
LV 4
2023-12-09 Unido Global
Emblemas 2

Moments 14
22 days ago

I always picture how to train your dragon test flight when it comes to dragon flying. The freedom you feel in the sky nothing comes closer to it then that movie.

"You can open your eyes now, hahaha", Azrael laughed, and listening to him, I opened my eyelids, and I could no longer see land or trees, but we were flying over the clouds, the same clouds that before I saw very high, but now I was flying over them.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

TV · Marcia_05

27 days ago
Replied to Claudio_69

God no please no this is not what I think it is…… I need enough holy water to make an ocean for this shit.

Sure, it was an innocent sign of affection… but the look in her eyes made me think there was something else going on.

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Anime & Comics · OmegaLul1234

27 days ago
Replied to Apostle_of_Noice

He is the guy or boy in this case that wanted eris attention during her birthday. I don’t remember what he did but I know he was one of the boys that wanted a dance with eris.

"Well, I am simply urging you to take caution," Philip said. "Now that Eris is confirmed to be alive, it is unlikely that he has forgotten his… desire. And unlike before, we no longer have any political standing to shield her with."

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

Anime & Comics · OmegaLul1234

1 months ago

NEIA I CHOSE YOU!! Is this is fucking Pokémon game? Is everyone going to start throwing balls?

"You are not chosen for what you can do at the moment. I can rebuild you, empower you, and make you superior to any mortal, but even Gods can't give you the willpower to walk the path you have chosen. For this willpower and your sense of duty, I choose you."

Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Overlord: Advent of the New Gods

Anime & Comics · DukeCheburek

1 months ago
Replied to N7_uLtRa266

Depends if you don’t get stuff to numb the pain. you can hear them screaming like banshee. Then you got the women who are like my mom who are quiet with there pain. But overall their is a difference between pain medication and no pain medication.


Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3

1 months ago
Replied to DaoistCLvoFN

I thought it was deadshot? Also your auto correct messed up deathstroke.

"God! How much time has it been since I was in the VR machine? I swear I hate therapy more than even my in-laws. Also, why the hell would someone make a digital therapist as hot as a supermodel with such seductive and revealing clothes, yet not allow the patients to even touch her? My PTSD might be slowly getting cured with these weekly therapy sessions, but my wet dreams about that hot therapist milf are just increasing every day. I think I might even be developing a bad case of PTBD now, Post Therapy Boner Disorder." He snickered to himself at his own bad joke while sporting a boner in his tight spandex suit before finally noticing me and Cortana staring at him, leading to his smile instantly disappearing. "Oh, hey guys, didn't see you there... You didn't hear anything, did you?" he asked with a weak smile as he subtly tried to cover his boner with his left hand.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

2 months ago
Replied to Anubis01

The name makes sense to me since marine are both land and water military force. While they are navy marines in the one piece world, that is mostly due to the world being mostly water. The marines operate on both land and sea in the show. So unless they don’t operate in ocean or water terrain I would say a name change is in order.

3 months ago

Could it have been “Bo…” mean “Bone Daddy”?

"By the way, Bo… Ainz-sama fused a quarter of his magic to myself. If you so desire, by wielding me you might be able to wield a quarter of his power," I told her.

Overlord: The Fragment of Paradox

Overlord: The Fragment of Paradox

Anime & Comics · Haios_Paradox

5 months ago

Ok i couldn’t for some reason comment on the texts so i will comment here. THIS IS SHIT! BECAUSE THIS IS THE BEST SHIT I HAVE READ! LIKE GOD DAM I GOT TO FREAKING HOLD MY SELF FROM LAUGHING ON SOME OF THE THINGS HERE!!🤣 Thanks for the great fanfic author.

5 months ago

Don’t worry deadshot I laughed. 🙂

"God! How much time has it been since I was in the VR machine? I swear I hate therapy more than even my in-laws. Also, why the hell would someone make a digital therapist as hot as a supermodel with such seductive and revealing clothes, yet not allow the patients to even touch her? My PTSD might be slowly getting cured with these weekly therapy sessions, but my wet dreams about that hot therapist milf are just increasing every day. I think I might even be developing a bad case of PTBD now, Post Therapy Boner Disorder." He snickered to himself at his own bad joke while sporting a boner in his tight spandex suit before finally noticing me and Cortana staring at him, leading to his smile instantly disappearing. "Oh, hey guys, didn't see you there... You didn't hear anything, did you?" he asked with a weak smile as he subtly tried to cover his boner with his left hand.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom