
บท 3: Jon Arryn I

[Streets of King's Landing]

As the lordly collective made their way through the narrow and windy streets of King's Landing atop their horses, Jon Arryn could not help but examine and analyze the young Alaric Stark, alleged Heir to the North.

Although he wished no ill will on the child, he couldn't help but feel skeptical about the Northman and their claim of the boy's legitimacy, if anything it was out of pure curiosity and sheer astonishment that the late Lord Rickard Stark had so masterfully hidden away a trueborn son of Brandon Stark, after all, the deceased lordling was known for not being the most reserved person in personal matters.

Nearing the gates to the Red Keep, Jon decided to strike up with the young heir if anything out of interest toward the boy.

"Thank you for indulging me, Lord Royce." young Alaric said with a polite nod toward a man more than thirty years his senior.

As he rode next to the boy and the others, Jon couldn't help but overhear Lord Royce and Ser Torrhen's conversation that had started after Bronze Yohn had finished his discussion with the young lordling.

"Tell me Torrhen, is that boy truly only just reached his third name day?" Lord Yohn Royce inquired from his nephew Ser Torrhen who sported a proud smile.

"Aye, the boy is as clever as they come. You should have been in Winterfell to witness the celebration that Lady Lyarra demanded her Lord-Husband throw in honor of Alaric being able to speak in simple sentences at the age of twelve moons." Ser Torrhen replied, softly laughing at the image he no doubt was reminiscing about.

Speaking of the late Lady Lyarra, Jon had been most saddened when he learned of her death.

She was a kind lady who from all Rickard had told him in their missives, held the household of Winterfell in complete order and made sure to keep up with her duties while still tending to her children, even while battling the many illnesses that plagued her in her later years.

'So many Starks lay dead now, it is truly a shame,' Jon thought, deciding to strike up a conversation with the young Alaric Stark who surprisingly skillfully rode the pony that they had brought at the request of Lord Manderly.

At first, he had been confused about the need for a pony but now seeing the young Stark riding beside him while being led by his uncle Benjen caused Jon to shrug off his earlier confusion.

Bringing his thoughts back to the present, Jon continued to listen to the uncle and nephew duo and their conversation about the boy.

"Aye he sure is a clever one, but he also is quite inquisitive, he kept asking me about my armor and he said the damnedest thing." Lord Royce said while scratching the back of his head

"Oh? do tell, what did the little git say to ya?" Ser Torrhen asked with a grin on his face looking toward his little liege who was throwing the twenty-year-old knight a dirty look that, if he was being honest, Jon found a little funny due to his small frame being only three and all.

Waiting for the boy to turn away, Lord Royce replied to his nephew in a hushed voice yet just loud enough for Jon to pick up on it. "Well, he asked about the runes on my armor, which, for any other child I would have bat an eye at, but, that boy, he was able to discern what some of the runes meant but, here is the weird part." Lord Royce said, his tone becoming almost... shaken?

"He said, and I quote, 'Those runes are wrong, they ruin the armor and negate the effects'." Lord Royce said, pulling away from his nephew as the two began talking about more mundane topics leaving Jon to his thoughts.

The runes on Lord Royce's armor are, wrong? what does that mean?

As Jon mulled over it for a fair few more moments, he finally gave up trying to decipher the boy's words and chalked it up to a young boy's imagination running wild.

'And yet, he could translate some of the runes.' This thought constantly replayed in his mind, however, before he went too far down the rabbit hole that was his mental state at that moment, the group had finally reached the gates to the Red Keep and they entered the courtyard where they were met by Robert who looked positively overjoyed for some odd reason.

'Hmm, young Eddard must be close by.' Jon mused with a small smile, knowing all too well just how close his two wards were, even closer than Robert was with his two brothers, whom Robert didn't even see as kin.

[The Red Keep]

"Ah, finally you've returned Jon, come, I've received word the Ned will be arriving within a day gods willing," Robert said in a booming voice, joy evident in his tone as he walked toward Jon and embraced the aging Lord Paramount of the Vale.

"Is that so, well, it seems we will need to arrange accommodations for him and his party, tell me, has there been news on who all shall be with him?" Jon asked knowing all too well that the chances of Ned losing some of his companions were all too high considering who they were no doubt up against.

"Yes, in his letter Ned wrote about the deaths of four of his companions, a sad affair but I'm sure all will be well once Lyanna is back and in my arms!" Robert declared almost as if he was telling the gods that was how things should be.

