13.63% (Danny Phantom X DC)The Struggling Warrior Saga / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Vision

บท 15: Chapter 15: Vision

Disclaimer: I own nothing

"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation."

William Arthur Ward

Chapter 15: "Vision"

(Sunday-April 11, 2010)

"Is this really part of the Ghost Zone?" Spirit looked around the compound in front of her. There were several three-story circular building connected to each other by corridors. The roofs looked like huge spiral cones. Each building had black rune designs written across the white paint. Spirit didn't know what they were for, but they looked good.

The front yard was a garden filled with all kinds of flowers. The grass and hedges were neatly cut. The sakura trees were blooming. The sky had some sort of illusion on it to make it appear orange red like the setting sun. It was all so beautiful.

"Yes," Plasmius nodded. "It is a part of the Ghost Zone that few souls have ever seen and lived to speak of it."

"Why? It looks wonderful here." Spirit smiled as she felt a gentle wind sweep past her.

"The master of this estate is not known for being forgiving or for particularly enjoying uninvited guests." Plasmius explained.

"Hmm…" Spirit could see why someone would be protective of this place. "Who's the master anyway?"

"Now that is a good question." A cheerful voice caught the halfa's attention. They turned and saw Frostbite approaching them. He had two other yeti ghosts with him. These yeti ghosts appeared to be his bodyguards.

"Yes, it is." Plasmius nodded to his acquaintance. "Good to see you, Frostbite."

"Plasmius." Frostbite returned the nod. "Now, young one, what do you know of the six?"

"Six what?" Spirit questioned.

Frostbite laughed. "The six ancient ghosts that defeated the Ghost King."

"Oh…" Spirit tilted her head in though. "Danny explained it once, but I really wasn't listening…"

"Of course not." Vlad smiled and shook his head. "The Ancient Six sealed the Ghost King to stop his unjust rule."

"Until you unsealed him." Frostbite noted.

"Details, details," Plasmius shrugged. "Anyway, after the Ancient Six stopped the Ghost King's reign, they formed a council. It was in that council that they decided that there would never be an official ruler of the Ghost Zone again. They knew that the power would corrupt anyone who tried."

"Yes," Frostbite agreed with Plasmius. "It was mostly to keep each of us in check. If one of us got any ideas, then the other five would step in. But that's not the end of the story. We also decided that if a crisis ever arrived that would had the potential of completely destroying the balance between the human world and ghost world, then we would have another council meeting; and it would be held in the domain of the ghost that called it."

"Thus this meeting…" Spirit summarized.

"Yes, this is the council of the elite." Frostbite nodded. "Only without Jester, and with the new S-rank ghosts."

"But the balance had been disturbed before." Spirit pointed out. "Like the Ghost King's Return or the Nocturne Crisis. Why didn't you meet then?"

"I was going to call the council into my domain." Frostbite explained. "But the Great One intervened before there was a chance. The same could be said for the Nocturne Crisis."

"Alright, that makes sense." Spirit noted. "But you didn't answer my original question."

"Yes, the master of this domain…" Frostbite scratched his chin. "She was originally the leader of the Ancient Six. She's called the Undefeated Strategist. Her name is…"

"Vision." Colossus looked over to his companion. "The most dangerous of the Ancient Six."

"Most dangerous?" Phantom looked startled.

After arriving Dani, Phantom and Plasmius had decided to use the freedom they were allowed as guests to get a better layout of the area. Plasmius and Spirit would scope out the front yard of the compound, while Phantom searched the back of the compound.

The backyard was similar to the front. There was a small creek that started from the nearby hills. It flowed across the yard and fed into a medium sized pond. This was where Phantom found Colossus. The large ghost had been sitting by the pond watching the fishes. Apparently, he wanted to do some fishing, but didn't because he didn't want to anger Vision.

The thought that Colossus was actual cautious about this Vision made Phantom worry about this upcoming meeting.

"Yes." Colossus took a big swig of a large bottle of something. Phantom assumed it was come kind of alcohol, but Colossus didn't seem affected in the least by the intoxicating liquid. "Want any?" Colossus offered.

"I'm underage." Phantom pointed out.

"So?" Colossus raised an black eyebrow.

"Uh…no thanks…" Phantom frowned.

"Suit yourself." Colossus shrugged.

"What makes her so dangerous?" Phantom asked.

"It comes from her nickname, the Undefeated Strategist." Torch's voice caught their attention.

"You're here, too?" Phantom questioned.

"Of course!" Torch smirked. "Torch's magnificence has impressed Lady Vision enough to be asked to join the council of the elite!"

"Master, you are right! Lady Vision most definitely invited you for your awesomeness!" Bi the fire ghost monkey shrieked from his spot to the left of Torch.

"I think that is completely true, Master Torch!" Smo the raven ghost exclaimed.

"Or she just needed a movable heater." Phantom suggested.

Torch fell to his knees in depression.

"I think he's wrong, Master Torch!" Smo comforted his leader.

"Phantom is wrong! You most definitely are the best!" Bi helped pick Torch up.

Colossus laughed at the sight before him. "Hahahahahahaha! Don't worry, Torch. Vision would only ask you to this meeting if you deserved it."

"Torch thanks you for your kindness, General." Torch glared at Phantom. "Unlike some people (cough DP cough) who let their jealously of greatness cloud their mind."

Phantom put his hand over his mouth and did a fart noise.

"As Torch was saying!" Torch stood tall in pride. His minions looked up at him in awe. "Lady Vision is a master manipulator. She can control any battlefield with her perfect strategies. This and her perfect control over her Haunting Aura have resulted in her being called the most dangerous of the Ancient Six."

"It's true." Colossus noted. "I just charge in head first. I don't think during a fight, I just use my instincts. But Vision always has a plan…and a backup plan…and a backup plan for her backup plan…and-"

"Okay, we get it." Phantom and Torch both groaned.

"Alright." Colossus nodded. "Like young Torch said, though. Her brilliant mind isn't the only thing that makes her dangerous. Her Haunting Aura is something else. It can be so subtle that you don't know that she's even using it. Yet, it can also be a merciless tsunami that destroys everything in its path."

Phantom looked taken back. "She's that powerful."

"Powerful?" Colossus chuckled at that. "I never said powerful. I said dangerous. Out of all the Ancient Six, she had the least amount of raw power. If we were to fight, then there is no way for her to overpower me. But she would push me far more than the others, though. I might have to go all out. Her intelligence, control, and intimidation is unrivaled in the Ghost Zone."

"Why are all the women I meet completely terrifying?" Phantom sighed.

"If they were any other way, they would be boring." Colossus grinned.

"Why are you here?" Spirit glared at her rival.

"Mom told me that I had to come." Nyx glared back.

"Well…" Spirit looked back at her Dad. He was still talking to Frostbite. "I can relate to you there."

Nyx nodded at that. "Parents are a pain sometimes…but I don't think that this is one of them."

"Huh?" Spirit questioned. "Why? Wouldn't you consider this kind of boring."

"A bunch of old people talking about politics?" Nyx clarified. "Oh, completely."

"Then shouldn't you hate this?" Spirit asked.

Nyx looked over to the compound. "Can't you feel it, Girl Scout?"

Spirit nodded slowly. "The tension."

"The air is thick with it." Nyx noted. "Adults don't act this way unless it's big. And not only did they allow us to come, they actually told us we had too. This isn't just big, this is an enormous disaster waiting to happen. They want us here to make sure that we will be protected."

"Protected from what?" Spirit glanced over to the compound again. "The others?"

"I think so." Nyx nodded. "They want the others to know that we're off limits if things go south."

"You mean if major conflict arises." Spirit stated. "If there is war because of this."

Nyx frowned. "Everyone I've seen seems so worried about this. Look at Plasmius and Frostbite. They look dead serious."

Spirit nodded. "They don't think this will end well. Everyone's looking over their shoulder just in case."

"You think its bad out here? You should see it inside." Nyx shuddered. "I had to get out of there. I felt like I was suffocating. Unconscious Haunting Auras are bouncing all over the place in there."

"They just want to protect themselves and the people they care about." Spirit noted. "It's stressing them out."

"What I don't get is that if this council is so dangerous…why are they having it?" Nyx questioned.

"I guess only that Vision lady knows." Spirit suggested.

"Mom told me a little about Vision. They used to be friends, but Vision's cold and calculating attitude conflicted with my mom's passion and hotheadedness." Nyx explained. "Mom doesn't talk about the other six very often, but I do know that Vision is very intelligent. She knows what will happen if this doesn't work."

