A PACK WIPED OUT.... AN HEIR ON THE RUN! Honey Lake thought her life was perfect. She had parents and a pack who loved her, and a bright future ahead. But in the space of one night her whole world came crashing down and everything she held dear was taken from her. With her pack wiped out and her parents dead, Honey is now on the run trying to find somewhere safe that she can call home. A MATE WHO IS A BULLY.... A SANCTUARY DESTROYED! Hiding out in another pack, Honey endures abuse and bullying on a daily basis. Waiting for the moment when she can leave and avenge her pack, Honey focuses on becoming the best version of herself, the Alpha her parents intended for her to be. But despite all her hard work, she is landed with a mate who is her biggest bully within the pack. When the truth about the fate of her parents and her fallen pack is revealed, and those who are responsible for their deaths are named, Honey soon learns that sometimes our enemies are closer than we think. WHO CAN SHE TRUST? WHO CAN SHE TURN TOO?
“Helena if I could be with you every moment of every day, fuck, I’d take that,” Romeo growled as he kissed her neck, sucking and licking along the way as well. “We’ve already lost nine years, Helena, I’m not wasting a moment more," Romeo hissed as his lips crashed against Helena’s. She let out a moan as Romeo lifted her leg, wrapping it around his waist. “Feel that, love?” Romeo asked as he pushed his cock against her. “Feel what you do to me?” Nine years ago Helena Willow ran and on her first day back she meets an Alpha whom she connected with on a different level. An Alpha that could be her Mate. When she left her pack she left her family and the love of her life, her stepbrother Romeo Blackmoon. What happens when she discovers that the Alpha she's slept with was her stepbrother and that he could be her mate?
"Erst die Pflicht, dann das Herz", antwortete Ashleigh entschieden. "Was soll das denn heißen?" "Es bedeutet, dass ich meinen Job machen werde. Aber Caleb ist nur meine Pflicht, du bist mein Herz." *** Zwei Männer, zwei unterschiedliche Gefühle von Anziehung und Vertrauen. Ashleigh kämpft darum, die Gefühle in ihrem Herzen zu verstehen. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen dem Mann, den sie seit zwei Jahren liebt, und dem kalten Alpha eines feindlichen Rudels, kann Ashleigh herausfinden, mit welchem der beiden Männer sie sich wirklich paaren will? Hat sie wirklich eine Wahl? Sie ist die Tochter von Alpha Wyatt von Winter, dem größten der vier Werwolfsrudel. Seit zwei Jahren wartet sie sehnsüchtig auf ihren achtzehnten Geburtstag, damit sie endlich verheiratet und mit ihrer Liebe Granger gepaart werden kann. Doch kurz vor diesem magischen Tag stößt sie auf ein großes Problem: Sie ist an einen anderen Wolf gebunden. Ihr Schicksalsbruder ist zufällig Alpha Caleb of Summer, der Mann, dessen Vater angeblich von einem ihrer eigenen Wölfe ermordet wurde. Als ob das nicht schon genug wäre, meldet jedes Rudel plötzlich Angriffe von abtrünnigen Wölfen. Nun sieht sich Ashleigh nicht nur mit einem Krieg in ihrem Herzen konfrontiert, sondern auch mit einem im echten Leben. Werden sie es schaffen, zusammenzuarbeiten und all ihren Herzschmerz beiseite zu schieben, um ihre Rudel vor dem Feind zu schützen, der sie alle bedroht? Oder wird ihnen diese Liebe schließlich zum Verhängnis werden? **Anmerkung der Autorin** 1. Dies ist ein langsames Brennen für FL und ML 2. Triggerwarnungen rundherum. Missbrauch, Trauma, Gaslighting und Manipulation. Diese Themen sind im ganzen Buch auf unterschiedliche Weise präsent. 3. In diesem Buch geht es nicht nur um FL und ML, die Charaktere und Nebencharaktere haben eine reichhaltige Hintergrundgeschichte und ihre eigenen Kapitel, die in die Haupthandlung der Geschichte hineinspielen. 4. FL ist jung, sie ist fehlerhaft und sie wird dich verärgern. Wir alle brauchen Zeit und Erfahrung, um erwachsen zu werden. Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei:
(WARNUNG: EXTREM REIFER INHALT) "Wenn du jemals wieder in die Nähe meiner Frau kommst, werde ich dich finden, dich brutal foltern und den Zorn der Hölle für den Rest der Ewigkeit auf dich loslassen." Ihre Geschichte mit ihm hätte nie erzählt werden dürfen. Ihre Welt war ebenso grausam wie durchtrieben. Werwölfe überzogen die Menschen als Krieger der Nation mit Terror. Vampire regierten die High Society mit eiserner Faust. Ihr ganzes Leben lang hatte sich Ophelia gefragt, warum die Vampire und Werwölfe im Königreich sie nie angriffen - bis sie vor zehn Jahren feststellte, dass sie zum Tabu erklärt worden war. Und doch kämpfte das ganze Reich um die Rechte an ihrem Körper - oder um ihr Leben. Aber warum? Und wofür?
