Lyrical Fernando, a sweet and simple girl who was very good at taking care of people, which is one of the gifts that was passed on to her from her mother, apart from her beautiful yet pale face, cute nose, and golden brown hair. She came to the city to live with her aunt after her mother passed away and grew up with her cousin brother, who was overprotective of her but still was the best brother Lyrical could ever ask for. Melody Peters was born into a rich businessman family. However, her parents never loved her. They always loved and adored her two elder brothers, totally ignoring her. She grew up feeling like she is worthless and life always made her feel she is right in this case. After her parents sent her away and never looked back at her, she started building a life on her own, where she met various kinds of people who cannot be called a good company. For better career opportunities, Lyrical landed a job in Knack Dreamz as an assistant to Melody, who instantly took a liking to her. Melody tries her best to keep Lyrical with her all the time, even though she knows Lyrical is not into girls. On the other hand, Lyrical can't help but get drawn towards Melody, dream about them together. Even though Lyrical is sure that she is very much straight and will never fall for Melody. She is ready to explore the possibility of being with her, even if it's just for sex. But little did Lyrical know, this was not the first time she has met her boss, also that Melody was hiding a big secret that could break her heart. While they both are trying to figure out their feelings for each other and how to deal with it, there is a danger waiting to pounce at any given opportunity, which could destroy their lives. What will happen when they come face-to-face with this danger? When both have to confront their fears, reveal their secrets and what will be the consequences.? Read to find out! xxxxxxx Hi Guys! Thank you for choosing to read my book. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome and appreciated. I really hope you like my writing. Just a small warning This story is intended for mature audiences. If you have homophobia, issues with sexual content, explicit language.. this book is definitely not for you. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person or actual events is purely coincidental. A/N: Cover photo is not my creation, all rights belong to the owner.
Jian Yu had always been a perfectionist, maybe he also suffered a bit of OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He liked everything clean and in order. He needed to recheck everything before starting the job. Guard an Alpha, check. Be a beta, check. Gaining attention from rivalry Alpha family? Cross that out. Flirted by said Alpha? "My dear little Yu, please accept my love!" Gasp! "No! You are my client's fiancee!!" "Not anymore!" *** In this world, everyone is classified as Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alpha served as the superior, the dominant one, while omega are generally lowest on the hierarchy. Regardless of gender, all omegas have the ability to carry offspring. Unlike Huang Jian Yu, a beta male, who can do neither. Beta are subordinate to Alpha and have a very low percentage in either giving offspring or carrying one. Even more, Beta can't form a soulbond. The population of Beta isn't even half of the population of Alpha and Omega, so little that no one actually paid attention to Betas. Jian Yu had believed that he would never find happiness as a Beta. Why search for the happiness you can't achieve? However, in the unexpected chaos, love bloomed. Jian Yu faces the increasing affection of two men who are inherently different from him: one an Alpha, another an Omega. Who will give the love Jianyu deserves? *** A relationship that couldn't be predicted or guaranteed. Working on it together day by day could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. A story about trusting someone to share your fears with. A story about making each other's lives fuller.