"Yet she did it anyway." Spirit crossed her arms in thought. "She must have a good reason."

"For her to call a meeting like this, she must have a great reason." Nyx nodded. "But you know what…all this chaos brimming at the seams…its really fun."

"Of course you would think so." Spirit snorted.

"Danielle!" Plasmius called over to his daughter. "It's time to go inside!"

"Okay, Dad!" Spirit called out. She then looked over at her rival. "You coming?"

"Yeah…" Nyx followed after Spirit. As they walked into the compound, she asked. "I suppose this is a bad time to bring up our rematch, eh Girl Scout?"

"Yes it is." Spirit nodded. "And don't call me Girl Scout."



The inside of the compound was amazing. Each room was lavish and expensive. The furniture looked as if they were imported from all over the human world. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The same ruins from the outside were spread across the rooms. Phantom didn't know what they were for, but something told him that they weren't just decorative.

"Do you know you're way around this place?" Phantom looked up to the giant ghost.

Colossus could actually fit in all the rooms. Each room was huge in scale, and each door could easily fit the giant. Yet what the biggest room they had traveled in was the hallway they were in now. The hall could easily fit a house in it.

"I know where three places are in this place." Colossus noted as he led the other two S-rank ghosts (along with Smo and Bi) down the hall. "The kitchen, the sparing hall, and the meeting chambers."

"This room rivals the kitchen?" Torch questioned. Nothing could be more important than food.

"For today it does." Colossus explained. Suddenly he stopped and stared ahead. "Ah?"

Phantom looked ahead and saw the familiar faces of Scribe the Ghost Writer and Pandora. They were glaring at each other. Both seemed rather angry about something.

"And I tell you, Scribe, that using your powers for justice will bring hope to the world." Pandora glared down at the average sized ghost.

The Ghost Writer didn't seem the least bit intimidated. "Until such interference disrupts the balance of power. We have no way of know how the universe will react to my changing reality."

"The positives out way the risks." Pandora argued. "You could solve world hunger. You could cure all disease. You could make the world a better place."

"Or I could inadvertently make the both our worlds worse in the process." Scribe frowned. "There is a reason Clockwork only interferes when absolutely necessary."

"Clockwork is different." Pandora frowned.

"How so? Please enlighten me." The Ghost Writer sarcastically begged.

"You know why…" Pandora growled.

"Pandora! Scribe!" Colossus yelled as he raced over to his old companions.

Both of the ghosts flinched and turned to face Colossus. Neither seemed all that happy about seeing the giant ghost. In fact, they already looked tired of his presence.

"Hello, Colossus." Pandora sighed.

"I heard you were awake." Scribe noted.

"Yes." Colossus grinned. "My home fell down all around me. It was rather old, so no big deal."

"Once again your ability to overlook such major incidents astound me." Pandora shook her head. "Wouldn't an attack on your home be an attack on your honor?"

"I don't know if it was an attack or not (Pandora's and Scribe's faces screamed, "You haven't even investigated it?"). But even if it was, it was just stuff. It wasn't like someone actually tried to stab me in the back or something." Colossus grinned.

"It was history, Colossus." The Ghost Writer frowned. "There were several ancient writings in there that can never be retrieved."

"You and your books." Colossus chuckled. "Don't worry, I can just write them down again."

"It's the principle of the matter Colossus!" The Ghost Writer snapped. "You can't regain the history or the personality of the writings!"

"Okay…you lost me at 'It's the…something'." Colossus scratched his head in confusion. "Could you repeat that?"

"What's the point in talking to a brute…" Scribe sighed.

Phantom looked over at Torch and stated. "I didn't think that they would argue so much."

"Torch agrees." Torch frowned at the sight in front of him. He didn't like seeing his idols bickering like this. "Torch always imagined them to be untouchable and unshakable, but this…"

"I know you are, but what am I?!" Colossus yelled.

"A child apparently." Pandora scowled.

"Must you be so condescending?" The Ghost Writer sighed.

"You're the one who called him a brute." Pandora shot back.

"He has with pride called himself a brute." Scribe explained. "You speak to everyone as if they are beneath you. A child, like you just said."

"Do you suppose this is why the Ancient Six haven't spoken to each other in ages?" Torch questioned.

"I guess." Phantom shrugged. "They're acting worse than us when we fight."

Torch nodded. "At least Torch and DP know how to get along during times of crisis…"

"I think that this is getting out of hand…" Smo mumbled.

"This is most definitely getting out of hand." Bi agreed.

"Maybe you should step in?" Phantom suggested. "You can cool down the situation."

"Yes, Torch must intervene…" Torch rushed ahead. "The Controller of Chaos and the Ghost Writer, Torch thinks it's such a honor to meet you!"

The ancient ghosts' attention turned to Torch. It was a scary scene. The fire ghost flinched under the hard stares. He tried to instigate a conversation, but none of them would have it.

Pandora noted. "Your appearance is far too flashy. It makes my eyes burn."

"What?" Torch examined his clothing. "They seem okay to Torch."

Scribe stated. "Your habit of talking about yourself in third person is annoying."

"Talking in third person?" Torch tilted his head to the side. "Torch has no idea what you mean."

Colossus roared in laughter. "It's just like old times."

Smo turned to Phantom. "I think you used Master Torch as an outlet for their anger."

Phantom gained a look of fake outrage. "That is… not false."

"You are most definitely a cold and heartless person!" Bi cried.

Phantom shrugged. "I never said how he would cool down the situation."

Smo and Bi bowed their heads in shame. Because of their negligence, their master was in trouble. They were bad minions…

"Don't worry, I'll help him." Phantom walked up to the others and waved. "Hey."

"Danny." Pandora smiled. "It's good to see you."

"Phantom!" The Ghost Writer adjusted his glasses. "I've heard of your recent exploits. Your life would make an excellent story."

"Pandora, Scribe, nice to see you." Phantom nodded to each ghost as he addressed him/her.

"What?" Torch seemed outraged. "Why was Phantom greeted so welcomingly, when Torch was criticized?"

"I'm just a lot more likable than you." Phantom bluntly explained.

Torch dropped to his knees in depression.

"Master Torch, I think Phantom is wrong!" Smo cried as he flew up to encourage his master. "You are very much likable!"

"You are most definitely the most likeable person ever!" Bi exclaimed. Torch lifted his head in hope. "Well…except for this girl I'm dating…but you're second for sure!"

Torch didn't seemed encouraged by this.

Scribe ignored the fire ghost and focused on Phantom. "Can you tell me what it was like to help Desiree like that? A ghost hasn't ascended in such a long time."

"Ascended?" Phantom questioned.

"You don't know?" Pandora was surprised. She assumed that he was already told about it. "Well, considering all that has happened over the months…"

"What do you mean?" Phantom asked.

"The genie ghost ascended. She fulfilled her purpose. She's gone." Scribe smiled.

"Gone? She's dead?" Phantom face fell.

"No, dear!" Pandora smiled. "She completed her obsession. And because she had no reason to stay on this plain of existence, she moved on. She's in the true afterlife now."

"I…" Phantom didn't know how to take this. "Is that a good thing?"

"The best, child." Pandora knelt down. "Few souls actually find satisfaction in death. You gave her that. Complete satisfaction. It was a joyous occasion. I don't remember anyone ascending since…Jester."

Phantom was in shock. He helped do that?

Colossus turned his attention to the meeting hall entrance. "As much fun as I'm having, I think it would be a good idea if we entered the meeting hall. Vision has never been known to enjoy waiting on others."

"Hmm…" Scribe nodded. "You may be correct…we can talk more later."

"Yes, the meeting will start soon." Pandora noted sadly. She turned to the younger ghosts. "Torch, your…minions aren't allowed in the hall, but they can stay on the upper level." Pandora gestured to the large staircase in front of the hall entrance. "Phantom…before you enter the meeting hall, you should probably talk to this young lady."

"Young lady?" Phantom questioned as he came out of his shock. Now was not the time to think about Desiree. He had to focus on the meeting.

"I think Lady Pandora is speaking about me, Danny Phantom." Dora the Dragon Ghost stepped out from behind some decorative suit of armor. Phantom didn't even realize she was there. It appears some habits die hard, and meekness seemed to be one of them.

Before Phantom could speak, Torch jumped in between the two of them. "Hello, beautiful. Torch's name is Torch, and you would probably prefer to talk to Torch compared to DP-Hey, let go of Torch!"

