

male LV 3

Just an ordinary author

2024-03-18 Unido India
Obras originais
Emblemas 4

Moments 167
1 months ago

Yo slowest cook, how's your day. 5 star reviwew for blocking you back then (for some reason)

2 months ago

This Novel will be completely free to read and it will end around 100-120 chapters or something. This novel is for entertainment purposes, therefore, I am warning you to avoid having same mindset as the fictional characters mentioned in this novel. Because the novel might contain some inhumane elements. This story is about the concepts of "Corruptions".

3 months ago

Warning for those who are soft hearted. I don't know whether author has a clear goals and settings on what will happen in the ending or not but the plot is great, especially for Villain lovers like me. The system level is good as I am also a gamer who likes these kinds of set ups like status of strength dexterity and etc. It usually helps you stay in your league. The masterchef Protagonist is brilliant. His other novel includes a main character Constantine, I must that this MC is even much better than that character. I am not fan of harem genre, romance genre, and R18 so I may drop this novel later if I dislike it, sorry but that is what I think. However, Please keep in mind that you will like this if you like any of those genre. I reviewed this based on my judgement for this novel. The writing quality is top level so the narrative or dialogues will not include errors (Slice of Life Genre, I don't know much about it so forget it I won't tell anything about this genre). Read his first novel as well if you like this novel. The art of making such interesting plots are truly masterpiece. Ask other questions to author directly as he included the Q&A so that's it now. Hope you enjoy this novel and review it. Give support to this author so he will make more legendary contents like this one.

4 months ago
Replied to Hyumino_ig

Okay I will exchange the review, I will review tomorrow after reading your novel and judge it

4 months ago
Replied to Hyumino_ig

Did I met you in inkstone server?

4 months ago
Replied to ShallSpeakNone

well, that's her name

"So you found a clue? As excepted of an Arbiter." said culprit

Between Light and Darkness: The Void

Between Light and Darkness: The Void

Fantasy · CyberDevil_2051

4 months ago

Should read this novel now

4 months ago

seems interesting

Este livro foi excluído.
4 months ago

The title suggests a horrible word that basically no players wants when playing video games and that is grind (except for veteran players)

Este livro foi excluído.
4 months ago
Replied to FZinoka

Dempsey roll

Faster. Sharper. More fluid. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec

  • Grand Corruption: Purifier's Wrath original

    Grand Corruption: Purifier's Wrath


    Warning, this novel will contain violence (sexual violence will not appear) MC update: Main character of this novel is mentioned in the synopsis. Read it carefully to avoid confusions. ____________________________________________ In the Kingdom of Malvernia where the magic and technology coexist, the war between good versus evils emerges everywhere and everytime. Be it a hero or a villain or an ordinary person, everyone seeks happiness by using their own methods. This world is becoming corrupted where the crime is becoming common thing yet more vicious. Whereas, there are people who hopes to eliminate the corruption that is happening in Malvernia. But they are weak as they are hopeless, and they need someone with strong resolve and hope. Alaric, who is 18 years, seeks to destroy the corruption and bring peace in this Kingdom. He is a man who doesn't want to see people shed their tears. On the other hand, there exists a dangerous criminal named Weiss. Weiss is the founder of a criminal organisation known as Obsidian Circle. He is a man in his 20s and from the childhood, he always wanted to become one of the corrupted one. Whoever dares to oppose him shall soon be destroyed. Alaric and Weiss oppose each other as their war becomes more and more ferocious. These two young man, have strong resolve and goals. However, something feels odd. Be it a hero or a villain, there is someone who is keeping an eye on this kingdom. He heard about Alaric and Weiss, who can be formidable opponents in 'future'. Main Protagonist Victor, who is 18 years old, is silently observing them. No one knows him, no one cares about him, no one knows whether he even exist or not. He is hiding and just hiding, waiting for his prey. He has a same goal as Alaric and yet something is wrong about this man. He is a normal guy with same goal as Alaric. He has genuine feelings to save people from Weiss, he is geniune and his red crimson eyes can tell. His desire to save people from Weiss and other corruptions is completely genuine but there is something going to happen very soon. No one knows Victor and his hidden plan but this is confirmed that he is also seeking the same goal as Alaric and he is also inspired by him. This is the World Of Corruption, named planet 'Regia'. The Malvernia Kingdom in Regia, especially, is on the verge of complete corruption. It is the closest kingdom to become completely corrupted.

