Tara Landon has never experienced love–even worse–she’s endured a lifetime of beatings. After reaching her breaking point, she decides to run away to start a new life without anyone pinning her down or holding her back. However, not far into her journey, she is intercepted by soon-to-be alpha Victor Bane, a brooding, mysterious, emerald-eyed man. The thought of him scares Tara as much as it arouses her. She doesn’t think much of the encounter until she learns that…oh, she’s destined to be Luna of Victor’s pack. The freedom she sought is quickly ripped away from her and she must make a decision: to accept or reject her fated mate. – “I have you for a lifetime, Tara. I can be patient,” he relayed with an erotic moan. He looked me in the eyes, as I gestured for him to unbutton my blouse. I whispered, “You might be patient, Victor. But, it isn’t polite to keep a woman waiting.” “What will it take for you to say yes?” he asked lustfully. “Something you can’t give.”
Hi, my name is Eden. Eden Grey. I was just an ordinary girl who lived in an everyday world until an incident made me become the unluckiest girl in the world. It started from that day when I met Alexander Lupo. A cruel, cold, and stiff man! He said that I was his mate. Mate?? He felt annoyed because his soul had bounded to me —who turned out to be just an ordinary human— even though he was the king of all beasts named…. Werewolves!! “Oh, dear Mr. Alexander Lupo, this is also not my wish; you were the one who came after me first!! Why are you blaming your unfortunate fate on me?” Eden snorted in annoyance. “Maybe the Moon Goddess was joking, so she gave me such a weak Luna!” Mocked Alexander while gripping Eden's chin. Unfortunately for Alexander, even though he hated his destiny with Eden, he couldn't deny that he wanted the girl's body and soul. Whenever they met, let alone refused, Alexander wanted to cuddle and make love to her more and more! “Satisfy me, Baby Girl!!” “Get off from me, you wet dog!!” **** Mature content English is not my first language Forgive for Error grammar the cover is mine; created by maple design Happy reading
Maya, an omega, has been a victim of bullying since she turned sixteen and was found out to be without the wolf gene or trait. Her chief tormentors were the three sons of the Lycan King who ruled over the entire werewolf regions, taking into captive colonies that defied his order. After being set up by a jealous classmate, Maya is beaten and left for dead at the borders of their pack by the king’s three sons, who told the pack that she had been captured by some rogues. Maya is saved by a witch who adopted and drilled her on the ways of the ancient magic and sorcery, whilst encouraging and preparing her for a huge revenge plan which threatens to upset the balance of the world and unleash the great threads of darkness seven years later when she returns to her previous pack to perpetrate justice on her tormentors. She comes at a crossroads when she discovers her true heritage and that her mate was the biggest bully there ever was, Adam Brekans, eldest son of the lycan king. What happens now? Would Maya continue on her quest for revenge? Or would she submit to the threads of love so that peace could reign?In Rainbow Town, 17-years-old Ali Wilson's life takes a wild turn when her secret scrapbook, filled with tales of her and Evan, the boy she secretly loves, falls into the hands of Marcus, the school's notorious bully and a werewolf. Ali finds herself blackmailed by Marcus, who threatens to expose the contents of the scrapbook if she doesn't agree to be his servant at school. To keep her stories from being exposed, Ali reluctantly becomes Marcus's servant, only to discover a softer side to him. As feelings grow, Evan returns, throwing Ali's heart into chaos. Add in Kendra's schemes and Marcus's past love, and Ali's life becomes a supernatural soap opera. But when Ali learns she's a werewolf and her life is in danger from her own father, she must choose: flee to safety or embrace her werewolf heritage and fight for her life—and love.