Looking over toward the Old Lion, Jon noticed that, for a very brief moment, the stone-faced Lord of the Westerlands showed the slightest bit of emotion, that of which was of course disdain or something of the like toward Ned and his sister.

Jon couldn't be more ready to be rid of the Lannisters and their presence in the capital.

Truth be told he reveled in the brief reprieve that the journey toward the docks to receive young Benjen and his party had given him.

Due to having been named Hand of the King practically immediately after it was settled that Robert would take the throne, Jon was no stranger to a sleepless night or three due to the problems that the Lannisters had created with their wanton sack of the city.

While he could appreciate the situation that was tracking the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, if he had his way Jon would've opted for a less... bloody affair.

Not only were many, many buildings either destroyed or up in flame, but even more smallfolk had lost their lives during the Lannister's sack and later scouring of the city for any remaining loyalists.

Not to mention the absolute political disaster that was the murder of Princess Elia and her children in such a gruesome and dishonorable manner.

By the Seven, he had never been thrust into such a precarious situation compared to the one that Tywin fucking Lannister had thrown them in through the killing of the Princess and the children.

And to top it all off, Robert, instead of doing the sensible thing and putting on airs about the tragedy of the children's death, if even slightly to at least try and assuage the Dornish and their dour disposition toward the rest of the kingdoms.

Instead of acting like a reasonable ruler, all he could muster was a damn grunt of veiled approval and calling the utterly demolished corpses of the children, 'Dragonspawn.'

Sure, Jon Arryn was no saint, but by the gods was this a political nightmare, the Dornish were now all but independent and it had only been a couple of moons at most since the rebellion's end.

If he wasn't any the wiser, Jon would think that the Dornish' official declaration of independence would've come by now, instead, all they do is remain completely silent, which, in and of itself is damn near more nerve-racking and worrying compared to an open declaration.

'What a hypocrite.' Jon thought pointing his judgment toward himself, sure, he could sit on his high pedestal and condemn those who either ordered or did the deed itself, and yet, a part of him felt almost, relieved.

Although it was a dastardly thing to admit, Jon felt a sense of stability coming toward Robert's new reign as King, now that two major claimants were dead and gone, and, although he hated to even play with the idea, Jon knew that the remaining children of the Mad King needed to be dealt with, either through taking the black and silent sisters, or, although it pains him, death.

'Enemies are everywhere, his reign is new and unstable, and yet, despite all of these hanging issues, Robert likes to do is drink and whore.' Jon thought bitterly as they conversed in the throne room and still, Robert was drinking and eyeing some poor lass who he was sure would find herself in the new King's room tonight.

[The Next Day]

As Jon watched Ned and his companions appear over the horizon, Jon Arryn could not help but look over toward his former foster son and ward, Robert.

By the gods had it been a busy morning after Robert was given word of Ned's impending return today, the hungover man had immediately snapped to attention and it was like all traces of the previous night's feast had completely been negated.

Last night, from what he saw, Jon's prediction for the serving girl hadn't been wrong, the lass had indeed found herself in Robert's chambers.

'Sigh, by the grave of the Seven Ned, I hope your sister truly is what it takes to reel in Robert, if not I don't know what I am to do with him.' Jon thought almost pleadingly that Ned's sister, the famed Winter Rose would be fine and well enough to quickly marry Robert and bring him to heel, at least, that was what he hoped would happen, but, knowing Robert, nothing was ever set in stone, especially if it had to do with reeling his... tendencies, toward drink and women in.

"Haha, finally, Ned has returned, soon we shall become brothers more over through the bond of his sister and I's marriage!" Robert boomed in a jovial voice, all but jumping around like a child would as they were given a new toy by their parents.

As Ned and his two companions came to a halt in front of the gates, Jon couldn't help but feel sorry for his foster son at the loss of four of his companions.

'May the Seven smile upon them and you as well Ned.' Although none of the men worshiped the Seven, he still prayed for them, after all, Ned was still a precious almost son for Jon.

Dismounting from their horses, Ned and his two companions fell to one knee as they greeted Robert in a way fitting for a king, despite the massive scowl stretching across Robert's lips as he looked around and saw no sign of Lyanna.

Looking upon Ned's even more sullen countenance, Jon felt his heart pang only as a father would.