[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] She was the most unpopular female wolf in the New Moon Pack, as lowly as a blade of grass. Eight years ago, her mother went missing, her father was killed, and her entire pack was exterminated. Thus, she had been demoted to the lowest servant level by her father's murderer. For eight years, she had been beaten, cursed, and starved, but she kept her identity a secret. This year, she turned eighteen years old. He was the alpha of the largest werewolf pack in all of America and shone like the sun. With his perfectly sculpted face and a tremendous amount of money, no werewolf didn't know his name, and he was the dream lover of every woman. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that he didn't have a mate yet. This year, he turned twenty-six years old. What kind of spark or conflict would there be when they meet by chance? “Rose, I can give you everything you want. In exchange, you have to be mine.” “Alpha, the truth is, I'm—” "Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ! Now, you will never escape me, my Luna.
[ATTENTION : CONTENU EXTRÊMEMENT MATURE] « Si tu approches encore de ma femme, je te trouverai, je te torturerai sauvagement, et je déchaînerai la colère de l'enfer sur toi pour le reste de l'éternité. » Son histoire avec lui n'aurait jamais dû être révélée. Leur monde était aussi cruel qu'il était rusé. Les loups-garous répandaient la terreur sur les humains en tant que guerriers de la nation. Les vampires dominaient la haute société d'une main de fer. Toute sa vie, Ophelia s'était demandée pourquoi les vampires et les loups-garous du royaume ne l'avaient jamais attaquée—jusqu'à réaliser qu'elle avait été déclarée intouchable il y a dix ans. Pourtant, tout le royaume se battait pour les droits sur son corps—ou sa vie. Mais pourquoi ? Et dans quel but ?