Colossus grabbed Torch by his collar and pulled him toward the meeting hall entrance. They were followed by Pandora and Scribe. "Come, young Torch. Leave the girl with her protector."

"I think Master Torch is a huge flirt." Smo commented as he traveled up the stairs.

"He most definitely is a huge flirt." Bi agreed following his friend.

When they were alone, Phantom turned toward Dora and asked. "Not that I mind…but why are you here?"

Dora gained a sheepish look. "After you and your friends defeated my brother, we were free but vulnerable. I decided that in order to avoid being invaded or taken advantage off, we needed to go under the banner of an S-rank ghost.

"And because we are under this ghost's protection and have such a large amount of people, we needed to send a representative to this meeting. As the Queen, I decided it would be best for me to come." Dora explained.

"Like with Torch's minions or Pandora's servants. Only a few of them came, from what I saw." Phantom summarized.

"Yes, technically they are 'bodyguards,' but we all know that if a fight starts among the S-ranks…we'll just get in the way." Dora noted. "It is more of a show that they do have people that they look after. It will, in an ideal world, help calm the hostilities."

Phantom nodded. "So…which ghost is your realm's protector?"

"Um…" Dora blushed. "You."

"What?" Phantom's jaw dropped.

"Well, you were responsible for my brother's defeat. Everyone already assumed that we were under your protection…so I just rolled with it." Dora hung her head in shame.

Phantom sighed. He didn't like it when girls got upset like this. "I'm not mad or anything, but I wish you told me."

"That…might have been helpful." Dora fidgeted. "But with everything that you were going through. The fight with Torch, the Nocturne Crisis, Plasmius' illness, and everything else…I didn't want to add more to your plate."

"It's too late for that." Phantom frowned. "This changes my plans…"

"How?" Dora asked.

"I put everyone of my friends under Vlad's protection. He's a lot more civil and diplomatic than I am." Phantom explained. "I did this so that they wouldn't get hurt if I messed up but now…"

"Now if you mess up," Dora noted. "We'll go down with you…I…didn't think about that."

"Huh?" Spirit was shocked. "What are you guys doing here?"

"(We came to stand by our friend.)" Wulf stated.

"What?" Spirit didn't understand a word of he said.

After separating from Frostbite and Plasmius, the two girls entered the stairs by the meeting hall's entrance. At the top of the stairs, they found what appeared to be a waiting room. Granted ,it was the most comfortable looking waiting room. The chairs and couches were plush and comfortable. The lighting was great and there was a large television on the wall.

The room was filled with ghosts. Spirit recognized a few as Pandora's servants and Torch's minions. She also noted that ice yeti ghosts from the land of the Far Frozen were there. Spirit had expected this, though. What really surprised her was that her friends were there.

"I think that Wulf means that we're here to back up Danny." Klemper smiled.

"Aren't you under Dracula's (everyone assumed she was talking about Vlad) protection." Nyx asked. "My mom mentioned it. She said it was weird."

"No, we're here for Danny. Even if he said not to come. He's our friend." Klemper explained. Wulf nodded in agreement.

"Hmm…" Nyx seemed to respect that. She smiled. "You guys are interesting. I wish I could hang out in Amity Park more."

Spirit snorted. "You've only been there twice, and both times the city was halfway destroyed."

"You make that sound like a bad thing…" Nyx muttered.

"What about you Dora?" Spirit turned to the quiet queen ghost. She seemed very troubled. Spirit recognized the face Dora was making. It was the face of someone who made a bad mistake.

"I…have similar reasons…" Dora smiled weakly.

Suddenly a tense silence washed over the room. Everyone turned their attention to the television. It had suddenly turned on, but there was only static.

"What's going on?" Spirit asked.

"The council is starting…" Dora stated.

Phantom had to admit…Vision knew how to treat her guests. All the S-rank ghosts that were already there were seated in plush chairs. The large round table in front of them was filled with food and drink. The large hall was decorated to suit royalty. If Phantom didn't know better, he would have thought that he was at a buffet rather than a dangerous meeting.

There were eleven seats at the table in all. Despite this, only eight of the seats were filled. Frostbite was sitting to the left of Phantom. Scribe was sitting in front of Phantom at the other side of the table. The seat to Phantom's left was empty.

Phantom looked around the rest of the table. Only Colossus was eating. Everyone was silent. They were waiting.

He noticed that a regular sized Undergrowth, who was sitting at the left end of the table, was watching him. The plant ghost was probably still mad at him and Torch for their "fight." Yet he seemed to be ignoring the fire ghost sitting across from him. The hate was saved just for Phantom.

Oh, joy.

Looking over to his mentor, Phantom noted that the older halfa looked frustrated. The younger halfa couldn't blame him. Vision hadn't even arrived.

And speak of the devil…

The doors of the meeting hall opened with a creak. Everyone turned to look at the person entering the room. Vision had arrived.

The female ghost was wearing elegant purple robes that completely covered her body from her neck to her feet. She was wearing a purple headdress on her head, so Phantom couldn't tell what her hair was. The veil covering her face also made it difficult for Phantom to describe Vision. The only detail of Vision's appearance that the halfa could identify was her cold green eyes.

What Phantom could tell about this ghost, though, was that she was dangerous. Vision walked with complete confidence in herself. She radiated an air of being untouchable. Phantom could easily see why she was called the most dangerous of the Ancient Six. She was by far one of the most intimidating figures Phantom had ever seen.

"Welcome, my guests." Vision bowed her head to the guests in the room. "I apologize for my tardiness."

"You called this meeting Vision." The Ghost Writer glared at the female ghost. "The least you could do is show up on time."

A murmur of agreement went across the table.

"Yes, that is true." Vision walked over to the table and took a seat. "Unfortunately I had some last minute details to take care of."

"What last minute details?" Pandora questioned.

"That would be me!" The voice from the entrance of the hall caused everyone to freeze. "Yes, freeze in fear old friends."

"Fright Knight?" Colossus frowned. "Why are you here?"

"I was invited of course, General." The Fright Knight took the seat next to Phantom. The halfa eyed his old enemy. He didn't feel comfortable sitting this close to him.

"You invited the Fright Knight?" Frostbite addressed Vision.

"I did." Vision nodded.

"Torch has to question why Lady Vision would invite to this meeting the only one of the King's Advisers that didn't rebel." Torch scratched his head in confusion.

'King's Advisers?' Phantom mentally questioned. He didn't voice his thoughts, though. Now was not the time to appear ignorant.

"That was a long time ago, Torch." Vision explained. "Fright Knights has since changed his opinion on us and Pariah Dark."

"I find myself agreeing with Torch." Plasmius stated as he leaned forward and looked around the table. "Was it not the Ancient Six that sealed the Fright Knight in the first place?"

Once again there were murmurs across the table.

"You as should know better than anyone else that I have long since moved past that." Fright Knight addressed the older halfa. "You're the one that convinced me that the world no longer had any use for the Ghost King."

"He convinced you, but my epic speech didn't?" Colossus seemed surprised.

"Speech? You just threatened me." Fright Knight noted.

"There's a difference?"

"It was not just Colossus." Scribe stated. "We all tried to convince you. We used to be friends, but you decided to fight by the king and was sealed as well."

"I tend to ignore you all when I can." Fright Knight chuckled.

"Can't argue with that…" Pandora noted. "At that time, I was completely sick of all you."

Frostbite sighed sadly. "You act as if there is a difference between now and then. All it took was a war conference for us to talk again…"

"I grow tired of this!" Undergrowth finally spoke up. "I didn't come here to hear old people talk about the good old days!"

"Torch…has to agree…" Torch shrugged.

"Then perhaps we should move onto the other details as to why you were late." Plasmius suggested.

Everyone glanced at Plasmius, then turned their attention to Vision. Said female ghost inclined her head in respect. "Very good. There is one more detail…one that none of you will particularly enjoy."

"And that is?" Pandora scowled.

"Him." Vision pointed to the entrance.

The reaction was instantaneous. Everyone other than Phantom and Vision bolted to their feet in alarm. The man that stood there was the palest Phantom had ever seen. He was wearing a green cloak with the hood up only revealing his glowing green eyes.


"Who's that?" Spirit questioned everyone else in the room.

No one answered. They were all frozen in shock. All they were doing was staring at the television.

"Huh?" Spirit looked around. "Is this guy that bad?"