"Your Grace, my companions and I have returned, we likewise have lifted the siege at Storm's End and Lord's Stannis and Renly are alive and well." Ned recited in a low monotone voice, sadness and grief evident in his tone.

Noticing that Robert had finally realized what had transpired, Jon couldn't help but bear himself for what was to come as a wrath and rage-filled look came to Robert's face, displaying the infamous Baratheon/Durrandon fury.

"Ned, where is Lyanna, where is your sister? Where is my sweet Lyanna!" Robert bellowed out, pure unadulterated rage began to emanate from his body as he no doubt connected the puzzle pieces together on the reason for her absence.

"Your gr- I mean, Robert, she... she is with the gods now," Ned replied in a low tone.

Many within the welcoming party were surprised at Ned's words, and yet, looking over toward the Old Lion, Jon could've sworn he had seen Tywin's eyes glow an ambitious green for the briefest of moments.

For the next half an hour, Robert raged and raged, occasionally throwing something causing a poor squire or page to jump out of the way, or even just pure cursing and damning every Targaryen that ever was.

The cruel irony that was Robert's grandmother being a Targaryen wasn't lost on Jon, but he decided to bid it no mind as he and poor Ned, continuously attempted to calm Robert down.

After calming him down, Jon decided to send the lords back and postpone any official talks that no doubt were to come now that the King had no betrothed.

[A Few Hours Later]

It had been a good few hours since Robert's, incident and Jon was currently walking through the Red Keep's halls, Ned and his nephew Alaric in tow as they headed toward Robert's chambers to speak with him to the end of what the North would demand as reward and compensation.

Although Ned at first had told Jon it wasn't necessary, after his nephew, Alaric, reminded Ned that he technically was the new Warden of the North along with young Benjen pulling Ned aside and exchanging a few words, they were now led to the situation at hand.

As they walked, Jon couldn't help but curiously glance toward the 3 name day old Warden of the North and try and gauge what was going on inside the boy's mind.

'Ha, to think the day would come when a boy of three vexed me so.' Jon thought as he found no signs of what was going on inside the eerily clever boy's mind.

Only having to walk for a few more moments before they were upon Robert's chambers, they were greeted by the recently pardoned Ser Baristan Selmy, the new Lord Commander of the King's Guard, along with Ser Jaime Lannister, or as most within the castle and even city have taken to calling him, the Kingslayer.

While he internally admonished Ser Jaime for breaking his oath to his king, within a small part of Jon, he couldn't help but thank the young man for what he had done, he for one did not wish to confront the mad King that was King Aerys II.

While he felt mostly indifferent toward the Lannister, Ned clearly held a disdain toward the young knight, more than likely out of his oathbreaking, however, curiously, Alaric looked upon Ser Jaime with what looked like... indifference, no, it must just be a child not knowing what to say or think, surely that is what it is, right?

"Ser Baristan." Ned nodded toward the Lord Commander before turning and sneering at Ser Jaime, "Kingslayer." Ned all but spat out.

'Hmm, maybe it isn't only about the oathbreaking.' Jon thought as he noticed Ned's tone held far too much venom when it came to Ser Jaime, sure, Eddard Stark was an honorable man who adhered to his sense of morals and honor rigidly, however, his utter disdain and disgust with Ser Jaime seemed to stem from something further.

'Mayhaps it has to do with his father and brother.' he thought, now realizing Ned most likely hated Ser Jaime for breaking his oath only when it was safe too.

After Ser Baristan announced to the king their arrival, the group of men and boy, consisting of Himself, Ned, and Alaric, entered the King's royal solar, a place Jon had very rarely seen Robert within, unless it was for spending some time 'getting to know his servants' as he so fondly called it as he bedded a serving girl or maid.

"Ah Ned, Jon finally, let's talk about, ugh, business, but before that, who is the young lad beside Ned, and why is he looking at me incredulously?" Robert asked, bringing their attention to Alaric who seemed almost, confused toward the King's sloppy state, with Robert having beer and food stains on his tunic, and his newly forged crown lying randomly thrown on some table near the bookshelves.

Deciding to pay the boys... odd looks, toward Robert no mind, Jon and Ned began to explain who Alaric was and finally kicked off the discussion that was surely to be over quickly knowing how Robert would give Ned whatever he asked.

'Well, I guess that is why I'm here now isn't it.' Jon thought


Author's Note

I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, please if you guys would be so kind as to vote with your stones and comment and review the story, that would be great!

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