so Cassandra (cunning) veratia (knowledge) Poppy (heart/loyalty) with Harry being Courage
"It was Cassandra. She never stepped in to help you directly, only watched from afar. But that very afternoon, she wrote a letter to her father. That same night, Septimus Malfoy convened the school governors and pressured the Flint family. Otherwise, do you really think Slytherins would have suddenly started avoiding you altogether?"
Book&Literature · windkaze
wow... usually im not a fan of harems but harry got two top grade wives right there (cassandra the politician and veretia the scary researcher)
"It was Cassandra. She never stepped in to help you directly, only watched from afar. But that very afternoon, she wrote a letter to her father. That same night, Septimus Malfoy convened the school governors and pressured the Flint family. Otherwise, do you really think Slytherins would have suddenly started avoiding you altogether?"
Book&Literature · windkaze
the orcs would shit themselves at the slightest quake... gods that would be horryfying ._.
"Even a single Jormungar would have the potential to be a valuable military asset," said Prince Kael'thas, his expression thoughtful as he seriously considered the unexpected proposal. "Aside from what damage it could do on its own, it would allow our soldiers to more easily assault entrenched enemy positions."
Video Games · NeverluckySMILE
that is usually a sign of how fucked up a form of magic is xD
Even the nerubians don't seem to use Void magic anymore, and they are literally descended from creatures formed from the Old Gods' ichor, he thought in the privacy of his own mind.
Video Games · NeverluckySMILE
okay nobody is that dense stop stabbing him
"No! I don't want to be Mr. Three Seconds!" Harry cried in despair.
Book&Literature · windkaze
oh cmon they must know how painful that is
And now, thanks to the collective effort of the team—and, of course, the decisive strike by "Mr. Three Seconds"—
Book&Literature · windkaze
oh that hurts 🤣
At the same time, he earned himself a new nickname—"The Fastest Man."
Book&Literature · windkaze
if she comes back and finds out what tom has done in her name... tom is gonna be fucked
She cleared her throat and mimicked a haughty tone: 'Potter! My little sidekick, how dare you defy me?!'
Book&Literature · windkaze
wasnt the leg part cause he kept trying to be like all might
For some reason, I found myself getting offended. "Well I wouldn't say that's exactly fair, Sarah." I scoffed. "Izuku started with nothing. His mom apologized for his birth, his father abandoned him, and his best friend started calling him a 'shitty useless pebble'. Not to mention the actual abuse that we see in the show, like episode one, where his teacher hits him, and his classmates use him for target practice. Is it too far a stretch to say that he had it rough?"
Anime & Comics · GravityWrites
v... the only thing alive in him is the bloody brain
"Idiot! You don't buy a place for practicality; you buy it to feel good! Are you brain-dead?"
Interdimensional Scientist, Starting from Cyberpunk
Video Games · Tchao707