Ludwig had a common childhood, besides the fact that he had built unusual amounts of resentments towards his family. They had treated him with much hate, especially in his later years, so much that his resentment exploded and he had decided to do something absolutely unforgiveable. With this as a start, he studied and came closer to those that felt the same as he did, he repeated it and trained in this until it became a professional hobby, making him proud of himself to a part. He truly enjoyed his hobby while his life bore fruits, as he married and got children, learning from his mistakes of his parents, the child grew up in a loving home. As he arrived at the last moments of his life, still not caught or even suspected, he saw the past years in a way that gave him many happy thoughts. His soul left his body, and he lost all feelings towards the world. At that moment, something surprising happened, which shook his whole soul.
|NOVEL UNDER RECONSTRUCTION. DO NOT READ YET| "It was never a bright idea to deceive a vampire. Yet, she did it anyway." Human enslavement at the hands of vampires has been long abolished... for the most part. The two races now live in different regions and keep to themselves. But when Hiln falls on hard times, she masks as a lower ranking vamp and finds herself working within the castle walls of the highest ranking vampire nobles. Things seem to go well until Hiln unknowingly catches the attention of one of these Lords. And nothing will prepare her for the desire and chaos that is to follow. DISACLAIMER: The cover art doesn't belong to meSeorang ilmuwan, Duan Yixin, berpindah ke dunia lain. Ia merasuki tubuh seorang gadis berusia enam belas tahun tetapi tidak mewarisi ingatan gadis tersebut. Dengan pertunangan yang batal dan tanpa uang di tangannya, dia hanya ingin mencari uang dengan damai. Sayangnya nasib selalu bermain-main dengan orang. Ketika dia pikir dia bisa hidup dengan tenang, dia menemukan bahwa dunia ini tidak sesederhana yang dia kira. Pria yang dia selamatkan adalah jenderal yang kejam dan terkenal, dan wanita yang mencuri tunangannya adalah protagonis wanita dari dunia ini. Dia menatap langit dan bertanya, "Tuhan, apakah Anda bercanda dengan saya?" Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada malam pernikahan mereka, dia menatapnya dan berkata serius, "Jenderal, saya bukan cahaya bulan putih Anda." Pria itu menundukkan kepalanya dan berbisik di telinganya, "Mhm, kamu bukan cahaya bulan putihku, kamu adalah hidupku."
In the waning years of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, a young boy named Alfonso XIII was proclaimed King of Spain in 1886. However, being just a child, his mother, Queen Maria Christina, ruled as regent in his place. Queen Maria Christina adopted a somewhat lenient policy, granting the Filipinos a degree of freedom while still keeping them as subjects of the Spanish monarchy. As time passed, the Philippines remained under Spanish rule until it was finally passed on to Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, in 1920. But Alfonso, wise beyond his years, saw the plight of the Filipino people and understood their deep desire for independence in their hearts. He made a momentous decision – renouncing his claim to the Spanish throne and requesting to govern the Philippines instead. Surprisingly, the Spanish monarch agreed to this arrangement, and Alfonso was given the unique responsibility of managing the Philippines as a separate entity. But unknown to everyone, the original Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, died due to drowning accident and was replaced by Miguel Reyes. In a world reminiscent of the early twentieth century but with a twist, Miguel Reyes, a brilliant scientist,engineer, military enthusiast, and businessman from the Philippines, found himself in a strange predicament. After a fatal car accident in 2023, Miguel was granted an extraordinary second chance at