"You're mine," Zale growled, his breath hot against Soren's ear. "Every breath, every moan. No one else will ever have you like this." He thrust deeper, claiming his mate with primal intensity. "Feel that?" he hissed, nails digging into Soren's back. "That's the mark of my possession. You're never escaping me." His eyes glowed with a feral light as he pulled Soren closer, their bodies moving in a fierce, rhythmic dance. **** Zale is a snobbish wolf with severe anger issues. Soren, a tiger shifter, is the only medicine for Zale's issues that affect him because of their childhood connection. Regardless of that connection, their relationship was nothing to brag about; it was more akin to that of a master and a pet. Zale, the domineering master who seeks to destroy everything, particularly his loved ones, once triggered. And Soren, who is in charge of all his tantrums. He's a good pet, that's for sure. "If you want me, desire me, even only in the form of a pet. Then you'll get all of me, and I'll make sure of it.” (I don't own the picture on the cover)
[Reifer Inhalt] "Everly, ich weiß, du kannst mich nicht hören ... aber wirst du mich zurückweisen, wenn ich dir sage, was ich wirklich fühle?" Sein ruhiger, zynischer Ton erklang. ...... Die fünfundzwanzigjährige Everly Eloise, eine reinblütige Werwolf-Waise, wird von einem wohlhabenden Mann angeheuert, der plötzlich einen Pfleger braucht. Sie nimmt den Job an, aber was sie nicht erwartet hat, ist seine monströse Seite. Die Seite von ihm, die die Medien nie gezeigt haben oder von der sie zumindest nichts wusste. Valerio Avalanzo war ein wohlhabender Europäer, der von seiner Geliebten betrogen wurde und in einem Zustand zurückblieb, den er vor der ganzen Welt gut verbarg. Der Vorfall führte zu einer drastischen Veränderung bei ihm. Er wurde kaltherzig, von den meisten gefürchtet, ungesellig, gefühllos und, was am schlimmsten war, er entwickelte einen tiefen Hass auf das Wort "Liebe". Da er blind war und einen so tiefen Hass auf die Liebe hegte, glaubte man, dass er emotional nicht in der Lage war, jemanden zu lieben, und hinterließ der Welt dieses Bild von ihm. Aber was passiert, wenn er Everly Eloise, seine Betreuerin, trifft? Wird sein Herz gewinnen oder wird sein Hass auf die Liebe siegen? Und was passiert, wenn er herausfindet, dass Everly nicht nur seine Betreuerin ist, sondern auch ein Werwolf? Die Kreaturen, die seit Jahrhunderten ein Feind seiner Art sind? Und wurde ihre Begegnung vom Schicksal entschieden oder ist es vielleicht eine Chance, die ihnen gegeben wurde? Eine Chance, die jedem der beiden Herzen gegeben wurde, um zu heilen? ______ Dieses Buch befindet sich in einem Wettbewerb! Bitte gebt eure volle Unterstützung. Ihr werdet es bestimmt lieben, denn ich versichere euch, es gibt viele Wendungen! Das Cover ist nicht von mir!!! Ein Hoch auf den Besitzer!!!
``` Everly Eloise, una huérfana licántropa de sangre pura de veinticinco años, es contratada por un hombre rico que de repente necesitaba un cuidador. Ella aceptó el trabajo, pero lo que no anticipó fue el lado monstruoso de él. El lado de él que los medios nunca mostraron, o al menos nunca supieron. Valerio Avalanzo, un hombre europeo adinerado que fue traicionado por su amante, por lo que quedó en una condición que ocultó muy bien de todo el mundo. El incidente le hizo cambiar drásticamente. Se volvió de corazón frío, temido por la mayoría, insociable, carente de emoción y, lo peor de todo, desarrolló un profundo odio por la palabra "amor". Para un hombre que era ciego y tenía un profundo odio por el amor, se creía que era emocionalmente incapaz de amar a alguien, dejando al mundo con esa percepción de él. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando conoce a Everly Eloise, su cuidadora? ¿Qué ganará, su corazón o su odio por el amor? ¿Y qué pasa cuando descubre que Everly no es solo su cuidadora, sino también una licántropa? ¿Las criaturas que han sido enemigas de su especie durante siglos? ```
"Não aqui, fracote! Vamos nos encontrar no riacho perto da fronteira da alcateia em uma hora, aí você pode me mostrar o que tem." Ele a informou. "Tudo bem, desafio aceito! Mas se eu te derrotar, você vai parar de me intimidar e me deixar em paz!" Aurora disse entre dentes. "Claro." Ele respondeu. "O ódio que tenho por você só vai acabar quando você não existir mais. Lá, ninguém virá te salvar e eu finalmente poderei te destruir. Ninguém desrespeita Dante e fica impune!" Dante pensou consigo mesmo enquanto se afastava. A vida de Aurora era para ser perfeita, já que ela tinha nascimento nobre, mas infelizmente estava longe da perfeição. Seu pai era o beta, o segundo no comando do Alfa da matilha e sua mãe era uma das fortes guerreiras da matilha. Como ela era a primeira filha, foi tratada como uma flor, protegida de danos, tristezas, perturbações e problemas, e só foi exposta à pura alegria, puro amor, felicidade e tudo de belo enquanto crescia, mas sua vida não era cheia de rosas, conforme ela foi ficando mais velha! Crescendo, ela acreditou que seria normal como todo outro lobisomem de sua matilha e da comunidade de lobisomens inteira, mas, infelizmente, ela era estranhamente diferente. Ela era a única lobisomem na sua matilha que não tinha um lobo, um animal interior, portanto era tratada como uma excluída. Enquanto outros lobisomens recebiam seus lobos em seus décimos sextos aniversários, o dela se recusou a aparecer. Nem mesmo quando ela completou dezoito anos. Nem mesmo quando ela encontrou sua companheira!!!
Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
``` Estrella es una chica que no ha conocido otro mundo. Ha estado cautiva por su familia extendida desde que su madre murió cuando ella tenía dos años, ¿o su madre fue asesinada? Se acerca la fecha de su decimoctavo cumpleaños y si no se aleja pronto de sus captores, tendrá que casarse con un hombre al que desprecia. Artem es un joven nuevo Alfa que estaba disgustado por las acciones de los Alfas anteriores. Queriendo reformar su manada y proteger a los débiles, tomó el control por la fuerza. Ahora, está rescatando a aquellos que han sido golpeados, abusados y descuidados. Durante una de sus misiones de rescate, Artem descubre a la joven Estrella. La chica está aterrorizada de su familia, del mundo exterior que no conoce y de él. Entonces, ¿cómo va a decirle que ella es su compañera destinada y futura Luna de su manada? ¿Puede Artem lograr que Estrella confíe en él cuando se le ha dicho que nadie se preocupa por los lobos débiles, especialmente el Alfa? ¿Puede convencerla de que el mundo no es como le han hecho creer? —Haré lo que sea para salvarte, Estrella. Lo que sea para protegerte. Por favor, tienes que confiar en mí. ¿Puede Estrella superar su miedo y confiar en este hombre al que nunca antes ha conocido? ¿Y su familia simplemente se cruzará de brazos y la dejará ser llevada lejos de ellos? ¿Qué altibajos esperan a nuestro Alfa y su compañera en esta montaña rusa de historia? ***ADVERTENCIAS*** Violencia Gráfica Idioma Fuerte Contenido Sexual Contenido para Adultos/Maduro Abuso Encarcelamiento Intento de Violación SÍGUEME Y CUÉNTAME QUÉ PIENSAS https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
De fugir pela sua segurança e se matricular em uma escola cheia de psicopatas... a ser reivindicado por um príncipe alfa perturbado? É, você está melhor morto. • . • A vida de Jules era perfeita até que sua família inteira foi assassinada de repente, sendo ele o único sobrevivente. Um salvador apareceu porque ele ainda estava em grande perigo, e isso levou Jules a assumir uma nova identidade e se tornar uma pessoa completamente diferente da noite para o dia — e se matricular na Carnivals, uma prestigiada escola só para meninos e para todos os seres sobrenaturais. Na Carnivals, monstros espreitam os corredores escuros e os fortes predam os fracos. Ou você se torna um predador ou uma presa... e por uma olhada em Jules — um garoto bonito demais para seu próprio bem, com um corpo esbelto e pequeno, era óbvio que ele seria devorado vivo pelos predadores. Aqui vem Blaze, um lobo que faz os predadores da escola tremerem, um Alfa insanamente atraente que era tão perigoso e perturbado quanto os rumores afirmavam. Ele deu uma olhada em Jules e decidiu ali mesmo que Jules pertencia a ele. *** Eu me afastei para trás, olhos arregalando ainda mais enquanto focava no sorriso que se formava no canto de seus lábios. Blaze nunca sorria, e quando o fazia, nunca significava nada bom. Meu coração acelerou enquanto eu recuava ainda mais, respiração entrecortando ao parar enquanto ele começava a diminuir a distância entre nós. Em pouco tempo, minhas costas estavam coladas à parede fria e foi então que me atingiu bem