**Nominiert für die Spirity Awards 2020** Dawn Wyatt, die von einem Werwolf gebissen wurde, wird zu einem Neotiden - einem Werwolf, der in der Welt der Reinblüter nichts zu suchen hat. Was dann folgt, ist noch viel erschütternder. Die achtzehnjährige Dawn Wyatt und ihr zehnjähriger Bruder Cole, die von den Feinden ihres Vaters getötet werden sollen, entkommen ihren Häschern und flehen förmlich darum, von der Familie eines Bauern aufgenommen zu werden. Die Familie willigt ein, doch als die Entführer eine hohe Belohnung von zehn Millionen Dollar für die entkommenen Geschwister aussetzen, verrät die Familie sie. Um ihr Leben zu retten, fliehen sie aus dem Land. Dawn kehrt fünf Jahre später als "gebissener" Werwolf und brillante Marktanalystin zurück, um ihre Nische zu finden. Und auch, um sich an denjenigen zu rächen, die sie in einen Werwolf verwandelt und ihr alles genommen haben, ohne zu ahnen, dass sie der Mittelpunkt mehrerer Verschwörungen ist. ------------- Daryn Silver ist der tödlich sexy Prinz des seltenen Silver-Clans der reinblütigen Werwölfe. Er ist kalt, rücksichtslos und gnadenlos und arrogant. Und sie ist gebissen. Er will alle Gebissenen, die Schurken, vom Angesicht der Erde tilgen. Er jagt sie schon seit Jahren. Was passiert, wenn er ihr begegnet? Es ist schwierig, ihr zu widerstehen, und eine Herausforderung, sie zu akzeptieren. Dawns Leben wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als sie ihm begegnet. Sie erfährt gefährliche Dinge über ihn: Er ist ein reinblütiger Werwolf und der Prinz eines seltenen Silberclans, vor dem sich jedes andere Rudel verneigt; er hatte zahlreiche Freundinnen. Von einigen der Verrückten musste er sogar einstweilige Verfügungen erwirken. Er manövriert sie in seine Welt mit einem Vorschlag, mit dem sie nie gerechnet hat. Dawn nutzt das zu ihrem Vorteil! Sie weiß, dass sie mit dem Feuer spielt. ------------- Sie nickte und ging hinein, als er ihr die Tür aufhielt. Sobald sie die Tür geschlossen hatte, hielt Daryn ihre Hand fest und zog sie gegen die Wand. "Daryn..." Er beugte sich herunter und legte seine Hände auf beide Seiten von Dawn. Ihre Gesichter waren nur einen Zentimeter voneinander entfernt. Daryn spreizte seine Lippen, als wollte er etwas sagen. Dawn spürte die ganze Wärme, die von seinem Körper, von seinem Atem ausging. Sie klammerte sich an die kalte Wand und starrte ihm in die Augen. Er kam ein Stück näher, und ihr Atem ging stoßweise. Ihr Verstand verließ alle Überlegungen. Das war nicht das, was sie in seinem Büro erwartet hatte. Es war das erste Mal, dass sie es überhaupt betreten hatte. "Ich kann nicht aufhören, an dich zu denken, Dawn", flüsterte er. Sie biss sich auf die Lippe, um sich selbst davon abzuhalten, seine Lippen zu berühren und ihn zu spüren. Daryn griff ihr in den Nacken und seine Lippen fielen auf ihre. Sie erschauderte. Zuerst berührte er sie nur leicht, dann wurde sein Kuss tief, voller Leidenschaft, die er lange Zeit zurückgehalten hatte. Es wurde immer schwieriger, sie nicht sinnlos zu küssen, sie zu spüren. Und Dawn - sie schloss ihre Augen. --------- Lesen Sie mit mir die abenteuerliche Reise von Dawn Wyatt und Daryn Silver. Wie ich schon sagte, wird dies ein spannender Thriller und ein dampfiger Liebesroman werden! Also schnallt euch an für eine Achterbahnfahrt! Warnung! Dieser Roman ist temporeich und enthält Spannung, Nervenkitzel und Romantik. Erwarten Sie keine typische Klischee-Romanze, die Sie immer wieder lesen. Und wenn Sie darauf aus sind, dann ist dieses Buch leider nichts für Sie! Das Buch enthält MÄNNLICHEN INHALT! ------------- Wilde Geständnisse Serie: Wilde Geständnisse: Adrianna und der Alpha (abgeschlossen) Der Alphaprinz des silbernen Halbmonds (abgeschlossen) Ileus (laufend) Andere Bücher: Sugar and Spice: Die temperamentvolle Ehefrau des CEO (abgeschlossen) Zwei Verträge: Mein Liebhaber ist ein CEO (Abgeschlossen) Besuchen Sie mich auf Discord unter
(WARNUNG: EXTREM REIFER INHALT) "Wenn du jemals wieder in die Nähe meiner Frau kommst, werde ich dich finden, dich brutal foltern und den Zorn der Hölle für den Rest der Ewigkeit auf dich loslassen." Ihre Geschichte mit ihm hätte nie erzählt werden dürfen. Ihre Welt war ebenso grausam wie durchtrieben. Werwölfe überzogen die Menschen als Krieger der Nation mit Terror. Vampire regierten die High Society mit eiserner Faust. Ihr ganzes Leben lang hatte sich Ophelia gefragt, warum die Vampire und Werwölfe im Königreich sie nie angriffen - bis sie vor zehn Jahren feststellte, dass sie zum Tabu erklärt worden war. Und doch kämpfte das ganze Reich um die Rechte an ihrem Körper - oder um ihr Leben. Aber warum? Und wofür?
