If you continue to read you’ll find out that the mc was affected
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The subordinates dare not be slow and replied quickly "m-miss Sara's implant went offline" the quickly begged for forgiveness but the man had no mercy, waving his right hand slightly several figures in black tactical gear appeared from behind a hidden door and dragged them away.
TV · kyler_firstfallen
The droid assistant
The 2-1B surgical droid nodded and calling its assistant droid an GH-7 medical analysis unit as William backed away out of the medical bay the droid was about to stop him to say something important about Sara but didn't in the end.
TV · kyler_firstfallen
The 2-1b medical droid
The 2-1B surgical droid nodded and calling its assistant droid an GH-7 medical analysis unit as William backed away out of the medical bay the droid was about to stop him to say something important about Sara but didn't in the end.
TV · kyler_firstfallen
Got it from internet
The subordinates of the man tremblingly knelt not daring to look into the eyes of the senator, their clothing a red uniform and a simple helmet with mask.
TV · kyler_firstfallen
The subordinates of the man tremblingly knelt not daring to look into the eyes of the senator, their clothing a red uniform and a simple helmet with mask.
TV · kyler_firstfallen
Alright I am trying to improve so it’s good to hear feedback
Yall know what mars
One such mystery lies on a planet named Mars in the unknown region
TV · kyler_firstfallen
The rq protocol droid
Seeing a droid manufacturing company selling droids deciding to place a order i purchased 20 RQ protocol droids which costed 30 thousand credits each due to the combat, security protocols i requested for them in total 600,000 credits have been spent they will be arriving at my family's mansion on Coruscant in 5 weeks
Star Wars:can’t I live a life of enjoyment no? we shall see!!!
TV · kyler_firstfallen