Ka1serMax - Profile



male LV 4

From Germany I am a Boy Tensura Fan (Diablo is awesome)(Rimuru too)

2023-11-26 Unido Germany

Emblemas 4

Moments 1213


*makes you...

"And in the second test, you showcased that under pressure, you would sacrifice part of yourself to help a friend.", added Professor Krieg, "The fire spells were a test as well, and to say the least: You aced with flying colours. Your high talent for charms and fire magic, coupled with your family's magical talent for hunting and your special ability with light make you a unique and valuable student."

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles


*single Student...

"Your actions in Ecuador were just the beginning.", the Minister explained, "You demonstrated not only magical power but also leadership and strategic thinking on your later missions. The way you handled the first test in the forest was stunning, to say the least. Not a single was as ruthless and at the same time as reluctant with using dark spells, as you were!"

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles




As Sebastian's combat spell repertoire grew, Professor Krieg advised him to aim higher and to create Battle Mage level spells with his help, that firstly made use of his high affinity for fire, while he should also try to include aspects of light. Fast forward and endless hours of extensive studying and experimentation later, he succeeded in creating two spells he could call his own. The first, "Luminis Solaris", fused some aspects of the powers of fire and light, and channels sunlight into a powerful, focused beam of coherent light of adjustable wavelength. This beam can cut through materials and burn targets, while the accompanying flash disorients and temporarily blinds enemies This makes the spell fit to use it as both offence and crowd control. The second, "Lux Ignis", was designed specifically for Sebastian's staff. This spell surrounded the staff in a fire 'aura' and a concentrated beam of light focused on one nanometer. Each strike delivered with the staff releases small flame explosions of flame and something akin to a very concentrated, short-range laser, which causes damage to opponents and is especially strong against shields, as a small disruption can sometimes destroy the shield.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles

Replied to Noah_Harmtan


A/N: As the title 'The Descent Begins' promises, we are going to see some change in the MC soon. Sorry for all his crying, but as of now, he is still somewhat of a sobbing child.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles


... manipulating him to become a suitable wepon, or is it genuine.... both?

Professor Krieg held him tighter, his heart breaking for the young wizard in his arms, remembering the day his tutor came into his study and announced his parents' deaths, the day he became who he was. "You'll find a way, Sebastian. You're stronger than you know, and your mother would want you to keep moving forward. She would want you to live.", he told him, experiences he had made himself.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles


Wait what!!!?

She was murdered and his father had just died in his embrace, he had succumbed to the devastating effects of his wounds left behind by the Hit Wizards.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles

Replied to Fickle_as_light

fr fr

But I could sense she was ready and willing through the Force.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever


There‘s that one Veela… what was her name again ….xD

"Do you know how to write French as well?" She nodded, "Wonderful. Do you reckon that you can teach me French? I want to learn how to read and talk,"

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG



Arthur didnt knows who to believe, "I dont know what to think.. He seems like a good boy to me."

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG


*Wich he agreed to….

Scrimegour wanted to interrogate the boy, and he was against the idea. He told them so as well. But Scrimgegrou was not asking for permission. He wanted him to go with him to this interrogation, to give moral support to the boy. Which agreed to, no problem. What he did know expect at least was what transpired in the room. Ronan not only walked into the room with a smile but exited with a smile as well. And no one expected that.

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG


My words!

"Not applicable in this case," he said, "She attacked me. For no reason. And as I am not the suspect, I am a civilian. If you arrest me, and this goes to court, I can have your badge turned in within one session,"

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG


I am sure there is something called the Law… Words written on a book and you have to uphold them

It was then the Head of Aurors moved and stood close to him, and grabbed him by the collar, "Tell me a good reason why I shouldn't put you behind bars? Why I should just arrest you right here, right now?"

HP: Ronan's Journey

HP: Ronan's Journey

Book&Literature · YashVardhan_OG


I Like Where this is going

"I could just wait until I see a beetle like that and then accidentally trip and smash it," Harry suggests.

HP: I got Transmigrated into the World of Magic

HP: I got Transmigrated into the World of Magic

Book&Literature · Kitamari

Replied to DaoistDumbles

... never watched Naruto " "

Sitting down on the ground, Sebastian felt the cold marble touch his ass, making him shiver all over. What made him shiver as well was Nadine next to him. Now, he did not think of children his age as sexy or something, but he felt oddly attracted to her, though not on a sexual level.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles



After lunch, the lesson shifted to infiltration strategies. Professor Kageyama's lecture talked about the planning and execution of infiltration missions, as well as the correct way to write reports. "Successful infiltration requires long planning, and a precise execution if you aren't in the clear about your opponent's strength." he began. "You must know your target inside out, their routines, their defences, and their weaknesses, and even then, the number one rule is constant vigilance!"

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles

Replied to newcommer2


Three days later, Sebastian stood together with six more, male students, with the youngest being three years older than himself. Opposite them stood their Japanese instructor, Haruto Kageyama. In terms of spells, he was an Elite Hit Wizard, but a few old curse injuries, supposedly sustained from infiltrating into a highly secured harbour in the USA, physically restricted him, which was why he was only considered a Hit Wizard. Unluckily, he did not want to tell them what his mission was, but Sebastian already had a guess.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles



"Please, take each other by the hand and create a connected circle so that we may start.", a female voice said. Fortunately, the old woman leading the ritual was not included in it, so she wasn't naked. Otherwise, Sebastian suspected that he would not be able to sleep for a week at the very least, and not in a good way.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles


... aren't they related?


Sitting down on the ground, Sebastian felt the cold marble touch his ass, making him shiver all over. What made him shiver as well was Nadine next to him. Now, he did not think of children his age as sexy or something, but he felt oddly attracted to her, though not on a sexual level.

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Book&Literature · DaoistDumbles

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