
บท 23: Chapter 20

After eating chanko nabe, Sukune bid me goodnight as the monastery took almost all of its lights out.

"I'm excited for tommorow, I can't wait to wrestle with Sukune" Kai said to himself as he settled himself on the sparse bed.






[next day at the Buddhist monastery]

Waking up early Kai immediately got up and took his hygiene kit to clean himself up.

After asking the Monks where he can clean up, As he was directed to one of the streams Kai saw Sukune helping the monks clean as he swept the leaves into an organized pile.

"Morning Sukune San" Kai greeted as Sukune replied "You're an early riser Kai San, where are you headed?"

"gotta clean myself up, what about you? " Kai replied to Sukune as he stopped for a moment.

"After cleaning the monastery, we will start breakfast and we will begin our austerity cleansing of the earth, as well as your training" Sukune says as he finished sweeping the scattered leaves.

"Great, let me clean, real quick" Kai hurriedly gone in the direction of the stream.

After cleaning himself of every dirt he had accumulated yesterday, Kai returned and as he was called to the dinning room of the monastery.

Sukune waving a hand, on inviting me to seat as we prayed for the food and the blessing that we received.

As we finished eating, Sukune told me "Dress in your Tachiai attire, after I return we'll start the austerities"

Returning to my room to wear my trunks and taping my wrist and ankles, I headed at the courtyard where the monks told me Sukune shall perform the cleansing of the earth.

As I breathe in the fresh air in the courtyard, I heard a loud thumping, turning around I saw Sukune approaching me in his white mawashi.

"I see, I am not mistaken when I thought of you as a Rikishi" Sukune says to Kai as he approached him.

"I would not have come here, if I'm not a fighter Sukune San" Kai replied as he breathe in deeply.

"Well then, shall we see how strong you are?" says Sukune as he walk in the middle of the courtyard.

As Kai followed Sukune he replied "Not to brag, but I'm fairly powerful"

"Do not worry, nobody has ever beaten me in raw power" Sukune calmly said as he took a stance meant for battering practice.

"So your lending me your chest? Do you want my full powered Tachiai or just my raw strength?" Ask Kai as he positioned 1 and a half meters away from Sukune.

"Give me your all, I'm prepared to take it" Sukune confidently smirk at Kai who's smiling.

"Do forgive me Sukune San, I'll be giving my all" Kai replied as he took the Raging vigour stance from the Delinquent Sekiwake Style.

After 3 seconds of Staying in their stance's Sukune signaled Kai with "Come!!" Which in a split second a loud bang could be heard throughout the forest.








POV Nomi no Sukune

As I told Kai to come at me, He charge so fast, I couldn't see it.

As the impact hit me, I suddenly recognize this kind of force, it's so long already that I have forgotten it, It's similar how my first Tachiai with my predecessor 14 years ago.

Taking action Sukune started to push back and after for 6 seconds of pushing back, Sukune finally stopped Kai's charge.

Sweating and seeing how Kai shove him from his original place to 6 meters backward, Sukune commented "Your strong Kai San, what incredible Tachiai"

"I told you, I'm fairly strong" Kai panting as he spoke to Sukune.

"You don't mind Kai San?" Sukune asked.

"What do you mean?" Kai confused by what Sukune meant, when he suddenly felt Sukune trying to lift him, No he's not trying to lift him but is trying to throw him.

Sukune with great effort tried to throw Kai with a Nichonage, But he found it difficult as Kai seemed to be preventing it by using a technique unknown to Sukune.

Sukune getting impatient that he could not throw Kai easily, Using all of his strength he flip Kai, But as he managed throw Kai midway through his technique, He found himself following Kai to the ground.

Discovering that Kai had a grip on his Mawashi, Sukune tried to free himself.

Failing Sukune braced to hit the ground when he realized he ain't escaping, As Sukune heard a thump and Kai grunting in pain, for the first time since his predecessor had died Sukune met the ground again.







Damn Sukune was strong and tough, He tanked the combination of Guihun, Bökh, Gott-tötter Steinbohrer augmented full body, and Hiraishin Footwork from the Lightning God Style.

He even managed to power and break through Kai's Aiki when Sukune throw him on his back, Kai could only thought ' Sorry Oozeki Kyogei, Sukune can also defeat Aiki with raw power '

Kai in his desperate attempt to preserve his pride used the Swing technique from the Gentle King Style he bought yesterday and he's not disappointed since Sukune followed him on the ground after successfully latching on his Mawashi.

