just to progress the plot,that I wished I could have strangled the MC and that he just takes the first random beautiful girl with a similar background as him as his girlfriend was cringe worthy. I'm actually hoping each chapter that she just dies off, which obviously will never happen. The main reason is they both act as 13 year old ***** teenagers even with their tortured past and she is used as a reason to make him soft. I read the story only because I have nothing left at the moment I'd personally rate this story around 2.8, but with many unjustified 5 stars in my opinion. I lowered my rating world from background 3 character design 2 and update stability 5. By the way I think 5 stars total are too much for most stories on this site and the stars are overinflated for liked stories, which is sad because stars lose their meaning this way.
He is torture by his wife and get second chance but his hatred is sealed. Why? Because x say too much hatred will make him insane, but i read he is not insane when he is asked by x. Okay. He can take stats from parasited thing, but after he get wolf body, he just eat the monster he killed npt use parasite skill so he get stat from the dead. Okay. After he got treasure and BOOK from zodiak tomb without reading anything he just go to town. Okay. You say he is bussines man but on auction, he just use 5 million gold coin as thought stone. Fu king Too many contradiction.
Most chapters are long enough comparable to 'novels posted in NU' and it is a good binge reading for a couple of days. The plot and the world building are impeccable to the point of 'there is an actual thought behind some events that may lead to some future developments and may be in the next couple of arcs'. However, there is some inconsistency in the MC's character development like his past trauma that hugely affect his trust of other people especially women, and no clear progression in which or what way his character will end up to be, either he is good or bad. So far, he stands in the neutral side of things and he just wants to be with his loved ones. One thing that I really love about this novel is the way how the author solve the OPness early on in the novel. I thought that the OPness will remain throughout the novel like convenient powerups to deal with the villains head on. Thank goodness that it isn't. There is still the worry that I felt as a reader towards the MC and co. whenever a villain much much stronger than them appears despite of the OPness reavealed early on in the novel. *There are rarely few misspells spanning across the novel but the story is still easily understandable. I am thoroughly heavily invested in this novel and I want to see it to its end. Good luck Crow in writing this until the end and in school!
Bad writind, dumb mc, the author use too much parameters that he can't follow his own story. Ridiculous, just writing numbers randomely to make space in te chapters. The idea was good but it's just too bad.
After he gave the gold coins to the old man, the librarian stared greedily at the gold coins for some seconds unable to believe his own eyes, but he quickly adjusted himself and thanked the customer, however, Arthur ignored him, he picked the books and left the building, the old man didn't stop speaking as he shouted at Arthur to come back if he needed any sort of book . 'He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have' even though the old man got a whopping 220 gold he still wanted more, human greed is really the worst thing in them. ...Author... just stop... because a business owner trying to get a high paying customer to return is definitely the dangerous and evil greed of humanity... It's not like they're just trying to get enough money that they can live well. Greed only becomes a dangerous trait when the person's demand for something will never be satisfied, and they'll go to any length to try and collect that thing anyway. So if I loved gold, and I could never get enough, and so I ran around killing anyone as long as they had gold. That would be when greed becomes a legitimately negative trait. Did the old man do something like that? No, he's just running a business. Just chill out with the 'humans are inherently evil and disgusting' ****, man. If you're going to try and talk about the greed that humans can hold in their heart, at least think about what's actually happening in the story you're writing first.
I originally was really hoping to like this story but unfortunately character development, editing, story development, and world building are completely lacking. The character goes from very ruthless (understandable thanks to his background story), and then instantly when he meets this woman who has a similar story he falls in love and his personality changes (and hers for that matter). I don't mind romance at all but this author made it forced and quite unbelievable. Even giving excuses saying "Just because they professed their love doesn't mean they're a couple" but then immediately in the next chapter they're calling each other lovers. That flirty behavior and constant groping and kissing and moaning is just completely irrelevant from the story it seemed the author was trying to write in the beginning but then it turned into a bad romance novel I'd find in my grannies book shelf. Work harder on editing as inconsistencies can pull people out of the story. Such as: This amulet curses people to lose 5% of their power, but then a couple paragraphs later its now 50%. I really really really wanted to like this but I just couldn't continue. My advice stick to the kind of story you want to write and don't make excuses or try to pander to all the fans on this website. Be honest with what kind of story this is, (which at this point I'd call a romance fantasy slice of life with an OP MC) you'll get the type of readers that love that kind of story and get less bad reviews and angry comments.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Oh, what? You wanted a unique novel with an interesting premise and an intelligent mc, this novel is the one then! A well truly developed and realistic love? Great, this is the one for you! A mc whose emotions are like that of a real human? You got it. Hahaha just kidding, I the great author of this novel is going to ḟůςκ you so hard baby! The synopsis was interesting and unique but it instantly turned into a typical isekai novel very quickly. The "intelligent" mc is the opposite of smart. The "love" is so forced, it's ѓӓҏing you. But don't let me stop you from reading this garbage, instead look at all the other reviews so you can prevent yourself from jumping into this pile of ѕȟit and wanting to kill yourself after somehow managing to read all the way to ch 50 :). p.s. author stop being a little ɓɨʈch by replying to this with the copy paste reply.
I like this story a lot. You have great skills man. I hope you become successful and entertain us with many more stories. There are few mistakes here and there. If you can avoid them you will be nothing less of a professional. All the best.