``` [Aviso: conteúdo adulto r18+/forte] “Tenho certeza de que você vai achar meus braços mais confortáveis do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo...” Rei Darius Grant - o poderoso governante do Reino de Cordon. Ele era implacável e impetuoso contra seus inimigos. Sua mera presença gritava com autoridade rústica; sua aura sozinha já era mais do que suficiente para alguns de seus inimigos admitirem derrota e fugirem apenas ao vê-lo. Mas, apesar de tudo isso, ele estava impotente e sem-vergonha por uma mulher… sua companheira - a Princesa de Ebodia que ele se recusava a deixar ir. Descubra como as coisas irão se desenrolar para o nosso Rei possessivo que está totalmente decidido a usar o Entrapment da Coroa para fazer de sua companheira sua por quaisquer meios necessários. Será que ele conseguirá obter sucesso e conquistá-la por completo - corpo, coração e alma? * Nota: Volume 1 e 2: História Principal Status: Completo (Capítulos 1 a 555) Volume 3: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 556 a 641) “Só posso me declarar vencedor uma vez que eu conseguir conquistar o seu coração...” Volume 4: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 642 a 701) “O amor nunca esteve em meu vocabulário quando se tratava de mulheres até você chegar...” Volume 5: Status: Completo (Capítulos 702 a 805) “Eu escolho você… você que ocupa avidamente todo o espaço do meu coração…” Capítulos Especiais a partir daí - completo **** PS: Capa do Livro Encomendada de propriedade do Autor! Não a use! ```
[COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur www.patreon.com/aenaluck
Everyone knew that Penelope was the only wolfless omega in the Woods family, a shame for the Dark Wood Pack. Penelope herself knew this. Every bully knew that Penelope was easy to pick on because no one would stand up for her. Even Penelope knew this. Everyone knew that Penelope would only mate with a poor omega like her and have a bunch of lowly omega children. Even Penelope knew that this was true—that social class was the biggest gap to bridge—but she didn't give up hope. The promised knight who was going to save the princess came down from the sky on her 18th birthday. Just like every fairy tale, a princess would be saved by a perfect kiss. Not Penelope, though. Just as Penelope was getting excited about her new life, she realized that the princess could wait for the knight to save her because the dragon had never hurt her. Dragon or knight? Penelope thought she could make the right choice and avoid problems in the future, but when she was betrayed again, she realized that a real princess wasn't just a vase there to be saved. *** A/N: This is an experimental piece that contains sexual, bloody, and violent scenes. Please exercise caution when selecting.
*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* ~•~ "I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much, I shouldn't have lost my sense of reasoning, that way I wouldn't have gotten lost in the woods. I'm very, very sorry for interrupting this peaceful gathering and I'll love to go back now" she said out loud, directed her words to everyone she could see and most especially to the male in front of her and got ready to run for her dare life. |•| Growling under his breath, which she thought was weird since humans weren't supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards her was a man, not just a man but the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' most handsome man she has ever seen in her life. Handsome was an understatement. His facial features were well defined and his eyes were beautiful lazy eyes with a color she has never seen, a swirl of silver and red, and it was glowing. . "Mate," he said he got to her. She couldn't look anywhere else, not that she had to, she was being pulled by the mate bond which has been used to bind them from up here, and right then is where its work begins, afresh. . 'I am fucked' she thought as she still couldn't look away, she felt like she was trapped in it. After another long second, she looked around to see the people around staring blatantly at her with a little or maybe more contempt than she's seen in years and immediately, she felt she was in trouble and the feeling made the hair on her skin rise and the need for survival surge. ~•~ 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully walked into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual, a means of prayer to the Moin Goddess for abundace. |•| Slowly, she'll learn the reason why she is the first 'Human Luna's to ever exist. But fastly, she'll realize that no matter how far she runs from fate, it'll catch it when it's its time. Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers below the age of 16 are not advised to continue the journey into the Bane's pack. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a mature book with explicit mature content. Take heed. |•| This books narration is majorly in a first person's POV, but it switchs at times to a third person's POV. There would be indications in the switch, kindly notice it. |•| And also, please note, English is not my first language, so therefore, I can't be perfect in it. Mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll always try my best to edit to perfection. It won't affect the standard of the book. And in such cases where a typo is noticed, kindly do me the favor of pointing it out in the paragraph comment. Thank you. In the hopes that you have your seat belts fastened, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! |•| And in case you wish to connect with me: IG: @aries.dehela4.88
