
LV 1
2024-10-24 Unido Global
Moments 5
3 months ago

Didn't Ainz also fear the spread of technology in the new World and had similar reservation about people gaining wisdom. I remember there was a seen in Nigredo's room where she, Sebas and Pestonia try to convince Ainz with Biscuits made by the new Worlders and Ainz allows them on a small scale of orphanage.

4 months ago

Now this is better. Either your English improved greatly or you got yourself and editor but the expressions used here suggests Ai which highly recommend. Where is all that pride gonna take us when simply using a little help is gonna make our work a lot easier. I highly suggest chat gpt. After writing and improving all you can simply puting your work for a review in there can make a big difference. This way you can continue improving your writing skills as well as see your own shortcomings while providing your viewers with great content. However, let me warn you excessive use of anything is always bad. If you continue using Ai, you will not be able to become a professional writer because you will lack originality. All your work will be similar to Ai since you are learning from it. And hence it's value will diminish as your words will be generic. You have just started and it may have felt really sweet to get the results instantly but it is a slow poison which will kill your inner artist gradually.

4 months ago

We commend thy valiant efforts in spreading the Gospel of Ainz Ooal Gown across all realms. Let the might of the Supreme One be known throughout the entire multiverse and beyond.

4 months ago

This is fantastic! I’m thoroughly enjoying the story so far. It’s clear that the author has done extensive research, and it shows in the depth and authenticity of the narrative. Each character is brought to life with great care, capturing their essence perfectly. The pacing is deliberate, allowing readers to truly immerse themselves in the world-building. Every detail is thoughtfully explained, with no obvious plot holes. Above all, the "Sasuga Ainz-sama" moments are executed brilliantly!

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