Klemper finally whispered out. "Yes…he's…he hasn't been in the Ghost Zone for a while."

"I think this is bad…" Smo the raven ghost whimpered.

"I don't get it. Is he pure evil?" Spirit questioned.

"No." Even Nyx seemed worried about this. "From the stories I head…He's the exact opposite."

"So he's the good guy? Then why's everyone afraid?" Spirit frowned.

"He's the most extreme form of 'good' in the world." Dora noted.

"Do you know him, Blondie?" Nyx turned to face Dora. "I don't think anyone else in here is old enough to know him personally. We only heard stories."

"Yes, he is…a different form of ghost." Dora frowned. "He is the spirit of vengeance. He believes in absolute justice."

"That's…bad?" Spirit was confused.

"I think so." Dora trembled. "Hundreds of years ago, he went on a rampage. He killed ghosts for minor sins. Lying, stealing, being prideful…we all lived in fear. Luckily, Colossus managed to stop him. That ghost…the Spectre was banished from this plane of existence because he can't control his impulse to punish those who have sinned."

"Why did Lady Vision invite him?" Klemper asked. "She knows how dangerous he is."

BANG! The room trembled. The furniture shook. Everyone had to struggle to stay standing.

Looking over to the television, Spirit realized what happened. Colossus was angry.

BANG! The room shook after Colossus slammed his massive fist on the table. Phantom was sure that the table would crumble. However, the runes on the table glowed a green light and protected the table from the shockwave powered face.

For the briefest of seconds, Phantom glanced at the runes. He suddenly realized that they weren't just for decoration. They seemed to be filled with ectoplasm that acted as a shield when activated. Apparently, Vision predicated that some violence.

Colossus's shouts drew Phantom out of his thoughts. "Are you mad, Vision?! The Fright Knight is one thing. He has proven to us by his actions that he has changed, but the Spectre? Are you trying to make this meeting fail?"

"Calm down, Colossus." The Ghost Writer frowned at the large ghost. "The Spectre isn't dumb enough to try and kill anyone while we're all here."

"This is not about intelligence." Frostbite noted. His eyes never left the Spectre. "You have proven multiple times that you can't control yourself."

"And when you do lose control…people die." Pandora gained a pained expression like she was viewing the deaths all over again.

"Pariah Dark kept me in check…" Spectre's haunting voice sent chills down Phantom's spine.

"So you blame us, now?" Colossus growled. "You were basically a prisoner under the Ghost King. After we sealed Pariah Dark, we freed you. We gave you the benefit of the doubt and you betrayed us."

"I apologize for that." The Spectre's face remained neutral. "I have since realized the problems that my actions caused. And I hold no grudges against you, although you still dislike me for giving you that huge scar."

Phantom looked over to the large scar across Colossus's body. He had wondered who could have possibly given him that scar. He had seen Colossus take hits that would kill Phantom and come out with barely any injuries. If the Spectre was that strong…Best not to pick a fight with him.

"It is not that." Colossus glared daggers at the Spectre. "You have no honor. Killing those who can't defend themselves is not honorable."

"They were guilty of crimes." Spectre noted.

"Then kill them like warriors not dogs!" Colossus shouted. "It took my full power to stop you last time. I was forced to hibernate for centuries because of that fight. This time, don't think I won't go for the kill…"

"And none of us want to see Colossus use his full power again…" Scribe noted. "It was a destructive day in history for sure…"

Arguments rang across the table. Everyone seemed angry by the knew development.

"Enough!" Vision shouted. Her voice caused every ghost to turn their attention to her. "We are here for the council of the elite not to bicker. Like it or not, Spectre is here to stay. Now, everyone sit down!"

Though the tension didn't leave, everyone took a seat. Phantom squirmed in his seat. He could feel the unconscious Haunting Auras seeping off the others.

"In that case, Vision…why are we here?" Scribe questioned.

"Yes! This is beginning to annoy me!" Undergrowth glared at Vision.

Vision noticed that all the eyes were once again on her, so she decided to speak. "A few months ago, the Ghost King was resurrected because of Plasmius."

The heads of the other ghosts whipped to where Plasmius was sitting. He merely shrugged. "It all worked out in the end."

"It did…" Vision drawled. Phantom could swear that her eyes glanced at him for a moment. "But after that, I decided that I should observe the world to see if there were any lasting consequences. It was then that I noted that the Fright Knight's change in behavior and that the Spectre had returned by sharing a body with a human."

"What?" Phantom finally spoke up. "Like overshadowing?"

"No." The Spectre shook his head. "The man was dying. He was offered the change to come back if he shared a body and consciousness with me. Technically, he and I are now the same person. He is now my humanity."

"And that humanity will keep your impulses in check." Frostbite noted.

"Yes," Spectre nodded. "That was the plan."

"And I assume you've been watching the rest of us as well…" Pandora didn't seemed pleased by that thought.

"Indeed…" As Vision spoke, green birds flew down from the ceiling. Phantom noted that they were in the rafters above. Only one was left up there. It's eyes were glowing. "These are my visual birds. I created them to keep an eye on you all. They are very useful. In fact, one of them is broadcasting this meeting to our followers as we speak."

"I've always found these birds incredible…" Scribe inspected on of the birds. "Perhaps you could give me some written work on how these things work."

"No, now look…and don't worry. You were given some privacy…" Vision pointed to the birds. From the birds eyes glowed and sent images into the air like holograms.

Phantom noted that they were all in at least one of the videos. Most of the videos were of mundane everyday tasks. There were some interesting videos, though. Pandora was training Nyx. Colossus was waking up under a huge pile of rubble. He and Torch were fighting…wait? She got a video of that?

"None of you have done anything to bad to merit this meeting…however this," All the videos shifted into one. It was an video of the Nasty Burger exploding. Phantom tensed. "And this…" The video changed into Torch, Plasmius, Colossus, and him fighting Nocturne. "Has caught the attention of the humans."

No one argues with that. All the ghosts knew that the relations with the humans were tense right now.

"And these catastrophes merit this meeting?" Frostbite questioned.

"The humans are now paranoid. If something else happens…then it could end badly for us." Vision explained.

"So some bags of flesh get angry." Undergrowth rolled his eyes. "They can't possibly hurt us."

"That is where you are wrong." Vision gestured to the changing video. It now showed the destroyed Fenton Works. Then it showed the Guys in White whispering to each other. They paused, looked at the bird, and preceded to shoot it. Then, static… "The humans pose a real threat. Even without the ectoplasmic weapons, they still have the meta humans."

Phantom frowned. "The Justice League won't attack us."

"Are you 100% sure about that?" Vision stared at the halfa.

Phantom opened his mouth, paused, then closed his mouth.

"I thought so." Vision seemed satisfied.

"So you're suggesting that we prepare for an attack?" Fright Knight questioned.

"No…I'm suggesting that we attack first."

In an instant, the silence was broken. Everyone was yelling. Everyone was screaming. Spirit could barely hear her own thoughts.

"Attack the humans?!"

"That most definitely won't work!"

"Is she suggesting war?!"

"She might be right…"

"Klemper, Wulf…" Spirit looked up to her friends. "Is that really going to happen."

"(Of course not!)" Wulf roared. His friend cared about the humans, so he cared about the humans.

"Danny won't let that happen." Klemper encouraged. "He will step up and speak against Vision."

"And risk making Vision an enemy?" Nyx noted.

"He doesn't have to worry about anyone other than himself, so he'll be fine." Klemper smiled.

Spirit seemed satisfied, but then she turned to look at Dora. The queen ghost was squirming. "Dora? What's wrong?"

"It's…I…Phantom won't speak up."

It took a minute to calm everyone down. Phantom didn't pay attention to their arguing. He was more concerned with his problem.

He had to argue against this. The humans wouldn't attack. Or at least, he wouldn't let them. But…he had a way of accidentally insulting people and saying the wrong things. With Dora and her people depending on him…he had to tread carefully.

"So that's why you called a 'war conference.' You want to initiate war with the humans." Plasmius summed up.

"Yes." Vision nodded. "It is the most logical solution to keep the Ghost Zone safe."

"Is it really necessary?" Pandora questioned. "Is there no chance for peace?"

"There is always a chance. But it isn't high." Vision explained.

"It's true that they're afraid…but will they really attack us first?" Scribe questioned.

"These Guys in White already have." The videos shifted to show the various activities of the GIW. "In fact, they have been experimenting on ghosts. Bring him out."