Der größte Fehler in Alicias Leben war der Versuch, Selbstmord zu begehen. Sie fand sich im Körper einer 19-jährigen Prinzessin im Exil im Mittelalter wieder. Und was noch? Sie wurde gezwungen, Prinz Harold zu heiraten, den berüchtigten, weißhaarigen, jähzornigen Prinzen, dem es nichts ausmachte, jemanden aus den unwichtigsten Gründen umzubringen. Nun steht ihre Hochzeit in wenigen Stunden an und die "Prinzessin", die zufällig Alicia heißt, soll den Gästen einige "prinzessinnenhafte" Fähigkeiten vorführen. Kurze Frage: Ist Twerking im Mittelalter erlaubt? Sie war sich sicher, dass die Hochzeit eine Katastrophe werden würde und dass der jähzornige Prinz sie umbringen würde, bevor sie den Weg nach Hause finden würde. Gott helfe ihr! ThatAmazingGirl in Zusammenarbeit mit Miss_Behaviour (Die Autoren von In Love With A Klepto) bringt euch ein weiteres Buch. "DIE FREMDE BRAUT DES VERFLUCHTEN PRINZEN" Was würdest du tun, wenn du dich plötzlich im Körper einer Prinzessin aus der alten Zeit wiederfindest? Noch dazu ist er nicht nur ein Werwolf, sondern auch von der Mondgöttin verflucht. EXCERPT: Was sollte sie tun? Sie war verwirrt und hatte keine Ahnung, was vor sich ging. Hochzeiten im Mittelalter waren seltsam! Was zum Teufel ist eine "Tugendrezitation"? Sollte sie so tun, als würde sie in Ohnmacht fallen? Das war der einzige Gedanke, der einen Sinn ergab. Und das tat sie auch. Sie sackte langsam auf dem Boden zusammen und hörte, wie alle zu keuchen und zu rufen begannen. Alicia wollte, dass sie sie da rausholten und dann würde sie einen Weg finden, zu entkommen. Aber vielleicht hatte sie ja doch Pech, denn als sie unter ihren Wimpern hervorlugte und sich fragte, warum niemand kam, um sie hinauszutragen, sah sie ein goldenes Gewand, bevor sich die Person vor ihr niederhockte. Sie schloss ihre Augen fest und hielt den Atem an. Immerhin war sie Schauspielerin. Sie konnte das makellos durchziehen. "Das war ein schlechtes Schauspiel, Mylady." sprach die tiefe Stimme, die ihr eine Gänsehaut auf die Haut zauberte. Beängstigend. "Ich gebe Ihnen nur drei Sekunden Zeit, um aufzustehen." Seine Stimme war nicht wirklich bedrohlich, aber irgendwie verbreitete er Angst, besonders durch die langsame und vorsichtige Art, wie er sprach. Sie hatte gehört, dass er übellaunig war. Was würde er tun, wenn die drei Sekunden vorbei waren? Würde er sie töten? Würde sie dann hier sterben? Woher wusste er überhaupt, dass sie sich verstellte? Waren die Menschen im Mittelalter normalerweise klug? Sie öffnete ein Auge, um ihn anzuschauen, und sah, dass er sie direkt anschaute und grinste. DIE HOCHZEIT WÜRDE AUF KEINEN FALL STATTFINDEN. SIE WAR SO WAS VON TOT! ******* Werwolf (Check) Verfluchter Fürst (Haken) Seelenwanderung (Abgehakt) Komödie (Abgehakt) Romanze (Doppelter Check) ZU IHRER BIBLIOTHEK HINZUFÜGEN!
