the raw
overpowered not in a boring way!
i just read raws and it was interesting, raws were up to chapter 51 so this novel is new but very interesting. everyone has their preferences and I like this one alot. i play monopoly with friends so it is fun to read it. monopoly is overpowered in this novel nonetheless good to read it! Waiting till it comes up and read it!
Hope everything goes well!
they have unlimited blood supply for vomiting only, a superpower i might say. They dont die from this vomiting but i might suggest to them to have vomiting bags with, blood donation is a good thing ... haha lol
"This mouthful of blood must be at least three liters." Yan Chong smacked his lips.
Games · Mr. System
not "withheld" but "withhold"
Now that he was in the Hero Association testing halls, he saw the building that held the tests. Glasses that were bulletproof according to the news and buildings that could withstand magnitude 8 earthquake. Not to the point of nuclear blast but still able to withheld some damage from attacks of potential villains.
Global Awakening: My Clones Have Different Classes
Action · pantserplotter