    9 Chs 5 Coleções

  • Between Light and Darkness: The Void original

    Between Light and Darkness: The Void



    WARNING THIS ANIME NOVEL MIGHT INCLUDE HIGH LEVEL OF VIOLENCE AND MASS MURDERS [NO SEXUAL VIOLENCE], IT'S RECOMMENDED TO READ IF IT DOESN'T AFFECTS YOUR REAL LIFE. WARNING 2 (IMPORTANT)- THIS NOVEL MIGHT BE ABANDONED (DROPPED) IN FUTURE DUE TO LACK OF PERFORMANCES LIKE GRAMMAR, STORYTELLING,POPULARITY, SUPPORT ETC. SO IT IS RECOMMENDED FOR YOU TO AVOID INVESTING TIME ON IT. THANK YOU. ______________________________________ Important Note- This novel is the First Instalment of the Trilogy Series. Synopsis Updated with some adjustments: Main protagonist Orion joined the ranks in Libra group and became the Arbiter of Celestial city of Kingdom of Adicyle, he lost his memories but he never seemed to care about it. On the other hand, Anti-Libra group were plotting something evil, as the name of this group says they want to destroy Libra and they tried to unseal the Ancient Dark Demon called Regal. Dark Demon Regal was the Ancient Demon who was sealed a long time ago and Anti-Libra unsealed something that should not have existed. While in this chaos, a certain person got involved in this mess as well and that was Voila. Voila got involved in a certain event that changes her fate as well as for Dark Demon Regal. Followers of Light and Darkness, trying to fight each other to crush the other side as they aim for their goals and beliefs. The world will become engulfed in darkness yet again, bringing the old chaos that happened a long time. Chloe, filled with kindness and desire for justice, finds herself in the midst of this chaos as she tries to uncover the truth behind Anti-Libra's plots while helping Orion. What is Anti-Libra plotting? What will be the outcome? Will Regal choose to destroy everything or follow Anti-Libra? Is Orion's past somehow involved in it? or Orion will have a different influence over others? Or is Chloe going to change the fate of this world as she grows stronger and stronger with a solid resolve within her? The world is going to be doomed if Anti-Libra succeed in what they want to achieve. On the other hand, Jystice and other arbiters are aiming to bring down Anti-Libra while struggling with difficult opponents coming in their way. It is unclear who will be victorious however it is confirmed that one side will face the judgement as they will lose to the other side in this hectic battle, filled with an intense desire to win as they aim for their primary objectives.

    125 Chs 277 Coleções

  • Dragon Quest V Reimagined: Hand Of The Heavenly Bride original

    Dragon Quest V Reimagined: Hand Of The Heavenly Bride


    Note- This is a Fanfic work that is adapted from the original game version (or NDS version which is also exactly same as original version except for some additional changes)known as Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. The primary purpose of the story is to provide narrative lines and make the silent protagonist's dialogue by expressing him throughout the story. Some elements of this novel remake version may change depending on the situations, people, places and etc... The main focus is not to rush the story and keep going at it's own pace. I would suggest you to respect the original content (that includes ds version as well that is basically same as the original one) and if you haven't played this game before then I would recommend you to play it but you don't have to play it if you don't want to since you don't need any knowledge about the game to read this remake version. Just keep in mind, players who like modern like settings or world building may not like this game much since it is an old game with medivel period or something. The name of the protagonist will be Abel, that is one of the default name of this character. If you want more information about the game then you can check out the Wikipedia on google for this game. Note 2- I have added Romance Genre according to what I discovered in the game as the name also suggests but the main focus will, as usual, be on the mainplot lines because it is originally an adaptation of the game and game mostly focuses on the combat, actions, adventures, twists or other genre without relying on Romance Genre so much. --------- Synopsis: The world of magic and sword, which is a peaceful world, is going to be corrupted by the enemy force in order to either rule the world or destroy it completely to make a new world or for some hidden motives. These unknown forces are truly terrifying and only a hero is capable of saving the world. However, the hero is not yet decided. The story takes place from a small ship where the father and his son, the main protagonist Abel who was 6 year old, wanted to go back to whealbrook that is their hometown. The protagonist isn't aware of what will come in his life. This boy may not be a hero but who knows what will really happen when he will show what he can do. Abel faces a tragic event in his childhood that changed everything and therefore, he changed..... The darkness was overwhelming but he never seemed to give up... The world will be in danger and the hero(es) must emerge in order to put a stop to the real evil.

    10 Chs 18 Coleções