life. He awakened to find his soul inexplicably reincarnated into the body of a prince in a distant land. Confused and disoriented at first, Miguel soon discovered that he was inhabiting none other than the young Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, decades before his untimely death. Realizing the significance of this opportunity, Miguel knew he had to act wisely. He had lived a life devoted to knowledge and progress, and now he found himself in a pivotal position to change history for the better. Armed with the knowledge of Alfonso's fate and aware of the impending struggles faced by the Philippines, Miguel resolved to take a different path. Join Alfonso (Miguel Reyes) on a life-changing experience. Will Miguel Reyes find tranquility in his second life as he governs the nation and steers it towards greatness? Or will he face the shadow of a conspiracy lurking within the borders?4.78
Di malam hari- "Batalkan pertunanganmu dengan kakak tiriku dan nikahi aku," ucap Senja dengan berani. Xiao Tianyao melihat gadis kecil di depannya dengan tawa di matanya. "Tapi, kenapa aku harus menikahimu?" Senja kemudian memiringkan kepalanya ke sisi lain sambil menyeringai dengan genit. "Karena aku pintar dan cantik. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, aku tahu bagaimana caranya untuk menemukan Gong Xu." "Kenapa kamu pikir aku peduli pada pria bernama Gong Xu ini?" dia bertanya dengan suara yang dingin. "Tentu saja kamu peduli! Dia adalah orang yang membunuh isterimu." Xiao Tianyao melotot ke arah Senja dengan tatapannya yang tajam. Bibirnya yang tipis terkatup rapat sebelum akhirnya dia berbicara dengan suara yang rendah dan serak. "Apakah kamu sedang mengancamku?" "Aku tidak akan berani!" Senja berpura- pura ketakutan dan melanjutkan. "Kita akan menyebut hubungan ini dengan 'hubungan yang bermanfaat'." *** Dia adalah seorang yang licik dan pencuri profesional yang sombong dari era modern. Bersama dengan ketiga saudara laki- lakinya, dia mencuri apapun sesuai perintah. Namun, Senja di kirim kembali ke zaman kuno oleh seorang wanita tua untuk menemukan seseorang bernama Yun. Hanya dengan menemukan Yun, Senja dapat kembali ke era asalnya. Tapi, ketika dia sampai disana, tentara- tentara dari kerajaan mengatakan bahwa dia adalah anak perempuan dari sebuah Klan mata- mata terpandang yang telah diculik bertahun- tahun lalu. 'Bagaimana mungkin??' Senja sangat yakin kalau dia tidak menempati raga milik orang lain, jadi bagaimana dia bisa menjadi seorang gadis terpandang yang pintar dengan sopan santun yang luar biasa dan memiliki aura seorang nobelis? yang mana gadis tersebut juga merupakan orang yang telah menyelamatkan satu kerajaan? 'Hmmm...' Pura- pura amnesia saja kalau begitu... hee... hee... Jadi, Senja akan berpura- pura kehilangan ingatan. Namun, dapatkah dia menjaga reputasi gadis nobelis itu? Sementara kepribadian mereka sangatlah jauh berbeda! Lalu ada juga kakek yang sangat protektif kepadanya yang tidak mengizinkan dia keluar sama sekali dari Manor dengan rasa takut kalau Senja akan diculik kembali. GRR...... lalu bagaimana Senja bisa mulai mencari pria bernama Yun ini kalau dia tidak bisa keluar!? Hanya ada satu cara! Senja harus menikahi Komandan militer atau lebih dikenal sebagai pangeran kedua, Xiao Tianyao! Aaarrggghhh!..... tapi, dia adalah tunangan dari kakak tirinya yang jahat!!! L.U.A.R B.I.A.S.A! Segalanya berjalan tidak sesuai rencana! *** Update setiap hari pkl. 16.00 wib *** Meet me on instagram: JIKAN_YO_TOMAREAfter being reincarnated as a female lead in a reverse harem novel. Avery, who possessed Avyanna Brooke's body, a female lead who us beautiful, wise and strong. Every man wanted her to be their muse. And there are four male leads that seek the lady's hand. But, turns out the soul that possessed her body is a lesbian. Avery was loved at first sight at the innocent faced villainess Yelena Royal, a woman who is also candidate for the throne.
