wasn't that the objective of Caesar?
"Therefore, today I ask you to stand firm, not to yield to doubt. This war is our crusade, and I promise you that every effort, every sacrifice, will not be in vain. This is not just my fight. It is the fight of each and every one of you. The New California Republic will not kneel. Though one may fall, a hundred more will rise to defend what is ours. Today, more than ever, we need your trust and courage because together, victory will be ours. Together, we will show that no tyrant, no invader, will ever take from us what we have built.
Video Games · Chill_ean_GUY
i swear that i already read the raw of this novel in Chinese
why the change of the title ? anyway thx for the chapter's ^^
thx for the chapters's
six fingers xd
yeah, why not?
1. To see the MC have an additional partner later in the novel? (Y/N/Comment)
Movies · DumbedDown
AN: Should I make Alina as MC's love interest?
Others · Daoist_KittyKat
"Yes, but you could be a sacrificial player, taking out the star player on the opposing team," he suggested.
TV · FilteredWater
wrong order...
Tactical Annihilation: Commanding The Apocalypse
Video Games · Orngebeard