WARNING: Mature Content The story of a knight who has fallen in love with his queen. It was nothing but that, a simple plot for a fairytale, or was it? He stood proud at seven feet, everything looked minuscule in his sight. He towers above all knights who looked at him with disgust and alarm. He was one of the rebels not long ago, but for an undisclosed reason, he has betrayed his so-called 'brother at arms' for a seat at the round table. People murmured whenever he passes them by, the atmosphere itself was laced with terror as this all muscled barbarian held his head high. Panic in the hearts of many was evoked by his presence alone as he stood before the queen who was forced to face him. "My queen," he knelt before her, and even yet the queen had to look up from her throne to meet his eyes. The frail queen was very small compared to him, her fragile countenance barely reached five feet and her innocent face makes her look like a child. He took in the vision of her as she sat there, trying to look brave as she met his eyes. His queen, the reason why he risked it all and will risk it all again. She sat on the throne judging his motives and all the while fearing him. Was she disgusted by him too? He can't tell. The crowd disappeared and all thoughts from his mind were gone as he was faced with her. She has dark auburn hair that reached past her shoulders, small lips that curled into a thin smile, and eyes that expressed her immense disgust and anger for what she had labeled him in her mind - one of the reasons for the destabilization of her kingdom. He wants it all, all of what she offers. Her beauty, her brilliance, her frailties... at that moment he realized, he wanted all of her.4.99
*Book 1 Completed* *Book 2 Completed* Blanca Vergil, the first of her kind, a young, naive hybrid, met Dimitri Norton, a rich, handsome, and powerful vampire. After a terrible betrayal in his past, he used his powerful abilities to fight against his fate. But when two strangers come together and two lifemates face treacherous schemes and uncover a dark mystery that links them together, you get a story and an adventure no one could have ever foreseen.[Mature : Pas de viol] Âgée de vingt-cinq ans, Éverly Eloise, une louve-garou orpheline de sang-pur est engagée par un homme riche qui avait soudainement besoin d'un aidant. Elle accepta le travail, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à découvrir le côté monstrueux de cet homme. Le côté de lui que les médias n'avaient jamais montré, ou du moins qu'ils n'avaient même jamais connu. Valerio Avalanzo, un homme riche européen qui a été trahi par son amante, ce qui l'a laissé dans une condition qu'il avait très bien cachée au monde entier. Cet incident l'a fait changer radicalement. Il est devenu froid, craint par la plupart, asocial, sans émotion, et surtout, il a développé une profonde haine pour le mot « amour ». Pour un homme qui était aveugle et qui éprouvait une telle haine envers l'amour, on pensait qu'il était émotionnellement incapable d'aimer qui que ce soit, laissant ainsi le monde avec cette perception de lui. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il rencontre Éverly Eloise, son aidant ? Est-ce que son cœur l'emportera ou sa haine de l'amour gagnera-t-elle ? Et que se passe-t-il, lorsqu'il découvre qu'Éverly n'est pas juste son aidant, mais aussi un loup-garou. Les créatures qui ont été les ennemis de sa race pendant des siècles ?
"As I said, I'm keeping you here to torture you! Don’t make me repeat myself!” Princess Laurel's eighteenth birthday turns into a nightmare—kidnapping, murder, and the revelation that her mate is the perpetrator, a revenge for her father's annihilation of his pack. Their union is fueled by hate, unwanted longing and mixed emotions. She swears to survive and escape but her mate vows to keep her besides him to torment her. With no choice left, Laurel tries to get stronger to survive the torment her mate dishes to her. The infamous Lycan Hunter hears of her predicament and hatches a plan to save but it's thwarted by her mate's brother, who finds her interesting. But even worse befalls Laurel, when the King of all Lycans goes on a rampage to destroy all of werewolves, her kind. DISCLAIMER!! ~ Slow Burn Romance ~ The Female Lead Gets Stronger ~ Daily Updates! ~ No Rape ~ Has Gory Scenes
“I bought you at a very high price and I expect you to fulfill your duties as my slave,” he reminded her before throwing her to the bed and pinning her to it. “Get off me,” she demanded. He chuckled dangerously, “I bought you to satisfy me in bed and you tell me to get off you?” She squirmed beneath him as he held her neck, “You will do as I ask, Diana. I own you,” he stated in anger. After seeing her younger sister get murdered before her eyes, Diana was sold to the highest bidder as a sex slave. She tried countless times to escape Alpha Rolex who had bought her but it was pointless until she had a vision. Then she vowed to avenge the death of her family and ruin everyone who ever hurt her.