Yan Zheyun terlahir dan dibesarkan untuk menjadi pemenang. Orang tuanya masuk dalam Daftar Forbes, dia adalah lulusan terbaik dalam kelasnya di universitas teratas di negaranya, dan yang menjadi puncak dari semua itu adalah dia terpilih sebagai 'idola sekolah' selama empat tahun berturut-turut oleh teman-temannya. Dan sekarang, di usia dua puluh lima tahun, Yan Zheyun bangga menjadi ketua dan CEO dari perusahaan teknologi miliknya sendiri. Namun yang seharusnya menjadi hari terbahagia dalam hidupnya berubah menjadi hari terburuk ketika ia mendengar suara robot asing saat menyeberang jalan untuk membeli kopi, hanya karena dia tidak bisa menunggu sekretarisnya kembali dari ruang fotokopi. [LAPORAN BUG #193842347: DETEKSI JIWA DUNIA LAIN. MEMULAI SEKUENSI DEPORTASI.] Dan kemudian dia meninggal. Dalam kecelakaan mobil yang sangat membosankan dan sangat biasa. …kecuali mungkin dia tidak mati. Hal pertama yang dipikirkan Yan Zheyun setelah dia membuka matanya dan menemukan dirinya di sebuah kamar yang terlihat seperti set drama istana dalam adalah: Wow, kopi itu tidak sebanding. Hal kedua yang dia pikirkan setelah dia menyadari bahwa dia sekarang berada di dalam novel BL sejarah dan telah tertransportasi ke tubuh seorang kecantikan tragis yang akan (segera) digunakan dan disiksa oleh beberapa kekasihnya adalah: Sepertinya saya membuka mata dengan teknik yang salah, mari saya coba lagi…eh, masih di sini. Ya sudahlah. Sial. Dari CEO menjadi budak rendahan, Yan Zheyun tidak percaya dengan nasibnya. Terjebak di dunia baru dan dikelilingi puncak-puncak gila (dikenal sebagai ‘Sahabat Masa Kecil’, ‘Anak Jenderal’, ‘Pangeran Mahkota’, ‘Pangeran Lain’, ‘Duke yang Menyeramkan’ dll.), Yan Zheyun menyadari bahwa pengalamannya selama satu hari sebagai CEO tidak mempersiapkannya dengan cukup untuk kehidupan baru yang penuh penderitaan ini. Namun dia bukan tipe orang yang menyerah tanpa perlawanan jadi…Yan Zheyun dengan tegas memutuskan untuk menjauh dari garis plot romantis yang menakutkan, mencoba menulis garis plot politik baru, dan selagi melakukannya, berpegangan pada paha-paha besar, berusaha mendapatkan kebaikan dari yang berkuasa. Dan dalam monarki dinasti, paha siapa yang lebih baik untuk digenggam selain kaisar sendiri? Liu Yao: …Sang Penguasa mengizinkanmu untuk memeluk bagian lainnya juga. Pasangan: - Sang-Penguasa-Tampak-Keras-Tapi-Rahasia-Baik!Kaisar Top VS Aku-Tampak-Seperti-Kelinci-Tapi-Rahasia-Serigala!Budak Bawah - BUKAN harem, seluruh cerita adalah 1v1 Peringatan: - Novel ini menangani beberapa masalah berat yang timbul sebagai akibat dari perbudakan dan sistem kasta. Saya telah menambahkan peringatan pemicu di mana relevan tetapi hanya sebagai pengingat, bajingan disebut bajingan karena alasan! Update: 21:00 GMT+8 Diilustrasikan Oleh: HAZHE
“There is no true love without sacrifices and no true loyalty without submission.” Sato Naoki, the last descendant of the most powerful clan in Japan, is the only survivor of the pure bloodline of the Alchemists. He was a man who lived both in the past and in the present. A man, bloodthirsty for revenge. He has been waiting for his destined bride for 7 centuries however, right before she is born, an experiment goes wrong in his lab which put him to sleep for 18 years. Ito Haruka, the destined one for the only survivor of his kind, was born with the innate ability to see the past, present, and future. Due to the calamity that would befall her, the prophets of old sealed her powers right from the days of her predecessors, to protect her. The awakening of her powers attracted the attention of the ‘Dark Souls’ the ancient enemies who were the same group of powerful mages that wiped out Sato Naoki’s powerful clan. The Dark Souls were as heartless as their powers got, and they will not hesitate to take down the threats to their ultimate goal. However, when they met with resistance, they began to toil with the hearts of their prey, leaving them with difficult choices to make. What option would Naoki and Haruka pick when a war is put between their heart and mind? Would they try to risk it all and fight back despite the little chances they have or would they succumb to the devices of their enemies? -------- Cover Art by @Laylee_hiu Follow me on Instagram @authorpaschalinelily Discord server: https//