WARNING: [R-18] Fairy tales usually end in happy endings. But the life of a royal is not always a lap of luxury. Twelve years ago, she became the Crown Princess and the fiance of the next King of Flousia, but a strict rule was given to her that the engagement should be kept a secret. Alira Eleanor Wilson was the daughter of the wealthiest family in the country. As an heiress, she was treated like a delicate flower—always guarded and protected. And she was good at following the rules. At the age of six, she got engaged to the Crown Prince of the neighbouring country. But after the engagement, she was sent back home and never seen him again. Caden Hulls-Richards became the secret heir to the throne of Flousia at the age of six. He became the Crown Prince when the kingdom was at war with the mafia. He got engaged to Alira, his childhood crush, but was separated from her because of some circumstances. They were childhood sweethearts. He was the sweetest boy when they were young. He was her first love and being the crown princess she felt like fairy tales were real. But twelve years without seeing each other and years of longing and hope, Alira felt betrayed and abandoned. She had enough of always following the rules and being protected all the time. She decided to join her friends in a group date, but ended up being caught by none other than her fiance. And what if she discovered her prince charming had two identities? A crown prince by day and the boss of the most notorious Mafia Clan by night. Can she perfectly portray both role as the crown princess and the future wife of a mafia boss? ****************************************** EXCERPT: Her eyes widened while looking at Caden's naked body. But what made her heart beat faster was when he turned to look at her. His eyes seemed so cold and distant. As if he wasn't the Caden she knew. He stared at her like she was someone he didn't know. "C-Caden, I-I'm sorry. I called your name b-but you didn't answer." She stuttered. She was supposed to run away when Caden walked toward him. She froze and couldn't take a single step. His upper body wasn't full of scars, but it was full of tattoos. He had a rose tattoo on his neck, a skull pierced with a sword, and wings on his chest. THIS IS A SEQUEL OF MY BOOK MY EVIL BOY TOY! PLEASE SUPPORT THIS BOOK AND LET'S FOLLOW CADEN AND ALIRA'S LOVE STORY. **Book cover is mine. Art by elkshan.** Please do not repost! Contact me at Instagram: authorsky_maiden Facebook: Sky Maiden FB Link: Tiktok: sky_maiden
[Contenu Mature. Pas de Viol] « Il suffisait de briser une règle qu'elle n'était pas censée » Il était le mauvais garçon tatoué. Elle était la gentille fille à lunettes, et elle lui appartenait. — Lorsque Julianne Winters décide de déménager au dortoir de la réputée Université, elle a tout planifié pour pouvoir terminer ses études et quitter l'endroit. Mais son plan prend rapidement feu dès que le regard de Roman Moltenore de la dernière année se pose sur elle. Et son apparence ne crie rien d'autre que des ENNUIS. « Quelles règles ? » demanda Julianne avec un froncement de sourcils en parcourant la page. Elle était sûre de n'avoir vu aucune règle du campus mentionnée sur leur site web. # 4. Interdiction d'utiliser les téléphones portables. # 12. Les étudiants ne doivent pas se promener à l'extérieur du campus après vingt-trois heures. Plus elle lisait, plus cela devenait bizarre. Son amie tourna la page et pointa ensuite la dernière règle numéro 29. Écouter Roman Moltenore. « C'est inventé. Regarde, la dernière est même écrite au crayon. » Julianne ne pouvait pas croire que son amie du dortoir d'à côté pensait qu'elle tomberait dans le panneau. « Et pas de téléphone ? » « Il est important que tu respectes toutes les règles. Surtout le numéro vingt-neuf, » dit la fille d'un ton sérieux. « Souviens-toi de ne pas t'impliquer avec Roman. Si tu arrives à le voir, cours dans la direction opposée. Il y a une raison pour laquelle cela est écrit ici. » Avec les règles du campus, elle en vient à envoyer des lettres manuscrites à son oncle. Mais qui aurait cru que cela finirait entre les mains de quelqu'un d'autre !