The doors of the entrance opened. Two cloaked figures pushed a bed into the room. On the bed was…Technus. The technology ghost was strapped to the bed. He was resisting violently. His eyes were crazed as they swept wildly through the room.

"What happened to him?" Phantom questioned.

"The humans have decided to experiment on ghosts." Vision's eyes swept across the room. "After seeing this, you all see the urgency in this matter. We need to take action."

"No…" Torch was fuming. The air around him increased in temperature. "Torch needs to get Torch's minions…and hide. Torch would love to have the glory of a war hero, but…Torch can't let his minions end up like this."

Phantom looked over to his rival in respect. That was Torch's most redeeming quality. Under the arrogance, pride, and flashiness was a man who cared for his friends. He could respect that.

"Mister Torch is correct." Frostbite looked dismal. "I will not take my people to war."

"You don't understand. Running won't work." Vision insisted calmly. "They will come for us."

"No, you don't understand, Vision." Pandora scowled. "While I would love to justify this wrong, I have a daughter to take care of. If I was injured…"

"We need to act, not talk." Spectre's voice boomed. "Tell me who did this, and I will right this wrong."

"And here we go." Colossus glared at them. "These humans may not have honor, but you are not the righteous judge of who deserves death and who doesn't."

"Says the man that will kill for honor's sake without a second thought." Spectre glared.

"And thus the fight begins…" Scribe noted. "I knew this was a bad idea."

"Would you all please calm down." Plasmius tried to appease the others.

"Don't bother." The Fright Knight readied himself for the coming battle by drawing his sword. "When they get like this…there's no stopping it."

Undergrowth laughed. "Now it's become interesting!"

Just as Colossus and Spectre were about to clash, Vision appeared in between them by flowing over the table. "Stop this. You all agreed not to fight in my home."

"Yet is seems like you prepared for a fight. You're home is well fortified." Pandora stood and looked around the room. Electricity danced around her. "Perhaps this is finally the chance to settle our differences."

"Please, friends!" Frostbite tried to calm the others down. "We do not need to turn to violence!"

"Violence is good with Torch." Torch materialized his scythe in a burst of flames. "Being in a massive rumble with so many famous ghosts will surely bring up my fame!"

Then, everyone in the room prepared for the ensuing chaos. Some had specific targets. Others were only trying to escape the fight. But everyone was now prepared for-

"Will everyone shut up!?" Phantom unconsciously sent a large wave of Haunting Aura toward the others. For a second, they faltered. Then, they looked over to the halfa. He was standing by Technus.

Looking down at the technology ghost, Phantom yelled. "You're all fighting when there's someone hurting and suffering in the room. Are you insane?! Is this honorable?! Is this just?! Have some control!"

In that moment, the threat of violence vanished instantly. Everyone lowered their weapons or glowing fists. They realized that he was right.

Vision's eyes swept over the room. She examined everyone's reactions. Their attitudes of the situation had changed in an instant. That boy had just defused a bomb without even knowing it. Vision found herself feeling impressed.

Yes…her theory was correct.

"Who did this too him? And where can I find them." Phantom turned to Vision.

"Why do you care? He's your enemy." Vision noted.

"Exactly. He's my enemy." Phantom's glare could freeze boiling oil. "That means that no one is allowed to hurt him besides me."

"Very well." Vision nodded. "My servants found him wondering the Ghost Zone a few weeks ago. I brought him for treatment. All he's said was insane ramblings about white blobs attacking him and that no technology was working. He kept saying that the systems had crashed."

"I see…" Phantom once again looked Technus in the eye. He looked so scared like the walls were about to come crashing down around him.

"So tell me, Phantom. Do you not see the need for an attack?" Vision questioned.

"I will not support an massive attack on the humans!" Phantom exclaimed. "I will hunt down the men that did this and hand them over to the Justice League."

"That will solve nothing." Vision calmly noted. "The human's hatred will not stop by capturing a few fools. We need to establish dominance. Hit them fast and hard, and never let them see it coming. That is the best way to save the Ghost Zone."

"Don't you care about the humans' lives?" Phantom gritted his teeth. "They will suffer if you do this."

"It's either them or us." Vision stated. "If we don't attack, they will; and they won't rest until we're all gone."

"You don't know that!" Phantom exclaimed.

"I do, and you do too. You have experienced the cruelty of humans in your short existence. We ghosts may be selfish and cruel, but we have never tried to lie about it. We know that we're in it for ourselves, but humans lie to each other and themselves.

"They say that they are doing good, but they kill another for fun. They mock and scorn each other for even trying to succeed. They take their lives for granted and near the end, they beg for more time." Vision eyed the halfa. "You have experience all of this. Your parents even tried to kill you multiple times for being a ghost."

Phantom's eyes widened. His hands shaped into fists. He felt his temper spiral out of control. Now was not the time to get angry! Don't make her your enemy! Dora and her people could get hurt!…

Nope that wasn't working. Phantom felt his control weaken. Vision mentioning his parents like she knew them…It made his blood boil.

"You do realize that you are speaking to half-humans?" Plasmius stood in between Phantom and Vision. "I do not appreciate your words to my charge."

"You don't?" Vision seemed amused. "Do go on."

"I know what you are doing. You are baiting him. Measuring him, and I'll tell you this…" Plasmius smirked. "You're doing it wrong."

"Excuse me?"

Everyone stared at Plasmius in shock. No one could get away with criticizing Vision like that.

"You heard me, you're doing it wrong." Plasmius sighed dramatically. "Attacking the family immediately? Really? Amateur hour."

"Oh…" Vision glared at the older halfa. "You are saying…that you're better than me?"

"Um…" Frostbite looked over to the halfa. "Plasmius, I wouldn't-"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Plasmius' face was cold as stone.

A terrifying Haunting Aura swept through the room. Outrage and annoyance filled the air. Everyone started to sweat as Vision stared at the older halfa. "I accept that challenge."

Vision turned and walked to the entrance. She yelled to her servants. "Prepare the sparring yard!"

There was silence for a moment, then everyone started to shuffle out of the room until the halfas were all that was left.

"Now this, Torch has to see."

"A fight of the ages!"

"I don't know if this is a good idea…"

"Haven't seen Lady Vision fight in ages."

The Fright Knight stopped and looked back. "I hope you know what you're doing." And with that he left.

Phantom turned to his mentor. "Why did you do that?! What about being civil and political."

"You were about to through that out the window by attacking her." Plasmius noted as he began his track to the exit. "And then Queen Dora and her people would be in trouble. This way no one is threatened by Vision but me."

"What about Dani and my friends?" Phantom questioned.

Plasmius chuckled. "I lied when I told you that they were under my protection. They've always been under your protection. You're their leader after all."

The atmosphere once again changed in the waiting room. Excitement filled the once the tense room. Everyone was excited to see two S-rank ghosts fight it out…well, everyone that didn't have a personal relationship with Plasmius that is.

"What is he doing!?" Spirit shouted in outrage. "Wasn't he the one that said to not make a scene?!""

"He was making sure Phantom didn't fight Vision." Dora noted.

"Because of you and your people?" Klemper questioned. "Would Vision really go to war with you over this?"

"No, but the ghosts under her protection might." Dora noted. "At the very least, they'll be hostile. Stop us from trading and growing. Once again we'll be trapped in the Dark Ages. But most likely…they would attack and force us to join their forces…at least, if Phantom lost."

"Not…if…" Wulf growled.

Everyone looked at him in surprised. It was rare for Wulf to try and speak in English. He was never that great at it, and he seemed embarrassed by it.

"What do you mean?" Klemper asked his friend.

"Friend…won't…win…" Wulf grimaced.

"Don't you have faith in him?!" Spirit pointed angrily at the wolf ghost. "He's your friend."

"It has nothing to do with faith." Nyx noted. Her eyes didn't leave the television. The image was moving so that it was following the council outside. "He couldn't win."

"Not you too!?" Sprit glared at her rival. "Danny's strong!"

"I'm not questioning that." Nyx rolled her eyes. "I respect the Upstart's strength…even if he is a boy scout. It's just that Vision has the nickname 'Undefeated Strategist' for a reason and Fluffy over there knows it."

"Danielle," Dora knelt down by Spirit. "Vision is feared for her intelligence, ability, and lack of forgiveness. There is a good chance she wouldn't hold back at all if Phantom sent the first punch."

"Plasmius saved Danny." Klemper realized. "But now he's the one in danger."

"Better…chance…" Wulf managed to get out.