WSA 2025 ENTRY She possessed the body of Wanessa after being reborn inside the game 'Nightfall: The Werewolves Hunt' she played before she died. She is omega, who is an extra character inside the game and she leaves the pack searching for her freedom. Wanessa lived 7 years in peace, unnoticed, until she caught the youngest alpha prince's attention. Now all three male leads want her. 'Let me return home! I not a true omega!' 'You can't hide from us, omega.' Oldest one said. 'You're not going anywhere. You belong with three of us.' Middle one said. 'You our omega, Wanessa.' Youngest said and smirked. At that point she understood that she had no other choice, but to fight for her freedom once again. --- The mysterious necklace that trapped her in a game, omega shifter romance, split souls, and destinies are a few things you find in this book!
Transmigrating into a world ruled by supernaturals seemed like a dream come true---until it wasn't. ☆ Charlotte Winchester, burdened by her family's crushing expectations, has always wanted her mundane life to end. Death came like a wish, but instead of eternal rest, Charlotte found herself transmigrated as Evangeline, the cherished daughter of Crimson Ridge Pack---the rulling family of the werewolf community. At first, her new life felt like paradise. Immortal and powerful, she had everything she'd ever dreamed of; doting werewolf parents, loyal friends, and a future that promised luxury and adoration. With the looming title of Princess---and the attention of the Future Alpha King---her life seemed perfect. But perfection rarely lasts. One impulsive decision---rejecting her fate mate---sets off a chain of events she never could have foreseen. Her second mate isn't a kind-hearted wolf or even a charming elf. He's a demon prince, the ruler of shadows and master of nightmares. Dark, possessive, and utterly dangerous, he drags her into a world of chaos where her very soul is at stake. What started as a second chance at life quickly turns into a battle for survival. With her past life's memories hidden from her new family and a devil mate who refuses to let her go, Charlotte must navigate the twisted politics of werewolves and demons. Heaven can turn into hell in an instant---and Evangeline is about to learn that Paradise always comes at a price. ☆☆☆☆☆ | Daily updates is promised.|
Senior student Victoria Winner is the campus queen and the heiress of her father’s empire, her name and beauty give her the strength to feel she owns the world. She is the hottest girl on campus, yet she doesn't want to date because, for her, no one is above her, and she is too beautiful to date just with anyone. And too proud of herself that no boys have ever kissed her. Girls envy her while she can toy the boys with her fingers. Until one day, a new guy on campus ruined her reputation by kissing her. Oliver Prize is the handsome and hot Alpha of the Valiant Pack, the most feared pack in the entire werewolf community. He was devastated when the elders asked him to watch over his mate from the Sterling Pack since he doesn’t believe in falling in love, and having a mate; for him, it was only a waste of time and energy. Oliver was forced to pretend as a high school senior student transferee at Zenith Academy, and his bad-boy yet mysterious aura made the girls fall for him except with one girl, Victoria. Excerpt: “How dare you steal my first kiss from me?" Victoria hissed as she looked daggers at Oliver. "And why do you ever feel so stressed about it when I can feel you enjoyed that kiss so much? It was just a kiss, Victoria. Besides, you don't even know how to kiss." Oliver replied with a smirk that made her angrier. "If you want, I can give you a kissing tutorial for free." He said and left her without taking a second glance, and that is why Victoria hated him with all her heart. He was the only guy on campus who got the courage to mess with the school queen by kissing her. He hated everything about her especially her guts, but he couldn't deny himself that the kiss he shared with Victoria was the best kiss he ever had. During Victoria's eighteenth birthday, she discovered what she truly is, a secret she can't even tell her best friend. And she realized the world she knew was all lies. Victoria couldn't accept what she was, and she found refuge in the arms of her mortal enemy, Oliver Prize. Victoria realized her archnemesis was her only salvation to survive in the new world full of mysteries and wickedness where she thought she would never belong. Can Victoria protect her heart from falling in love with the boy she hated the most? Is the Alpha going to deny or accept to himself that love exist and it is real when he realizes Victoria Winner, the mate he wanted to reject, captured his heart? (Warning: Contain mature content on the later part of the story.)Warning: Dark Romance! In the heart of Upper Ville lies a cursed werewolf pack, haunted by the Moon goddess herself. Isabella Ferris, a reckless and wolfless omega, yearns for an alpha mate who will bow to her every whim. But fate has other plans when she crosses paths with Razor King, the feared, cruel, and domineering alpha of the Bloody Skull pack, whom everyone bows to. Forced into marriage by a dark bargain, Isabella is thrown into the brutal world of werewolves and Mafia power struggles.
