Shen Mingxi struggled for a long time, trying to decide whether or not to dial Wei Ying's number and say thank you to her.
But he couldn't bring himself to say it, because this time Wei Ying risked her life to donate her blood to save him. If he only said "thank you" over the phone, it would be too heartless.
In the end, Shen Mingxi did not dial Wei Ying's number.
Instead, he posted a message on WeChat.
- Disappointment is accumulated day by day. Leaving is the hardest decision. If only you could delete those feelings like you delete a text message. You could delete the person you like, and the moment you delete her, you think you would finally get relief. But, it would be endless sadness. I didn't give up on you, but rather I let myself go. I just pretended that the wind didn't blow. You never came, and I never loved. -
Shen Mingxi was not a literary guy, so he rarely sent out such posts.