WARNING MATURE CONTENT|| Faith changed for a young human princess when she met the monster among men the golden werewolf and became his human luna unknowingly. The supernatural world was unknown to humans or so they thought until everything changed when the princess was chosen as the luna of the monster. "His charm level is off the chart anyone would fall for him, well almost everyone," the princess said to herself as she stared in his jade glistening eyes. Hated by the humans the werewolves were being hunted one by one and among them was the alpha, a werewolf at night and knight by day became the bodyguard of the princess who did not like him at all nor did he like her. Both of them were from different worlds, their cultures are different along with their belief but things started to change for the both of them when they started to share each other's feelings. What will the princess do to save him and his kind? "Will she be able to change the human's mind about the creatures or will she perish along with her lover?4.86
Scarlett: I will kill you so we don't have to get married! A few days later, they unintentionally have a hot-steamy night together. Scarlett: Nah, forget about killing. Let’s get married and become sex partners! Dante: Do you want to marry me because you want to use my body? Scarlett: No, Darling. Not your body, but your big dic— Dante: Shut up! • • • Scarlett Lombardi, the boss of the most ruthless mafia in Eastern Weisant, the Lombardi Familia. People also knew her as a mad woman who enjoyed torturing her enemies and destroyed those who wanted to get in her way. Her life had always been filled with blood and cruelty, so Scarlett never thought that she could lead a normal life and get married. However, suddenly the former consigliere of her deceased father said that her father had arranged a marriage for her with a son of an enemy organization, Dante Moretti. Dante Moretti, the boss and the only son of the Moretti Familia. He is known as a cold-hearted man who rarely expresses himself—a clean freak who doesn't want to touch dirty blood. Dante always kills his enemies quickly and neatly, unlike Scarlett, who likes to see blood splattered on the floor. The two people were utterly opposite and tried to stab each other every time they met. However, they are forced to have a marriage if they don't want their position as the boss to be revoked. However, both of them didn't expect that someday they’ll be trapped in a hot night filled with lust, making them think that it seemed like getting married was not bad. What will their marriage be like if the mad woman and cold-hearted man get married? Will their relationship continue to be based on mere lust, or will love grow in their hearts?After his parent died in accident and left him with nothing because of his parent's company had bankrupt, Javin Ziander is willing to do anything to have money to continue his studies, even when he is offered an unusual job with a high salary. That night, after he signs his contract, a nyctophile will change Javin's life forever.
[MATURE CONTENT] How on earth this happened? Why am I inside a romance novel? Is this a joke? Eve was doomed to be a villainess. However, meeting him changed it all. He was gentle, interesting and handsome. The perfect man for her in every sense. However, he deceived her, he never told her his real name until... it was too late. "He... is he the ML? Oh no...!" --- Excerpt: DangerousCloud: Master, where did you go now? NewRHood: I am traveling around the world. You know me, I like to tour the unexpected. DangerousCloud: Then, can I go with you this time? NewRHood: You should explore by yourself the world once in your life, dear disciple. Now it's my turn. I will explore the world and all the delicacies in it. DangerousCloud: But Master, it could be dangerous. NewRHood: Of course, I am taking precautions. But I hope that the man I am going to eat tonight is someone decent… DangerousCloud: You dare! NewRHood: Oh My! Dear disciple, is that how you speak to your master? DangerousCloud: Stop it, Eve, you know it's me. NewRHood: who? DangerousCloud: your husband! ---- WARNING: HEAVY EDITING IN PROGRESS DISCLAIMER: The cover is not mine: the credit goes to the rightful original artist. Please contact me if you wish for me to take it down.4.85