no peito que eu estava encurralado e aprisionado, como uma presa de verdade... por ninguém menos que Blaze, quando eu pensei que minha vida não poderia piorar. Ele se impôs sobre mim sem esforço, emanando tanta dominância que tive que inclinar a cabeça para trás para conseguir encarar seus olhos escuros, e minha respiração falhou quando nossos olhos se encontraram. Ele se inclinou e meus olhos se fecharam de imediato enquanto eu prendia a respiração, esperando que ele atacasse. Eu já tinha ouvido todos os rumores horríveis e intermináveis sobre ele. Ele era um Príncipe Alfa cuja presença alguém como eu jamais deveria estar. Quando senti a ponta de seu nariz frio deslizar pelo comprimento da minha garganta, minha boca se abriu para soltar um grito de surpresa. Ele inspirou profundamente, um som audível, e senti um arrepio percorrer minha espinha à medida que ficava ainda mais rígido, confusão turvando minha mente. O que estava acontecendo? Por que ele estava fazendo isso do nada? Meu Deus... ele realmente era um alfa perturbado como todos dizem! *** ESTE LIVRO É AVALIADO PARA MAIORES DE 18! Contém conteúdo maduro como: - Bullying. - Uso de drogas. - Conteúdo erótico [muito disso.] - Violência. - Harém [não entre os personagens principais.] Então... prossiga com cautela, você foi avisado! *Eu não possuo os direitos da capa!
Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**
``` Huyendo de la boda que tanto temía con el Príncipe Heredero Aed Ruad, la Princesa Anastasia terminó convirtiéndose en la cautiva del hombre más peligroso de la Leyenda, el Príncipe Íleo. Ella conoce un secreto que quiere intercambiar con él pero el precio es alto. Y Íleo… él la desea y algo más. Sumérgete en el mundo oscuro y misterioso de Anastasia e Íleo mientras luchan contra la seducción, el poder, la avaricia y una atracción enloquecedora. ¿Logrará Anastasia liberarse de él? ¿Alcanzará Íleo su propósito? ¡Únete a ellos para sentirlo! Otras novelas de esta serie incluyen: Confesiones Salvajes: Adriana y el Alfa (Completado) El Príncipe Alfa del Creciente Plateado (Completado) La portada me pertenece. Está encargada. Artista de la portada: Micehellwd ```
Aria Winters has spent her life in the shadows, working to support her bedridden mother and younger brother in the poorest part of the Crescent Moon Pack. When her mate is revealed at the New Alpha’s Mating Ceremony, she feels a flicker of hope—until Beta Colin Hunt rejects her in front of everyone, branding her unworthy. Heartbroken, Aria retreats into the night, only to be claimed by the most powerful Lycan alive—King Magnus Draven, a man twice her age who had given up on finding his mate. With one kiss, he shatters her world and ignites a chain of events no one could foresee. But not everyone is willing to let Aria live her new life. Old enemies emerge, secrets from her past resurface, and Colin, fueled by jealousy, wants back what he threw away. As danger closes in, Aria must decide who she can trust—and whether her bond with the Lycan King will be strong enough to survive the truth that’s about to be revealed. What dark secrets lie in wait, and how far will her enemies go to tear her from the man destined to be hers?