Standing up Kai could see Sukune still on the Ground, Approaching and giving him a hand to pull himself up Kai complimented Sukune with " this is the first time since the strongest creature that I've been thrown against my will, You're really strong Sukune San"

"You are strong too, to managed to push me and even throw me along side with you, are you of some renown Kai San?" Sukune complimenting Kai back as he asked him a question.

"Hmm, back home they called me the Demon King, I guess you could see I'm famous" Kai told Sukune of his epithet as he saw him pensively put his fingers on his chin.

"I see, can I ask what do you mean? when you said The strongest creature" ask Sukune as he remembered Kai telling him of some being known as the Strongest creature.

"Ah, he's Yujiro Hanma, he's the strongest person alive right now, although it's not without reason, for he had defeated the strongest army and basically went around defeating strong people, he's also annoying and a penchant for being sadistic, I'd avoid him if we're you" Kai explained Yujiro Hanma to Sukune who's nodding.

"Hmmm,for achieving such feat's, He must be the most incredible Rikishi, I won't mind facing him for a Rikishi doesn't shy away from fights" Sukune replied as he went to the center of the courtyard.

Kai followed him as Sukune told him "We will be doing the cleansing of the earth, it will also be your training, for it moulds the body and spirit to be strong enough to vanquish the evil spirits residing in the earth" He explained as he guided Kai on the proper posture.

"You might know this as Shiko from Sumo, but this is Shikoashi another meaning of Shiko we gather Ki and stamp on the ground and by doing so we drive away the evil spirits and let the souls sink letting nature flourish" Sukune followed up with an explanation of why we do this.

"I see, well then let's do it!" Kai a little bit excited.

As he copied Sukune who raised one of his legs until it's vertical and let it stay there, Kai would have to admit that it's hard, Balancing and enduring the strain of his whole body on just 1 leg was equivalent on lifting weights double your body weight on your tip toes.

For about an hour, Sukune and Kai stayed on the same position that even the butterflies and birds had perched on their foot who's in the air.

Kai who's sweating and feeling the strain of staying in such a position for a very long time is getting exhausted.

Sukune who was also sweating ask "Have you already filled your body with Ki?"

Kai replied with great difficulty "Yeah, I think so"

"On my mark, stamp with me" Sukune Say's so Kai would do the same.

"Alright, I'm waiting" Kai replied while nodding.

"Now!!" Sukune yelled as he Stamp so hard on the ground it caused a mini earthquake.

Kai having done the same, created a separate mini earthquake of his own, seeing how the earth steamed he could now see why Sukune said that it cleanses the ground.

Staying in squatting position he waited for Sukune who told Kai to let his spirit settle before doing the same to his other side.

For 10 minutes they stayed Squatting after that Sukune told Kai that it's time for the other one.

Kai heading Sukune's instructions raised his other leg and stayed again for an hour before stamping again.

Oddly enough for Kai seeing the earth steamed after the straining task of gathering Ki in his legs was satisfying.

Sukune and Kai repeated it for 2 more times before taking a break and sparred with their imagination.

Sukune taught Kai how to create an abstract opponent via imagination, Kai could only thought ' Only in this universe you could make imagination real ' as he created an all around wrestler from his imagination, due to Sukune teaching him the technique of creating abstract opponents, Kai's wrestler isn't your normal imagination, for it weight 150 KG in all directions.

As he wrestled with this wrestler, who's somehow giving Kai a run for his money, he noticed Sukune doing the same but with a Sumo wrestler who's much bigger than him.

With great difficulty and effort Kai finally defeated his own imagination while Sukune was still locked in a Tachiai with the enormous Rikishi who's made of imagination still amazed Kai that he continued to watch them until Sukune had toppled the giant.

After taking a rest Sukune and Kai went to clean themselves up before joining the monks in the Dining room.

After talking with Sukune and the other monks as they ate, Kai liked the simple atmosphere and the simple life Sukune has been living in this monastery.

As Sukune bid him Goodnight, Kai with a full stomach and a happy expression went to his room and slept.







[ Time skip for 9 months]

Living with Sukune at the Buddhist monastery had restrained my sadistic and almost murderous personality while fighting.

But the changes that happened to me are a lot significant that it seems.

The first is with my body, I'd grown from 195cm up to 203cm while I was here and my body structure became a lot more compact and dense that i almost rivaled Sukune on his body width, although 85 percent of it was pure and hard muscles unlike when I came here having 90 percent muscle, My weight also changed from 140kg to 160kg.

