Thank you so much but I only publish on WebNovel
Yes he is ☺️
" I want you close to me because I'm afraid that if I take my eyes off you for even a second you will disappear again" he said, his voice soft.
History · Cameron_Rose_8326
Poor boy😢
"I spotted a seven-year-old boy standing there," Gerald continued, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and anger. "He was screaming, saying something I couldn't hear."
History · Cameron_Rose_8326
Exactly 😂😂😂
Before Suzy could question him further, he pushed himself away from the table. With a curt "Goodnight, Duchess," he strode out of the dining room, leaving her stunned and speechless. This sudden concern, the abrupt request for dance lessons – it was all so out of character. What was Ryan up to? What game is he playing?
History · Cameron_Rose_8326
I’m glad you do 😁
Thank you 😊
😂😂😂😂 Sorry about that
"Mad, Your Grace?" Davis echoed, his voice cautious. He approached Ryan's desk slowly, unsure of how to proceed.
History · Cameron_Rose_8326
Oh thank you 😊
My Bratty Wife
History · Cameron_Rose_8326