A famous star. That was Sabrina Sanders. One of the most sought out female actresses in the film industry. She had everything a woman would want, with her beauty, elegance, fame, money, and success. Her life to her fans and the outside world would seem almost perfect. Well, there was one thing she felt was missing, someone to love her. Although she had a long line of suitors, she found it hard to commit with any of them, who just wanted to tag along with her success, used her for their agendas. Finally, she did fall for one, but it only ended up badly. Mayor Bradley De Luca was everything she wanted in a man. Besides, he truly loved her, but he had one flaw. Despite that, she dived into the relationship with her eyes open, only to end up regretting it and losing in the end. Now, she was hiding from the scandal that she had created. Afraid that this would be the end of her career and ruined her life. Seeking out some solitude and peace, she flew to a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of her fans and the press. Here, she met the man who would change her life. Rafael Walker, a very attractive, serious, and enigmatic man, swept her off her feet. He was different from the other men she knew, even from Brad. She knew she was falling hard for him, and he was too. However, there was a hitch in their relationship. It was full of secrets. Would love be enough to make it work between Rafael and her? What about De Luca? Was it truly over between them? In the end, what was she hiding behind her mask? *** WPC #157 SILVER TIER WINNER – Female Lead – Let Me Entertain You! *** It was a great experience to join a contest and to obtain a small recognition for my hard work. I hope that I could keep up with the expectation of my readers. Let me know your thoughts, so it might inspire me to create more stories. I would also like to appeal for your support by voting, commenting, gifts, giving reviews and among other things. Every notification of support from my readers makes my heart beat faster and put a wide smile on my lips. It adds to the pleasure of writing and creating a masterpiece with my imagination. See you in my world. Cover photo belongs to the rightful owner.[Reifer Inhalt, keine Vergewaltigung] Alles, was es brauchte, war, eine Regel zu brechen, die sie nicht hätte tun sollen. Er war der böse Junge mit den Tattoos. Sie war das brave Mädchen mit der Brille, und sie gehörte ihm. - Als Julianne Winters beschließt, in das Studentenwohnheim der renommierten Universität zu ziehen, hat sie alles geplant, um ihren Abschluss zu machen und den Ort zu verlassen. Doch ihr Plan gerät schnell ins Wanken, als der Blick von Roman Moltenore aus der Abschlussklasse auf ihr landet. Und seine Erscheinung schreit nichts anderes als TROUBLE. "Welche Regeln?" fragte Julianne stirnrunzelnd, als sie die Seite durchlas. Sie war sich sicher, dass sie auf der Website keine Regeln für den Campus gefunden hatte. # 4. Keine Handys benutzen. # 12. Studenten sollten sich nach elf Uhr nachts nicht mehr außerhalb des Campus aufhalten. Je weiter sie las, desto bizarrer wurde es. Ihre Freundin blätterte um und zeigte dann auf die letzte Regel Nr. 29. Höre auf Roman Moltenore. "Das ist erfunden. Schau, die letzte ist sogar mit Bleistift geschrieben." Julianne konnte nicht glauben, dass ihre Freundin aus dem Nachbarschlafsaal dachte, sie würde darauf hereinfallen. "Und kein Telefon?" "Es ist wichtig, dass du dich an alle Regeln hältst. Vor allem Nummer neunundzwanzig", sagte das Mädchen in einem ernsten Ton. "Denk daran, dich nicht mit Roman einzulassen. Solltest du ihn zufällig sehen, laufe in die andere Richtung. Es gibt einen Grund, warum das hier aufgeschrieben ist." Angesichts der Regeln auf dem Campus greift sie darauf zurück, ihrem Onkel handgeschriebene Briefe zu schicken. Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass sie in den Händen eines anderen landen würden!
[WARNING: Violence and gore] “Did I just kill her?” Alexis was lying on the ground with wounds and bruises all over her. And to add to that she appeared to be lifeless. But slowly a soft crackling sound was heard. Alexis’s body was glowing in azure color. It seemed as if she was on fire. “No, no, no… you can’t disappear. Please don’t disappear.” But rather than disappearing, Alexis was now levitating in the air. Her whole body was lit in the azure fire. Her emerald eyes were now glowing like green balls of fire. Her dark ginger hair was floating aggressively behind her. She looked fearsome and at the same time also looked captivating. The fire around her was starting to engulf her. And after a while, an energy blast left her body. The blast was so powerful that the wall and structures around her were turned to mist. [Volume 1 revolves around light romance while Volume 2 revolves around intergalactic war. If you are looking for a pure romance novel, this is NOT the book for you.] This art was commissioned from JEIJANDEE. Find her at, a former assassin reborn in magical world as a half-elf child, forms a powerful bond with The Elven King. Their shared experiences and deep connection lead to a profound love that transcends time and differences. Amidst lush landscapes, their tender moments and unity inspire all, proving that love can conquer even the greatest challenges.
