Ten participants, nine rounds and chances, but only one survives. A game where losing means death, but winning would grant you any wish.
After unintentionally killing his grandma, a strange man came knocking at Marty’s door, telling him he had the sure fire way for him to escape the judicial punishment. In a country where the punishment for murder was either a lethal injection or an electric chair, Marty was scared shitless, knowing full well how all the evidence pointed to him.
“I’ll come with you,” he said.
The man grinned at him and handed him a thumb-sized bottle. “Show me your resolve.”
Without hesitation, Marty downed the bottle’s content, causing him to experience agonizing pain. When he opened his eyes, he was already in another place facing a human-sized rabbit along with the other participants.
Thus the game begins: THE RELIFE GAME!!