What happens when the savior of the light is all alone only to be embraced by an illusionist and forever to be damned . What’s a lonely savior of light to do ? Well embrace the warm ice of the winter illusion . Abandoned By all forever embraced by the illusion of winter. Will the illusion continue or will it blow up in the face of adversity? and a Touch of the darkest love affair
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Harry Potter’s younger sister, Marlene Potter, begins her journey at Hogwarts. She quickly finds her own footing in the wizarding world that holds her brother to such a high regard and finds that not everything about her new world is as whimsical as she might think. While adjusting she meets a certain blonde Slytherin boy, and quickly learns that not everything or everyone is what they seem to be at first glance. (Takes place during Chamber of Secrets. Please note that this will likely be VERY different from the original books as it is not from Harry’s perspective!)
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Severina Snape, animaga, descubre en su segundo año que su compañero de clase es nada menos que un hombre lobo. Tras estudiar sobre ellos, descubre lo peligrosos que son para los magos y los muggels, pero no para los animagos. Llena d curiosidad entra a la madriguera del conejo, o en esta caso, al escindite del lobo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Fanfic. Todos los personajes pertenecen a J.K Rowling. Snames (futuro) También disponibles en Wattpad.