Samantha accidentally bumps into a multi-billionaire who offers her a job as his fake wife. The rule is simple: “DO NOT get attached.” She is suddenly thrown into the world of the elite, where she struggles to fit in. Throughout the story, she is faced with adversaries, the biggest being her growing feelings towards her cold-hearted boss. Will she win his heart and make him fall in love, or will he turn her into a cold-hearted princess in distress?
In a world where mythical creatures coexist with humans, a power struggle ensues when the dominant Werewolves seek to rule over all. However, the other creatures and humans reject this notion and strive for peaceful coexistence within their respective communities. Defying the collective decision, the Alpha Werewolf, Dimitri Quinn, brutally murders a Witch, a Vampire, and a Human as a warning to anyone who challenges his authority. Enraged by the ruthless killings, the remaining creatures unite and launch an attack against the mighty Werewolves, despite their inherent strength disadvantage. The ensuing war rages on for three days and three nights until an unexpected intervention occurs on the third night. The moon goddess, Sierra, appears in all her radiant beauty, captivating everyone with her presence. Her enchanting voice echoes through the night as she condemns the Werewolves for initiating the conflict. Sierra strips Dimitri of his Alpha status, transferring it to his twin sons, Jayden and Kayden Quinn. Under the new leadership, the Werewolves are cursed by Sierra to never harm any creature outside their kind, lest they lose their inner strength and half of their powers. However, the curse arrives too late to prevent the loss of countless lives in the war. Despite the devastating aftermath, peace gradually returns to the realm. Years later, the once-established norms of finding mates within one's own kind are shattered. Sierra's curse mandates that Werewolves must now have human partners, while Witches and Vampires retain the freedom to choose their mates. Amidst this backdrop, Muna Carmichael, an eighteen-year-old girl, and her younger brother Nathan find themselves orphaned due to the war. Forced to relocate to a new city and live with their childless aunt and uncle, Muna's life takes an unexpected turn. She discovers that she may be the destined mate of a Werewolf, the very creatures responsible for her parents' deaths. Caught between the past and an uncertain future, Muna faces a series of difficult choices. Will she accept her fate as a Werewolf's mate? Can she overcome her deep-seated hatred and learn to coexist with the being who took her parents' lives? And what will happen if she uncovers the truth of her destined connection as the Alpha's mate? Muna's journey is one of love, forgiveness, and discovering the strength to embrace an unexpected destiny.When she divorced her former husband, she thought the divorce certificate was the only thing she got from her years of efforts. One drunken night, she hooked her arm around a handsome man neck and forcefully kissed him, and had a flash marriage with him. "Uncle, help me with my revenge." When everything ended, she asked him again. "Uncle, let's end this strange relationship. It's just a play, after all." The proud and self-contained man's eyes reddened as he asked her, "Have you ever considered a possibility, that I do love you?"
YOU'RE JUST ONE KISS (The Protector 1) Jacob, a criminal lawyer embraced the witch curse that ran across the Medici family's clan and became a werewolf to protect the chosen woman who would be his wife to continue their legacy. He was the last Medici heir to accomplish that. But he didn't know Angeline came from the union of a pureblood vampire, and the fairy queen converted to a vampire. Mallory marked Jacob's chosen wife as his, the obsessive vampire king, with relation to the mother of his daughter, the powerful witch Carina. Even before Jacob chose among the three sisters, he did not realize the union started between him and the youngest sibling Angeline, when they met at the masquerade party and were drunk that they ended up in bed, which got her pregnant with the twin boys. Each searing kiss with her husband revives Angeline's intimate moments with the man she didn't know fathered her twin boys. READERS, follow me through with the female powerful vampire witch protagonist whose weakness is only one, her beloved, against vampires, witches, and wolves! And HIS weakness? Her, kissing him.