"I'm going to live free as I please! I won't LOSE anyone given this CHANCE." Carseain Esselgarde who lives his life called a "Mad Hound" blindly, fell asleep for five days after getting drunk. During that time, he saw two dreams. One gave him his memories of his past life, struggling through adversities but still staying true to his altruist nature until the day he died. Another one showed him his future as Carseain who lost everything in vain because he couldn't face his past properly. He wakes up at the age of 19 where he can still make amends for his brother Rovenin, sister Carsina, father Johann as well as his soldiers, friends and comrades. Will he be able to protect everything now that he knows?—Tú eres mi compañera... —dijo Leland con voz ronca—. ¿No sabes lo que estoy haciendo? Él la miró con un brillo en sus ojos, y justo en ese momento, Sophie pensó que podría entenderlo. Podía sentir sus emociones desbordantes. ¿Era esto a lo que se referían con el vínculo de compañeros? Ella podía sentir tanto deseo envolviendo a Leland y simplemente sabía lo que él quería. Él la quería. Quería devorar su cuerpo y marcarla con sus mordiscos de amor, quería que ella gritara su nombre una y otra y otra vez. Quería poseerla y hacerle el amor como si no hubiera un mañana. El hombre se subió a la cama y la besó de nuevo. Le llenó de besos desde las mejillas, hasta los labios, luego se movió a su clavícula. Pronto, ella estaba gimiendo suavemente por la estimulación. Los sonidos que escapaban de sus labios sonaban tan sexys en sus oídos y lo excitaban terriblemente. Si no tuviera mejor autocontrol, Leland ya habría rasgado sus ropas y entrado en ella de inmediato. Sin embargo, se contuvo e intentó permanecer gentil. Esta era solo su primera noche juntos como verdaderos esposos. Esta noche, finalmente podría darle tanto placer que ella querría tenerlo en su cama todas las noches. El sexo que tuvieron la última vez fue una obligación. Fue seco y él hizo lo mínimo indispensable. Esta vez, sin embargo... él devoraría su cuerpo y le haría el amor de maneras que solo su luna merecía. Su resistencia era de primera y podría satisfacerla toda la noche. ___________________ SINOPSIS: ¿El Rey, o el Alfa? Cuando salta sobre los muros de la academia para escapar de sus acosadores, Sophie cae directamente en los brazos de Nicolás, el príncipe heredero del reino con un carácter dulce y alegre. Saltan chispas y el amor florece entre la pobre huérfana y el príncipe. Pero... de repente, Leland, el nuevo alfa peligroso de la manada de hombres lobo más poderosa del reino, la reclamó como su compañera. Sophie está dividida entre dos hombres. Uno la llama su esposa, el otro la reclama como su compañera. El príncipe es cálido y dulce, su amor arde como el sol. El alfa es frío y dominante, su amor es tan pesado como la montaña y frío como el invierno. ¿Con cuál terminará Sophie cuando ambos bandos libren una guerra de sangre, odio y venganza? Leland quemará todo el reino solo para conseguir a Sophie y vengar a su raza. Por otro lado, el recién coronado rey, Nicolás, se esfuerza por expulsar a los hombres lobo que el reino considera monstruos... mientras guarda un oscuro secreto dentro de sí mismo Él también es un hombre lobo. __________________ Nota: Este libro es un harén invertido, lo que significa que la protagonista femenina terminará con varios protagonistas masculinos. La portada es mía, de Arkans ¿LEER MIS OTROS LIBROS? * Los Alquimistas - COMPLETADO * El Príncipe Que No Puede Enamorarse - COMPLETADO * Hasta Que La Muerte Nos Separe - COMPLETADO * El Príncipe Maldito - COMPLETADO * El Rey Maldito - COMPLETADO * Buscando el Polvo de Estrellas - COMPLETADO
Ela era uma gênio incomparável no século 24 – tudo o que precisava era de uma agulha de prata e ela poderia praticamente trazer qualquer um de volta dos mortos. Após uma explosão, ela atravessou para um mundo estranho; todos a chamam de "Senhorita". A "Senhorita" anterior não tinha um espírito contratual, era fraca e incompetente, e até o noivo aparece com um novo amor e a intimida? Agora que ela assumiu, quem se atreve a agir de forma tão presumida ao seu redor? Com agulhas em mãos, o mundo é dela para possuir! Onde quer que vá, milagres a seguem! No entanto, ela salvou uma praga. O que ela estava pensando quando salvou aquele homem. Sua aparência estonteante e rosto impecável contrastam fortemente com suas ações cruéis. Ele tenta de todas as formas conquistá-la. Esta é uma história de crossover interessante com um pouco de magia, romance e uma senhorita de coração negro como personagem principal.
Astrid Jennings is an 18-year-old chemical engineering college freshman. After a chemical leak causes a fire in her college, Astrid wakes up in another time period. The Roaring Twenties in New York City! Not only that she wakes up to a situation where she is to be engaged to a handsome Yakuza boss? Astrid uses her chemical knowledge to her advantage during the prohibition era of alcohol to become lucrative. During this time she is thrown into a stride between the Italian Mafia mob and the Yakuza. Will she give into the Yakuza boss’s bad boy personality and become his wife or will she lead a rich life off of her chemistry knowledge?1. PLATZ / GOLD-GEWINNER DES WERWOLF-SCHREIBWETTBEWERBS 2022 VON WEBNOVEL "Du bist mein Kumpel ..." sagte Leland mit heiserer Stimme. "Weißt du denn nicht, was ich tue?" Er sah sie mit einem Glitzern in den Augen an, und in diesem Moment glaubte Sophie, ihn zu verstehen. Sie konnte seine überschwänglichen Gefühle spüren. War es das, was sie mit dem Partnerschaftsband meinten? Sie spürte, wie Leland von so viel Verlangen übermannt wurde, und sie wusste genau, was er wollte. Er wollte sie. Er wollte ihren Körper verwüsten und sie mit seinen Liebesbissen markieren, er wollte, dass sie seinen Namen schrie, immer und immer wieder. Er wollte sie stoßen und mit ihr Liebe machen, als gäbe es kein Morgen. Der Mann kletterte auf das Bett und küsste sie erneut. Er überhäufte sie mit Küssen auf ihre Wangen, auf ihre Lippen und dann auf ihr Schlüsselbein. Schon bald stöhnte sie leise auf, weil sie so stimuliert wurde. Die Laute, die ihren Lippen entkamen, klangen so sexy in seinen Ohren und machten ihn so sehr an. Hätte er sich nicht besser beherrschen können, hätte Leland schon längst ihre Kleidung zerrissen und wäre sofort in sie eingedrungen. Doch er hielt sich zurück und versuchte, sanft zu bleiben. Dies war erst ihre erste gemeinsame Nacht als echter Ehemann und Ehefrau. Heute Nacht würde er ihr endlich so viel Freude bereiten können, dass sie ihn jede Nacht in ihrem Bett haben wollte. Der Sex, den sie beim letzten Mal gehabt hatten, war eine Verpflichtung. Es war trocken und er tat nur das Nötigste. Doch dieses Mal würde er ihren Körper verwüsten und sie so lieben, wie es nur seine Luna verdiente. Seine Ausdauer war erstklassig und er konnte sie die ganze Nacht lang befriedigen. ___________________ BLURB: Der König oder der Alpha? Als Sophie über die Mauern der Akademie springt, um ihren Tyrannen zu entkommen, fällt sie direkt in die Arme von Nicholas, dem Kronprinzen des Königreichs mit dem süßen und sonnigen Gemüt. Die Funken sprühen und die Liebe zwischen dem armen Waisenkind und dem Prinzen erblüht. Aber... plötzlich verlangt Leland, der gefährliche neue Alpha des mächtigsten Werwolfsrudels im Königreich, dass sie seine Gefährtin wird?! Sophie ist hin- und hergerissen zwischen zwei Männern. Der eine nennt sie seine Frau, der andere beansprucht sie als seine Gefährtin. Der Prinz ist warm und süß, seine Liebe brennt wie die Sonne. Der Alphamann ist kalt und anmaßend, seine Liebe ist so schwer wie ein Berg und so kalt wie der Winter. Bei wem wird Sophie landen, wenn beide Seiten einen Krieg um Blut, Hass und Rache führen? Leland wird das gesamte Königreich niederbrennen, nur um Sophie zu bekommen und seine Rasse zu rächen. Der neu gekrönte König Nicholas hingegen ist bestrebt, die Werwölfe zu vertreiben, die im Königreich als Monster angesehen werden... während er selbst ein dunkles Geheimnis hütet. Er ist auch ein Werwolf. __________________ Hinweis: Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um einen umgekehrten Harem, d. h. die weibliche Hauptfigur wird mit mehreren männlichen Hauptfiguren zusammenkommen. Das Cover ist von mir, von Arkans MEINE ANDEREN BÜCHER LESEN? * Die Alchemisten - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Der Prinz, der sich nicht verlieben kann - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Der verfluchte Prinz - ABGESCHLOSSEN * Der verfluchte König - ABGESCHLOSSEN * Die Suche nach dem Sternenstaub - VOLLSTÄNDIG
After getting struck by a lightning, A girl transmigrated into a fantasy world as a powerful Princess. The Princess of Fyn was infamous for her scandalous reputation. Whispers painted her as a shameless and frivolous woman who treated men like disposable trinkets, casting them aside as soon as someone more handsome caught her eye. Rumor had it she kept a harem of thirty-six men! When the Crown Prince of a wealthy kingdom arrived to end their engagement, he didn’t mince words. "I don’t like you. Let’s break up." To his surprise, the princess beamed with delight."Okay." Next came the Demon Prince, known for his ruthless demeanor and striking looks. "You’re not good-looking enough to be my bride," he sneered. "Let’s call this off." The princess responded cheerfully, "Sure thing." Then, the Dragon Prince—the man celebrated as the most handsome in the world—delivered his verdict. "You’re a vile woman. I don’t like you." The princess clapped her hands in excitement."Good, good! I feel the same!" After breaking off thirty-two engagements, the princess ascended the throne. Free at last from the chains of marriage, she eagerly embraced her dream of living as a carefree "salted fish." Who needed men when there was good food to enjoy? But her peace didn’t last long. The very next day, a crowd of handsome men gathered at the palace gates, their expressions filled with regret. "We were wrong! Please take us back!" The princess crossed her arms and sighed. "There's too many of you " " You can put us all in Your Harem!" The Princess declared " But I don't want a Harem! "
#completed!!! In her second life, I want Sophia to choose the path she desires and live well and happily," Ragnar said to Adeline, who immediately burst into tears. "Then... what about you, Your Highness?" Adeline asked. Ragnar only smiled. “This is enough for me.” Among the many forms of love, Adeline had to witness the most genuine and sacrificial kind. That was, letting go. ~~~ What if, in truth, I was the cause of her suffering? What if my actions were the source of her pain? Perhaps it was time for me to let her go. There was nothing to be done. I must bear this burden alone. — Ragnar Clementine ~~~ And what if I choose these burdens? What if I choose you, every time, no matter how many lives I have? — Sophia ~~~ #war #kingdombuilding #secondchancelove #politics #multiplecouple #mutant #diplomacy #heartwarming This is the Sequel of: - Undressed by The Half-beast Prince (completed at Chapter 224). Check on my profile. - can be read as stand alone story. disclaimer: - 18+ above, please be wise - Previous story: Undressed by the Half-beast Prince - slow burn love story - explicit content will be cautioned at the begginingbof chapter - the cover is commissioned