"Yeah…Dad's more powerful and more experienced, not to mention a genius." Spirit nodded her head confidently. "He can definitely hold his own against Vision."

"You better hope so…" Nyx scowled. "Otherwise he's dead."

Phantom looked at the training field. It was as large as a football field. The area was a dirt field. There were no obstacles like trees or other plants. The only thing that really designated it as a training field were the runes that surrounded the field.

"Does she really use this?" Phantom questioned.

"Vision was never one to skip out on training." The Fright Knight noted.

They were standing by the rest of the "council." None of the others were paying attention to them at the moment, however. They were far too distracted by the upcoming fight to focus on anything else.

"And…" Phantom looked over to the knight ghost. "You two were close."

Fright Knight looked over to the other ghosts. "We all were once."

"Is that where the 'King's Advisers' came from?" Phantom questioned.

"Yes," Fright Knight addressed the halfa. "We, the Ancient Six and I, were once Pariah Dark's most trusted servants."

"You were?" Phantom was shocked.

"Indeed." Fright Knight closed his eyes as if to see his old memories. "Back then, we were all outcasts. Forsaken for our power and attitudes. Pariah recruited us under a common goal. To defeat the Despised One."

"Despised One?' Phantom was now confused.

"What is the oldest obsession of man? What consumes their subconscious thoughts? Why do they strive for immortality? Because of death, and in that ever consuming thought, the Reaper was born." Fright Knight shivered. "He was what the humans though death would be, cold, unforgiving, and ruthless. He killed just for the sake of killing. He enjoyed it, and every human he killed became a ghost that served under him.

"The Ghost King rose to stop him. With our help, he defeated Reaper and his forces. And in the Reaper's death…the Ghost Zone was created." The Fright Knight explained.

"The Ghost Zone?" Phantom questioned.

"Yes, the ectoplasm from Reaper and his forces formed to create the Ghost Zone, a separate but parallel world to the human world. It was a phenomenon that no one could possibly explain. Not that Scribe didn't try…" Fright Knight sighed. "Before that, ghosts just wondered the human world, but now they had a home, and who better to rule that world than Pariah Dark, the man that brought about this great change. He named the seven of us as his advisors. It all worked…until the power corrupted him."

"So…the Ancient Six decided to stop his tyranny, but you…" Phantom looked over to the old ghost.

"I remained loyal. I didn't matter to me if he became a monster. He was the one that originally gave me a chance. The others subdued me when I refused to cooperate, then they sealed the king. Later, they decided to seal me. I was too much of a threat." Fright Knight noted.

"You don't sound bitter…" Phantom observed.

"All that time allowed me to think things through. They did what was right. I'm just surprised that they got along long enough to actually pull it off. There was always conflict between the seven of us…six now that Jester's gone." Fright Knight bowed his head in respect. "I wonder what happened to his mirror…"

"Mirror?" Phantom asked.

"Each of the King's Advisors created a powerful item of his/her own." Fright Knight gestured to his sword. "My sword, Pandora's box, the Infimap, the Skeleton Key, the Mirror of Memories, the Tomb of the Ancients, and the Avian Necklace."

Phantom had heard of most of those objects. He would have asked more on the subject, but there was a match that he had to pay attention to. "I see…you must have been close to know all that. Tell me…what are Vlad's chances in this fight?"

"I have not gotten a proper estimate on his strength, but I would say he could rival my strength. He is cunning, too, but Vision…she is unrivaled in intelligence. Her plans are perfect." The Fright Knight explained.

"Not too perfect for this meeting, though." Phantom frowned. "Did she actually think this would work?"

"I have contacted the remaining five to inform them of my change, so I did not think my presence would cause too much discord, but the Spectre?" The Fright Knight shook his head. "He has always been a problem. For once, I agree with Colossus. That was a mistake…but Vision must believe that this will work, otherwise she wouldn't have tried. She doesn't do pointless."

"But I don't see-" Phantom never got the chance to finish that sentence.

"ATTENTION!" A bird landed on the middle of the field. With an open beak, the bird spoke like a loud speaker. The bird stood on either side of Plasmius and Vision, who were facing each other. "THE CHALLENGE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!"


"As it should be!" Torch shouted.

"Hahahaha! Bring on the fight!" Colossus yelled.

"What ever happened to talking things out?" Frostbite sighed.

"I think that died at the start of the twenty-first century." Pandora noted.

"Are you ready, Mr. Masters?" Vision glared at her opponent.

"Always ready, Lady Vision, always ready." Plasmius smirked.

"Good." Vision's stance shifted. Several purple balls of ectoplasm formed and hovered around her. "Let's begin."

(Play: Fight Like This by Decypher Down)

Everyone cheered as the television showed the fight beginning. Spirit watched intently as her dad and Vision prepared themselves. And, in and instant, it had begun.

One of the many ectoplasmic balls orbiting Vision shot at Plasmius. The halfa dodged the ball, but was shocked that the ball stopped in mid-air and went back to strike him. It was then that several more balls of ectoplasm shot at the halfa.

Knowing that dodging won't work, Plasmius decided to guard. A pink shield formed around him. The balls of ectoplasm hit the shield and detonated. Fortunately, the shield stayed strong and Plasmius remained uninjured.

Just as Plasmius lowered his shield, Vision lunged at him. Her robes whirled around her. It was nearly impossible to tell what she was going to do.

Plasmius decided to attack before she could get close. He sent several blasts of energy at Vision, but the female ghost used the minimum amount of energy to dodge them. The blasts zoomed past her unflinching form.

Suddenly, Vision's speed increased. She was in front of Plasmius in an instant. Vision extended her flowing hand to blast Plasmius. Before that happened, Plasmius blocked his opponent's hand to the side. Spirit expected the purple energy to blast from her hand, but that never happened. The purple energy flowed from Vision's hand, across her body, to the only part of her face that was uncovered, her eyes.

The glowing eyes released the energy and blasted Plasmius in the face. On instinct, Plasmius covered his injured face and lunged backwards. This didn't help, however, as Vision lifted both her arms. Her finger tips glowed in ectoplasmic energy.

Each finger sent a ray of energy at the older halfa. The small, concentrated rays of ectoplasm rammed into different parts of Plasmius' body. Plasmius shouted in pain as the rays burned his body. He then created a mirror like shield to stop the ray.

The rays didn't stop, though. The arced around the shield and tried to hit Plasmius in his sides. Plasmius saw this coming, though, and rocketed up to avoid the rays. He then created nine duplicates to deal with each ray.

The duplicated raced around the field. If any got too close the sides, the runes activated and made a shield to stop him. Vision continued to make the concentrated rays from her fingers, and the rays continued to chase the older halfa and his duplicates.

Suddenly, all the duplicates raced to attack Vision. Undeterred, Vision created a bubble shield around her. None of the blasts from the older halfa and his duplicates caused any damage to the shield.

Still, the duplicates and the original raced toward the shield. They flew full speed until they were about to make contact with the shield. Then, at the last second, they avoided the shield. The rays of ectoplasmic energy didn't though. They hit the shield, but instead of exploding, the shield absorbed the rays of energy.

"All that work for nothing…" Vision noted.

"Not quite…" Plasmius smirked as flew away from the shield. The duplicates remained close to the shielded Vision, though.

When Plasmius was a good enough distance away, the duplicate all charged at the shield. As soon as a duplicate made contact, it exploded in a large burst of energy. Vision's shield shattered after the third explosion, but the last four duplicates didn't stop their suicide charge. Their detonations hid Vision from view.

"And there we go." Plasmius was obviously pleased with himself. "Are you done yet, my dear?"

The smoke cleared to show a completely uninjured Vision.

"What?!" Everyone in the waiting room yelled. That was impossible how could Vision remain unharmed without a shield?

"As I said…" Vision's voice from behind Plasmius caused him to freeze. "All that for nothing."

He was then consumed by a blast of purple energy.

"Dad!" Spirit screamed at the television.

"What the?" Phantom's eye's widened as he saw the huge blast of energy hit Plasmius and drive him down to the ground. Plasmius hit the ground and caused a huge crater to form. "How did she get behind him?"

"Look at the bird." Fright Knight pointed to the singe bird on the field. It had not moved from its spot, but it's eyes were glowing and looking in fake Vision's direction.

The fake Vision flickered then faded. Phantom's jaw dropped. "It was a hologram? When did that happen?"

"The real Vision was there in the beginning." Fright Knight stated. "She must have switched when we were distracted by Plasmius' dodging and duplicates."

