เขียนรีวิวWhat time do you go to bed? I’ve been recording for a while now and it really throws off my sleep. Sometimes I’ll leave early and I can get to bed at 11 pm, which is kind of early for me. But lately, I’ve been going to sleep at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. The last couple of times I was in the studio I went to bed at 8 a.m. But luckily I don’t have a 9 to 5, so I can work around whenever I get to sleep. I sleep like a growing boy; I sleep like I’m 13 years old. But I get a lot of inspiration from my dreams, so I think I get deep in my dream world. It’s my favorite thing to do: Sleep.
aku suka banget sama cerita ini, lucu sih menurutku 🌻terus gitu, karena aku orang Indonesia, jadi aku sengaja milih cerita luar negeri buat bahan belajar :)