The desire to become immortal is something that is felt by many people. Whether it's a desire for eternal life, or just a longing for a world where you can be the master of your own destiny, you cannot deny that this wish has driven people to do great things. No heroine, No harem, No romance, No system, IQ online, dark stream, benefit stream,4.78
“In the end we discover that to love and let go can be the same thing.” – Jack Kornfield _____________ She stared into his grey eyes as he walked closer to her. He pressed his body on hers as he peppered her neck with kisses. “Will you give yourself to me?” He murmured in between kisses and Reign felt like her body was about to combust with pleasure. “I already belong to you” ~~~~~~~~~| Reign was abused by her madam Diana and daughter her whole life then she found out that all she had ever known had been a lie. She found out that her mother hadn’t died from natural causes but had been murdered and had gotten all the inheritance that was supposed to be hers, stolen. She didn’t know how she was going to get revenge till an opportunity presented itself. A royal decree showed up one day and announced that Isabella would be getting married to the second son of the king who was known to be very ugly and a Tyrant. Isabella didn't want to get married to him so she made Reign go in her place. Reign didn't want to but after finding out about her mother, she is then advised to get married to the prince so she can become Queen and can make the people who killed her mother pay for what they’ve done but it's not as easy as Reign had thought and she definitely didn't expect the kind of love the Tyrant poured on her. Will she be able to accomplish her mission or will love blind her from her goals?The era of human dominance on Earth had come to an end. Dragonborns, powerful beings with divine abilities, now ruled the world. Humans were relegated to slavery, forced to construct grand castles and labor on farmlands for their dragon overlords. The dragons had conquered every kingdom on earth except for one that thrived despite their oppressive reign - Eldoria. This prosperous kingdom had a dark secret behind its success and resilience against the dragonborns’ threats. Every decade, the dragonborns of Scalethorne demanded a tribute of slaves from Eldoria, and the time for the next offering was drawing near. In accordance with the kingdom's customs, King Rodric prepared slaves and a rare mineral resource to appease the dragon king. However, Rodric was horrified when the demand turned to something far more precious. His daughter, Aria.
Wen Qinxi, un técnico de IT en una prestigiosa compañía de videojuegos, vive una vida repetitiva, trabajando en un sistema de juegos innovador que se dice cambiará el mundo. Durante una revisión de diagnóstico rutinaria, descubre un defecto importante que podría ser perjudicial pero, bajo presión de los jefes, el departamento de investigación y desarrollo entrega el proyecto revolucionario a pesar de que Wen Qinxi señaló fallas en el diseño. El CEO, sin saber de tal defecto, entra al juego como una prueba antes del lanzamiento del producto provocando una cadena de eventos inesperados. —Wen Qinxi, tienes que ir a salvar al CEO. Eres nuestra última esperanza. —¡Mierda! Quiero un aumento de sueldo después de esto. Así comenzó el viaje de salvar al tiránico CEO Síganme en @Andru75868404 en Twitter para actualizaciones POR FAVOR, MIREN MIS OTROS TRABAJOS: Saving the hearthrob frenemy (la historia de Lin Lin) Viaje con el rey pirata (COMPLETADO) El amante enemigo de la asesina (COMPLETADO) El príncipe y su bufón (COMPLETADO)