Where to start? This story is the perfect example of a good thing gone bad. The concept made sense but the execution was poor. Mc is not smart, he does not prioritize getting stronger. You know how there are MC's that try to create their own trump cards or develop their powerful skills?? This dude is nothing like that. He simply relies on his abilities as a parasite to see him through His character is inconsistent. Sometimes he is pointlessly wicked, sometimes he is pointlessly saintly. There is no criteria that links his different behaviours other than the fact that his treatment of a person usually vastly differs if they have a pvssy between their legs. I think the author was going for an anti-hero MC but failed miserably. He also lacks substance. He has no greater goal or objective outside of exploring and no greater motivation to explore. Despite his past experiences with betrayal, he falls in love within the first 20 chapters with someone he knows next to nothing about. Both factors make it very hard to care about him. There is no overarching theme holding his character together, no essence. Lith in Supreme Magus is a pessimistic psychopath who does not trust people because of past betrayals. Essence. Anthony in Chrysalis is a broken person who finds solace in an ant family and fights for its prosperity bc it gives him the warmth that a dysfunctional family and terrible childhood denied him. Essence. Even fvcking Goku from Dragon ball is a battle maniac who will stop at nothing to get stronger primarily bc nothing gets his wood harder in the morning than a brawl against a strong opponent. ESSENCE. This MC has NO essence whatsoever. Do not get me started on the side characters. Virtually all of them are fluff set pieces with no backstory or no motivation, simply there to help MC or advance the plotline. Most of the villains are the generic, cause-trouble-because-I-want-to, attack-MC-to-show-he-is-stronger types whose motivations and reasoning are unclear or not mentioned. I'm 85 chapters in and still can't tell you why villain A from 40 chapters ago did what he did. Then there's the repetition. The author tends to say the same thing in different ways in the same paragraph and then repeat that same thing in later chapters. You do not need a whole paragraph to say that a character is shy. And if she was shy 10 chapters ago, she's probably still shy this chapter. We get it. The world is developed to a small extent. Monster classes, dungeons, how skills develop, even how many moons there are in the fvcking sky, these things are not explained. We have to guess. The author also makes alot of spelling and grammatical errors, they really aren't bad enough for the novel to be unreadable and I don't think the author is a native English speaker so frankly it doesn't actually matter to me. Just thought it may be useful to know. Honestly, this whole novel reads like a first draft. The author clearly has talent and sensible ideas but his writing is very much immature. It feels like he didn't have an underlying plan for the MC's or story's development, didn't think too much about the depth of the characters either. I love novels with concepts like this one (skill and stat absorption, beast summoning, op mc, you know the works) which is why I toughed out 85 chapters but I do NOT recommend to anyone. I will drop it for now and if I ever pick it again, I'll review after I've read a bit more but so far, I haven't been satisfied much less impressed.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์The start was promising with interesting ability and mindset of the protagonist. Then this former CEO starts acting stupid like the typical twelve year old isekai MC would. He doesn't use half of his op abilities because he simply is stupid and forgets them half of the time. The romance was forced and contradicts the trust issues the MC should have had. It really got uninteresting for me when it got clear that he, who could impersonate everyone as a parasite and has unlimited possibilities how he could act because of this, just goes to a university of some sorts for some reason. My expectations got completely crushed when the MC just immediatly got a humanoid form for himself like instead of taking something to get more power he takes the almost useless human form that he could steal just as easy from someone else. The soul parasite would have been more challenging to use but had bigger payouts and the advanced void parasite would have also been good. It is just too often for me in this type of novel that the MC just takes the humanform for the sake of it and destroys the interesting setting he was in with it.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์It's not a bad idea that you came up for the story what I hate is the way your trying to build a love for the mc and Lucy I does not fit when I read it somehow it feel strange even is hit hate was sealed and the mc feels kind of stupid ? Why can't you speak after 100 ?? Your shy to communicate to even an ant ? Really. You have necromancy and you fond use it but only focus on dark magic waiting a good dead knight lvl 50+ and then running to a Academy when your basically lvl 90. Idk men it's confusing so sadly I dropped it
I like fighting scenes and how the story steadily progresse. The overpowered main character is a plus too. I also like the fact that its not a generic harem. One heroine is more than enough.
Problems of trust doesn't resolve that fast(10 chapters) especially with you'r wife who torture you i doesn"t make sense.............................
The MC was ok in the beginning with an ok background and a cool OP ability and all that. The MC finds a cave with a lot of cool stuff in it that I found interesting then he decides to go into town and read up on the history of the world he was in. He then decides to go to an auction which is okay I guess,like he probably has better stuff anyway but ok. Then he buys some demon girl for "information" and I thought it would be cool if he becomes his servant or bodyguard or something like that but no,she becomes his love interest or something which doesn't make any sense considering of his history and the girls! I guess the author wanted to make him softer so he did this or author wanted romance in the first place and didn't do it well. All in all the plot was interesting and I liked the MC in the beginning but after the romance started it messed with plot and just made MC and the girl really annoying,in short romance was forced and it wasn't enjoyable after that.
นักเขียน TheCrow
The protagonist supposedly got tortured for months by a woman and is described as someone who became cold-hearted and ruthless yet not 2 weeks(?) have passed upon his reincarnation, he starts falling for someone else who basically did nothing much but look good. Seriously? Proofread your chapters please. There are also contradicting details or rather, certain details were left out of the story and just skipped with no explanations whatsoever.