Is this story available in Fanfiction?
Great chapter! But why does Hoburn filled with Demons and Vampires instead of Angels since it was originally a nation filled with paladins and priests?
Why does every Overlord x Gate writer make the Sorcerer Kingdom look like some sci-fi world of robots and magic. It's the same generic bit everywhere. Instead of just saying they are using Drones for reconnaissance you could use Familiars like Shaltear's shadow bats or Ainz's Eyeball Corpses or a lesser spirit heck you could research a little dnd and bring an angel summon for scouting via mercenary scrolls. Also the armour truck could've been enchanted with Terrain Freedom spell or something like that to make it easily run offroad, etc.
Nazarick being in the middle of the city is such a security hazard. Why would Ainz allow others to know the most important location whose invasion can lead to downfall of everything?
The name of the author is jobbi_xD The stories name is overlord vs gate English version It is available here in webnovel
Isn't this exactly the same as Overlord vs Gate by Jobbyxd
Yeah I thought so because I always feel like I have read this somewhere before.
Gate: Thus the Intergalactic Sorcerous Empire Fought There
Anime e Quadrinhos · Blackcovra