"Boo!" Colossus yelled. "Cheating!"

"There are no rules in this fight, Colossus." Pandora noted.

"Torch sees what Lady Vision was planning. Distract Plasmius and take him by surprise." Torch nodded his head at his understanding. "But…how?"

"She used her Haunting Aura to install arrogance in Plasmius." Frostbite explained. "It is almost unnoticeable, especially to someone in the middle of a fight. This arrogance, however, cause him to underestimate Lady Vision. She used the arrogance and hologram to hide in Plasmius' blind spot and attacked from there."

"IT WAS…a rather brilliant attack…" Undergrowth admitted.

Spectre nodded. "Use the opponent's weakness as your strength. Impeccable move."

The smoke from crater slowly disappeared. Plasmius stood up and shocked the people watching the fight. Several parts of his body had developed into ecto goop. The goop…plasma…quickly reshaped into his body. He looked almost completely unharmed except for the minor injures he received before.

"He's…unharmed." Fright Knight observed.

"Yeah…" Phantom smirked. "When he turns into plasma, he's invisible."

"You knew about this ability?" Fright Knight questioned.

"I did." Phantom nodded. "He developed it while he was helping me train. Nothing I can do can harm him while he's like that. Of course…it's a completely defensive ability. Attacking isn't an option."

"And he can't use it while he's attacking." Fright Knight noted as he turned his attention back to the fight.

"…Impressive…" Vision noted as she floated down to the ground. "To form your body into plasma…to be able to avoid all possible injury…It is an impressive skill."

"Thank you." Plasmius absentmindedly wiped the dirt off his clothes. "You're pretty impressive yourself. To use energy, strategy, and Haunting Aura in such a way…I find myself awestruck."

"Thank you." Vision seemed quite pleased with this development. "But you do know that this was only the beginning."

Once again, balls of energy formed around her. This time, however, the orbs were about the size of a marble , and there were hundreds or them. Then, the balls begin to rapidly orbit around the female ghost. They moved so quickly, that they began to blur.

"I do." Pink energy swirled around Plasmius. It hovered over his body as a second skin in order to protect him.

Spirit watched and cheered as her father met Vision blow for blow. The fight had been going on for a while now, but neither ghost gained the upper hand. It was at a standstill.

If Vision used any of her orbiting ectoplasmic balls to attack, Plasmius merely changed into plasma to avoid the damage.

Then, when Plasmius attacked, Vision instantly blocked. The ectoplasm orbiting her formed a shield. None of Plasmius' attacks managed to land on the female ghost.

Both of the fighters were tiring, however. It was easy to see. They were using to many straining abilities. Vision seemed to be faring better, though. Constantly reabsorbing her energy allowed her to keep her stamina up.

Was that Vision's plan? Tire Plasmius out so he can't use transform into plasma?

"No…" Spirit realized.

"What?" Nyx turned to her rival.

"She's learning his fighting style. Memorizing his movements. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Everything she's doing is for that…"

"How do you know that?" Nyx questioned.

"I…I don't know…" Spirit admitted. "But I do. It will be over soon."

Plasmius lunged backward to avoid the explosion of Vision's ectoplasm. Phantom could tell that fatigue was getting to him. Turning into plasma quickly tired the older halfa, and he was doing that a lot. Phantom didn't blame him, though. Letting Vision injury you would be disastrous.

Phantom had to wonder what his mentor was planning. This strategy wasn't working. Vlad may beat him in stamina and endurance, but there was still a point where transforming into plasma wouldn't be an option. The older halfa would have to act soon.

Quickly, Vision sent another ball of energy at the halfa. This attack was different, however. That was the last ectoplasmic orb that was orbiting Vision. This time, Vlad merely batted the energy away with his own.

"Is that all, my dear?" Plasmius smirked. "You used all your little satellites."

"I did." Vision noted. "But now the air is rich with my ectoplasm."

"Huh?" Plasmius questioned. Then, his eyes widened as dozens of ectoplasmic orbs formed all around him. The following explosion hid Plasmius from view.

"She can recycle ectoplasm from the air?" Phantom was in awe. What amazing control.

"Your shock is understandable." Fright Knight noted. "Vision's control over energy is almost 100% efficient. Not even the energy released into the air is lost."

Vision formed a spike with her energy. She knew that Plasmius would use turn into plasma to avoid the catastrophic damage. From what she measured, that would be the last time he would be able to use that ability. Once he reformed, she would impale him, and it would be over.

That being said, what happened next surprised the strategist. Out of the smoke came Plasmius flying at her at full speed. He was bruised and burned. His clothes were torn and shredded. Instead of turning into plasma, he took the damage.

Plasmius' fists were completely covered by ectoplasm. In fact, they looked more like pink lights than fists. With a shout, he sent his right fist at Vision's head.

Unprepared for the attack, Vision felt pain erupt as the fist made contact. Her entire head was consumed in the blast. Her headdress and veil were instantly destroyed. Golden hair flung through the air, as it was freed from its restraints. Vision's beautiful tan face was covered in burns and bruises. The Undefeated Strategist had been struck.

Plasmius didn't stop there, however. He followed up with a similar punch to her stomach. Then, he continued his barrage of strikes to the female ghost.

Sensing danger, Plasmius lunged to the side, but it wasn't fast enough. The spike Vision had created grazed his side and opened a large gash. Green blood began to drip out.

Knowing that he couldn't stop without losing ground, Plasmius continued to push on. He sent strike after strike at the strategist. Vision merely dodged each blow and several kicks of her own at Plasmius' unprotected side. None of which made contact.

This continued until Vision sent a blast of energy from her eyes. Plasmius retaliated by sending an arc of energy at Vision's midsection. Both blasts hit and pushed the opponents away from each other.

Phantom noted that his mentor looked exhausted. Sweat was poring down his body. He was holding his bleeding side. In all, he looked terrible.

Vision didn't look that much better, though. She was bruised and hurting. But the weird part was…she looked oddly satisfied, like she found an equal.

Vision stuck her hand out. Her energy formed around her hand. The energy came off her hand and formed a small blade covering her hand.

Vlad also formed a blade. His pink energy formed into a broad sword like he showed Danny how to do.

The two ghosts lunged at each other. They were ready to end this.

"No!" Spirit yelled above the others. "They'll kill each other!"

"That's the point of the fight." Nyx noted. "The winner is the person who survives.

"That's terrible!" Spirit turned to her friends. "We have to stop them!"

"We can't leave this room." Klemper frowned. "That's the rules. If we leave, we might be killed."

"So I should just stand here while my dad is killed!?" Spirit turned to the screen. "Danny, you're there! Stop them!"

Phantom watched as the various cuts appeared on the fighters. Neither of them was letting up, though. "If they keep this up, they'll die!"

"Perhaps…But they will die in the glory of battle." Fright Knight noted.

"Finish the fight with honor!" Colossus yelled.

"We have to stop this!" Phantom exclaimed.

"This is between the two of them." Torch noted. "Torch won't get involved."

"I don't interfere in life and death situations." Scribe explained.

"Nothing can be done…" Pandora noted sadly.

"Unfortunately, it's impossible, Great One." Frostbite frowned. "These runes were designed to stop anyone from interfering. And it would take to long to break them."

"Well, you don't know my talent for breaking things then." Phantom took a deep breath and shifted into a deep stance.

"What are you do-"


Phantom's Ghostly Wail rang through the clearing. Everyone cringed in pain. Even Vision and Plasmius stopped and writhed under the wail of death.

The runes activated and caused the walls to appear. At first, that was all that happened, but after a few seconds, the wall began to cracks. Then the cracks began to spread. In mere moments, the cracks had spread completely across the walls. Finally, the walls shattered. The runes dissolved.

Everyone looked on in shock. None of them had seen the Ghostly Wail. It's power was truly devastating.

"This fight is over!" Phantom marched onto the field.

"That is not for you to decided." Although her veil was gone, Vision's face gave away about the same emotion as when she was wearing the veil.

"It is now!" Phantom turned to the others. "There will not be an attack on the humans! At least not yet! If they prove to be a threat, then I'll be the first one to say to strike first."

"…Very well…" Vision smiled like this is exactly what she wanted. "I will hold you too that." She turned to the other S-rank ghosts. "Thank you all for coming! The council meeting is now over! I would recommend that you prepare yourself for the inevitable war! It will be happening very soon whether we attack first or not!"