``` CONCLUÍDO | AVISO - Este NÃO é um livro de Romance com Lobisomens! É um erótico e inclui diversas cenas de sexo. Alfa Vishous e sua namorada Ava são lobisomens vivendo em uma matilha. Após completarem os rituais, Ava tornou-se a Luna da matilha, Entretanto não é o fim de todos os rituais. Leia a jornada de mais Rituais desconhecidos pelos quais Ava talvez tenha que passar. Sozinha. --- Agora você pode comprar diretamente toda a série deste livro comigo acessando: reamstories.com/krystalwatt Lá também estão disponíveis outros livros e mais eróticos para você ler e desfrutar. Grupo no FB: fb.com/groups/krystalwatt / Pack da Krystal Watt: Um Clube para Leitores Página: fb.com/ktish7 Instagram: @authorkrystalwatt ```
Lyra has spent her life as a lowly slave in the Crescent Moon Pack, dreaming of escape. But on her eighteenth birthday, everything changes. Chosen as the pack's Luna and bound to the powerful and charismatic Alpha Asher, Lyra discovers she's a True Luna, one of the rarest and most powerful beings in the werewolf world. As Lyra grapples with her newfound powers, her world is turned upside down by the return of Lucian, Asher's twin brother. Once unfairly exiled and branded a traitor, Lucian has forged his own formidable pack and now stands as an Alpha in his own right. His reappearance awakens something wild within Lyra, challenging her bond with Asher. Caught between two irresistible forces, Lyra finds herself torn. Asher, with his commanding presence and unwavering determination to protect her. Lucian, exuding danger and rebellion, his very presence promising freedom and passion. Both Alphas are drawn to her, both claim her as their own, their rivalry threatening to reignite old wounds and shatter pack alliances. But Lyra's awakening has attracted darker forces. Rogue werewolves hunt her, coveting the power of a True Luna for their sinister purposes. As war looms and long-buried secrets surface, Lyra must navigate treacherous pack politics, harness her unpredictable abilities, and choose between the two captivating wolves who've claimed her heart. In a world where loyalty is everything and fate is written in the stars, can Lyra forge her own destiny? Or will the bonds of the past—and the allure of two powerful Alphas—drag her into a future she never imagined?
Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
Storm is a nobody without her pretty face, her smart mouth and her oblivious healing gift. But all that changes when the gods, to prevent the annihilation of an entire specie, orchestrates her meeting with an underground mafia lord; a ruthless Lycan, who had been exiled from his pack for killing his father. ***TO NOTE*** Story contains: 1. R18 scenes 2. Violence. 3.Short tales of two other main characters apart from Female Lead(related). 4. Up for WSA!
*Book 1 Completed* *Book 2 Completed* Blanca Vergil, the first of her kind, a young, naive hybrid, met Dimitri Norton, a rich, handsome, and powerful vampire. After a terrible betrayal in his past, he used his powerful abilities to fight against his fate. But when two strangers come together and two lifemates face treacherous schemes and uncover a dark mystery that links them together, you get a story and an adventure no one could have ever foreseen.4.81
"Alliyah and Areej against the world remember? You will always be my big sister whatever happens ..." ~ Areej. "I will conquer the world, if that's what it takes to keep my loved ones by my side." ~ Alliyah. "Love is the most difficult promise to give, the most dangerous addiction to have, and the most satisfying pleasure." ~ Sharmaine. "No matter who you are, what you are... You will always be the one for me." ~ Isaiah. "Seize your destiny. This world will not wait for you. Take it by your own hands!" ~King Avalon. "Life is like a wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Just persevere and it will not always be as tough as it is." ~ Joe the hunter. =*=*=*=*=* In a world where chaos thrives, King Avalon - the king of vampires, led his kingdom to domination and turned it into the most powerful territory. As he declared war with humans, he vowed to keep his reign forever. Turning vampires as the most feared creatures in the world. Amidst the war and killings, a young woman lived in a peaceful island. Away from the politics and struggle for power of the kingdoms. A young woman named Alliyah was filled with dreams and hope for a better future for the people of Caragua Island. An orphan who has never left the Caragua island in 21 years of her life. Until one night, a group of vampires wreaked havoc in Caragua island in which death and chaos ensued. Alliyah was supposed to be dead but now she became a vampire. She wakes up no longer a human but a vampire. A new life and fate awaits the red velvet-haired Alliyah. Her adventure and rise to power begins... What will happen to her? How will she survive, now that she is a vampire? Will she venture the dark path of vengeance? --- Author's Note: [WARNING: Some chapters of this book may contain mature R-18 content.] Everything written in this story is just a fig of my imagination and has no reflection on real life. PLEASE Vote this book with power stones for motivation, PLEASE Send Gifts if you enjoyed reading. PLEASE! I need your support. If we achieve the following: (In weekly basis) 800 powerstones = 2 daily updates 1,600 powerstones = 3 daily updates ~I don't own the picture. I just took it from the internet~ =============== *** Release of chapters will be on first week of the month *** > 20:00 +8 GMT Donate for more motivation through the link below. paypal.me/madskie00017 Discord: madskie00017#8773 Instagram: @alphaprincenovel THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support !! ===============