At first, I thought it was a bad idea—I didn't feel like doing it. But after giving it some thought, I realized I have a lot on my mind and would like to express it somehow, and what better way than through writing?
Anime & Comics · Culture_Lover
watch David Goggings, this guy is the only therapist during tough times
I've been attending therapy sessions as part of my rehabilitation program, and they've helped me a lot. My therapist recommended that, now that I have a bit more mobility, I start writing again as a way to release the mental tension I'm still dealing with.
Anime & Comics · Culture_Lover
the same case happened to the author of Mara Uchiha in tbate. He went into a car crash and dropped his fic.
author pov:
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Anime & Comics · suejj
you can't be real my guy.
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Anime & Comics · suejj
btw, it's not even absurd, people be overreacting for something so insignificant.
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Anime & Comics · suejj
Este número foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · suejj
rip tom
Hyun-Woo shifted into position, gripping the dagger in an inverted hold with his right hand, left hand forward, his left leg poised ahead, and his right leg set behind, ready to spring. He looked directly at Tom, his voice low, each word cold and final.
Anime & Comics · suejj
Once again, I hope you can forgive me for not sharing this sooner. But I'm here now, and I'll be back to writing (^_^)
Anime & Comics · Culture_Lover