There was silence. No one moved at first, then Colossus turned. Without a word, he left. Soon, the others began to head back inside as well. The last one to go was the Fright Knight. He stared at Phantom for a minute, then he too left.

"Just like that? It's over?" Phantom questioned.

"Yes, the message has been delivered. The stage has been set." Vision noted. "They know that there is nothing left to do here."

"You didn't want to decide on an attack plan?" Plasmius questioned.

"No, they wouldn't have agreed on anything today." Vision explained. "Now they will go and prepare. That is enough."

"Couldn't you just try to convince them?" Phantom questioned.

"That would have been pointless. And I do not do pointless." Vision stated.

"Is that why you didn't invite Clockwork?" Phantom asked.

"Yes, he wouldn't have come. So there was not point." Vision explained.

"Then why have this meeting?" Plasmius questioned.

"Because…they would die if I hadn't." Vision answered simply.

Both halfas were shocked by that answer. They weren't expecting the cold Vision to say that.

"You…care for them." Plasmius noted.

"Well, I don't want them to die." Vision pouted.

Phantom raised an eyebrow at that. Okay…his initial reading of her was completely wrong. "But…you wouldn't lie about wanting to attack first."

"It wasn't a lie." Vision noted. "Eventually the humans will become hostile."

"You said that the other S-rank ghosts wouldn't agree to attack, though." Plasmius pointed out.

"They wouldn't today. But later, if someone they all know, trust, and respect says that attacking would be advisable…then they would all prepare for war." Vision eyed Phantom.

"You…wanted me to stand up to you." Phantom realized. "If I agreed to fight if the humans become hostile, then the others might follow my lead."

"Yes…except maybe Undergrowth, but I can handle him." Vision smiled. "The others, however, will trust your judgment. They have too much difficult history with me, but you…I haven't seen them all respect someone so much since Pariah Dark."

Phantom didn't know how to respond to that.

"Find your resolve, Phantom." Vision gave the halfa a kind look. "You shall unite us all and bring about change to the Ghost Zone."

"I…I don't…." Phantom was speechless.

"Now…" Vision turned to Plasmius. She had a weird gleam in her eyes. "We may not have been able to finish our fight, but how about we get our injuries healed and have a good game of chess to decide the winner."

"That sounds wonderful." Plasmius held out his arm, which Vision gracefully accepted. "You simply must tell me how you switched with that hologram."

"Only if you explain the mechanics of turning into plasma." Vision smiled.

"Of course, tell me, do you enjoy tea?" Plasmius asked.

"Oh, I adore it." Vision noted. "I'll have a few servants bring some to our game."

"Excellent." Plasmius smirked.

Phantom just stood there and watched them go. "What the…"

"Dad!" Spirit ran up to her father. He was currently walking arm in arm with Vision.

"Danielle!" Vlad smiled. "Good to see you, baby girl."

"Your fight was amazing!" Spirit yelled.

"Thank you, but it takes two to tango." Plasmius looked over to Vision.

"You flatter me." Vision giggled.

Spirit exclaimed. "It was amazing when you…wait, did you just giggle?"

"I suppose I did." Vision nodded.

"Danielle," Plasmius addressed his daughter. "Why don't you go find Daniel. I need to have a word with Lady Vision."

"It can be just Vision for you Plasmius." Vision noted as they walked off.

"Then, please, call me Vlad." Vlad smirked.

Spirit's jaw dropped. "What the…"

"That's what I said." Phantom walked up to his sister.

"Are they…"


"When did…"

"I don't know. I think it happened during the fight."

"Oh…eeeeeeeewwww! Old people love!" Spirit gagged.

Phantom laughed. "I think it's more of attraction than anything."

"You're not helping!" Spirit moaned.

"Not trying to." Phantom explained. "Now come on, let's go find the Wulf and Klemper."

"You knew they were here?" Spirit asked.

"Of course, it was obvious that they wouldn't listen to me." Phantom noted. "Good thing, too. I'm gonna need their help."

"What for?" Spirit asked.

"We're taking Technus to the mansion. We're going to help him recover and find out who did that to him."

Omake: Wrong place, wrong time

(Thursday-April 2, 2010)

"Are you ready for our rematch, DP?" Torch smirked at his rival. "Because Torch is ready to go."

"Do we really have to do this now?" Phantom sighed. "We have the stupid meeting in a few days."

"Then this is the best time to settle this!" Torch shouted as he waved his scythe around. "Torch says to get it out of the way!"

"Fine, fine…" Phantom mumbled. He formed an ice sword and prepared himself. "Just make sure we stay high above the city. Don't want anyone else getting hurt."

"Torch agrees." Torch instantly burst into flames. "This is between Torch and DP only!"

Rumble! The below them split open. A venues fly trap rose from the concreter. It opened to show a brain and eyes. Suddenly, crass and fines rapped around it to form a body.

"RAW! Flesh dwellers! You have caused pain to my children once too often!" The plant ghost reached down and picked up a fallen tree. "Now you too shall know pain. The pain of…UNDERGROWTH!"

"Hey moron!" Torch yelled down to Undergrowth. "Your timing sucks! Torch and DP are in the middle of something! Come back in half an hour!"

"Fool! I shall tear apart this city and all the sacks of meat in it! My vengeance will be swift and immediate!" Undergrowth growled.

"Look!" Phantom shouted at the plant ghost. "I'll gladly kick your ass, but come back tomorrow. Today, I'm kicking the hot head's ass!"

"Yeah!…hey, wait a minute!" Torch growled. "Torch will be doing the ass kicking today!"

"Pathetic ghosts!" Undergrowth screamed to the heavens. "Your conflict means nothing to me! In fact…" Undergrowth's hands formed into spiked clubs. "I will make you into mulch."

"…" Phantom was silent.

"…" Torch was silent.



(…Five minutes later…)

"I…surrender…" Undergrowth moaned in agony from his spot on the ground. While he could regenerate perfectly, he could still feel pain, and right now, it was just too much. The fight had been so taxing, it caused him to shrink to the size of a shoe.

"You really shouldn't have picked a fight with us." Phantom commented as he lifted the tiny Undergrowth from the ground.

"Yeah, you stupid idiot!" Torch seethed. "Torch's fire powers and DP's ice powers dominated you!"

"Oooohhhh…" Undergrowth groaned in pain. "Have…mercy…"

"Whatever…" Phantom used a Fenton Thermos to capture Undergrowth. "Now where were we?"

"Torch was in the middle of beating you." Torch pointed his scythe at Phantom.

"You wish…"

Deleted/Alternate Scenes

(I wanted to include these in my story, but they wouldn't fit)

(#1. Futurama Reference)

"It was nice of you to allow the council of the elite to meet in your domain, Neutral Ghost." Pandora smiled at the grey ghost as they stood outside the pure grey meeting hall.

"Yes," Scribe nodded. "But please tell me…what is your opinion on this meeting?"

The simple grey ghost wearing grey robes showed no emotion on his face. "I have no strong feelings one way or the other."

(#2 Breaking The Fourth Wall)

"Why are you here?" Spirit glared at her rival.

"Because the author wanted to have all his OC's in one chapter." Nyx sighed. "I seriously wish he would just skip this part and go to where Danny joins the team."

"You and a third of the people reading this." Spirit noted.

(#3 The Good Excuse)

"Is that why you didn't invite Clockwork?" Phantom asked.

"No," Vision shook her head. "He said that was too busy playing Grand Theft Auto V."

"It's 2010! That game doesn't come out for 3 years!" Phantom exclaimed.

"Not for him. He controls time." Vision explained. "Lucky SOB..."

Insane_Nyon Insane_Nyon

Yes, the DC character was the Spectre. No one guessed it. He's one of the strongest characters in DC universe. He's beaten Superman and Captain Marvel. No joke. He's going to play his part later. If you haven't seen the DC showcase on him, look it up on Google. It's pretty good.

About Reaper...in a world where ideas take a life of their own, don't you think that the thing that is always looming over people's heads would become a ghost? Reaper is, in fact, dead. Killed long ago, but his power did become the Ghost Zone, so his presence lingers...Also, there's a twist to the Reaper's existence that won't be revealed for a while.

The King's Advisers was actually my first idea. The Ancient Six just stemmed from that. I was always planning to have the Fright Knight to appear, and not as a villain. Unfortunately, all I know about his personality is that he's dark and has a thing for drama...I assume by his entrances at least.

Thank you all for reading and please remember to...


next chapter
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