Jordan laughed as he tossed the ball into the air and easily trapped it with his right foot. "Don't be silly, Elion. We were kids back then. Now? We're adults. Life changes people."
Fantasy · CNBaihaqi
Great first chapter. Giving of Rick Riordan's vibe a bit.
So if you notice a street that doesn't exist, a building that's way cooler than it is in real life, or a city that somehow has fewer traffic jams—just roll with it. It's all in the name of storytelling.
Fantasy · CNBaihaqi
Elion smirked. "Let's just say I left him with trust issues."
Fantasy · CNBaihaqi
You can do anything you want. It's street soccer.
Jordan feels more like the MC than the MC.
Jordan's golden-blonde hair practically reflected the streetlights, like he'd been personally blessed by the sun. He never had to put in much effort—his life seemed like a series of great moments. A few loose strands of hair framed his sharp face—he had high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and eyes that always looked playful.
Fantasy · CNBaihaqi
Thank you for the chapter.
Nice job on not stretching the soccer scene.
Elion Hayes Book One: The Beast Rings
Fantasy · CNBaihaqi