WARNUNG: REIFER INHALT! ~Wer hätte je gedacht, dass sich der Sohn des jungen Alphas in sein Kindermädchen verliebt? Sie war wie die Mutter, die er nie hatte, die ältere Schwester, die er sich immer gewünscht hat, sein EINZIGER bester Freund. Nach einem Zwischenfall im Rudel der Dark Risers schickt der Alpha seinen Sohn in ein anderes Rudel, um ihn zu einem besseren Menschen, dem zukünftigen Alpha, auszubilden und zu erziehen. Zwölf Jahre später kehrt Daniel als erwachsener Teenager mit einem starken Sexualtrieb und einer Vorliebe für schöne Frauen zurück. In diesem jungen Alter muss er sich allein um das Rudel kümmern und auch den Druck der Ältesten und seiner Verwandten ertragen, eine Partnerin zu finden. Aber Daniel will keine Gefährtin. Wollte er nie und wird er auch nie wollen. Warum sollte er sich an eine Frau binden, die ihm nur Ärger macht, als jede Nacht mit einer Frau seiner Wahl zu verbringen? Wird er allein mit seinen fleischlichen Gelüsten leben oder seine Worte essen? I.G: C3e_Jay Diskord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/C7zhwcQkQS Haftungsausschluss: Buchcover nicht von mir. Schriftarten und Design von mir. (◔‿◔) Band 1 Status: COMPLETED Status von Band 2: IN BETRIEB Status von Band 3: DEMNÄCHST Auszug; für Band (2) Aber ..." John hielt das Kissen mit einem ernsten, nachdenklichen Blick in seiner Hand. "Ist es das, was du wirklich willst?" Jephthah sah von seiner Skizze von Talia auf und runzelte leicht die Stirn. "Wovon redest du?" John seufzte und trat näher an ihn heran, und Jephthah verkrampfte sich, weil sein Bruder sehr ernst aussah. Und wenn er das tat, hatte er immer etwas wirklich Wichtiges zu sagen. "Du willst, dass Talia deine Schicksalsgefährtin wird, nicht wahr?" "Mehr als alles andere auf der Welt." sagte Jephthah, ohne einen Ton zu verpassen, ein Licht glitzerte in seinen Augen wie Sterne, aber es verblasste, als er bemerkte, dass John immer noch diesen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck hatte. "John, was ist los?" "Jephthah", seufzte John. "Wir sind Zwillinge ... das weißt du doch, oder?" Jephthah zuckte fast mit dem Kopf über die dumme Frage. "Und?" "Und wir sind wie zwei Erbsen in einer Schote. Wir sind jeweils die Hälfte des anderen." Jephthah sah ihn mit zusammengekniffenen Augen an. "Glaubst du, DU könntest mein Gefährte sein?" Diesmal schlug John seinen Kopf mit einem Kissen. "Nein!" "Dann komm direkt zur Sache, John." "70 % der Mädchen, die mit einem Zwilling gepaart sind, sind in der Regel auch mit...", er machte eine Pause und sah Jephthah in die Augen, bevor er seinen Satz beendete. "auch mit dem anderen Zwilling." Der Bleistift löste sich aus seinem Griff, rollte über das Blatt Papier und fiel mit einem dumpfen Schlag auf den Boden, wobei das spitze Ende des Graphits abbrach und neben die Tür fiel. "Was?!"