For some reason this place had a magical capabilities of making people big, As for the reason why I came here, I have managed to perfect my grappling capabilities by merging [Guihun],[The King of Stranglers Style],[The Hawk of Ordos Style],[Floating cloud Style],[The Monster style],[The Lightning God Style],[Fist eye Style],[Delinquent Sekiwake Style] and the [The Gentle King Style].

Together Kai had merged them into a Style he dubbed [Demon art: Bane of Heracles]

It isn't the only thing that Kai did as he also regularly sent letters to his parents, Alexandra, and his friends while sending someone to find Kaku Kaioh as he wanted to perfect another category of fighting namely the striking department.

Kai's time with Sukune came to an end while they are arm wrestling which they have the score of 80 to 50 in favor of Sukune.

As Kai was straining under the cheat like grip of Sukune who was nonchalantly treating the match as a past time hobby.

Kai only an inch away from defeat, when a monk entered distracting Sukune which allowed Kai to win.

"There's a letter for you Kai San" Say's Aoki the monk who's in charge of buying groceries today as he handled Kai a letter.

As he opened it Kai frowned as he read the letter from his parents stating that he must head home to prepare for a soiree as they are invited by Queen Elizabeth of United kingdom, And as stated in the letter especially his mother that unless Kai returned back home in a month, they would come and drag him out of whatever place he's hiding.

"Looks like I'm being called home, It's a pleasure to meet you Sukune Kun" says Kai As he bowed to Sukune.

"it's also a pleasure for me, you'll always be welcomed here Kai San" Sukune replied to him.

As Sukune saw Kai off when he had finished packing he muttered " Please do not forget your promise, friend"






[Tokyo city]

After Kai arrived traveling for about 5 hours, he went straight to Tokugawa to retrieve his remaining items he left.

After shocking Tokugawa's head guard Shumei Kano, the next one to be surprised was Tokugawa who immediately bombarded him with questions such as "Where have you gone to?" , "how did you get so big?", "How could I not find you" and many more that Kai already chose to ignore it.

After getting his belongings from Tokugawa who already gave up on questioning Kai, He notified him that Baki had already became the King of Tokyo Dome underground arena.

Tokugawa also invited Kai on the event he's organizing called Maximum tournament in a year.

Telling Tokugawa "I'll think about it" had the old man sighing in disbelief.

After organizing his belongings, Kai made a thorough trip to Japans shopping centers and souvenirs shop as he got all of his friends some souvenirs while he bought some personalized one's for Alexandra and his parents.

As he stayed at a high class Hotel for the night as he waited for his Family jet to arrive Kai took a look at his advanced status.


[Advanced Status]

Name: Charlie Kai Lindbergh De Rohan

Age: 17 yrs

Genes: Western Wu lineage

Weight: 352.74 lb (160 kg)

length: 203cm (6'8 feet)

Title: Demon King of New York


Strength: 65/100

Dexterity: 65/100

Agility: 65/100

Stamina: 65/100

Charisma: 65/100

Intelligence: 65/100

Will power: 65/100

Perception: 65/100


[Advanced Cardio forms] [Advanced flexibility]

[Multi lingual] [Social etiquette mastery] [Shikoashi] [Abstract imagination creation] [Demon Art: God slayer] [Demon art: Bane of Heracles]


innate talent [Guihun] [Modified Thai God of War Style] [The King of Stranglers Style] [Hawk of Ordos Style][The Beautiful Beast Style][The 5th Fang of Metsudo Style][Three Demon Fist: centipede Style][Kure Life and Death Style][Wild Tiger Style][The Devil's Lance Style][Floating Cloud Style][The Monster Style][The Howling Fighting Spirit Style][The Ashura Style][Lightning God Style] [Fist eye Style] [Delinquent Sekiwake Style] [The Gentle King Style]



As Kai saw how much he improved during the year and he couldn't help but smile as he laid down on his bed.


Author here MC with the help of Sukune had finally merged and perfected his own Grappling Style and Ground game anyway he's in the search for Kaku Kaioh, will MC fight at the upcoming tournament of Tokugawa? and what will happen at Queen Elizabeth soiree

Stay tuned to know more

PS: sorry for the delay i didn't set the timer when I finished this chapter

Rabidreader Rabidreader

Enjoy and stay tuned

next chapter
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