In a world divided between the gifted and the non-gifted, Raheem Sterling, Hiroki McKenzie's best friend, stood tall among the chosen. His prowess in football, basketball, and track and field marked him as a natural-born king of sports. Meanwhile, Hiroki lingered in the shadows of the non-gifted, unable to save his life in any sport. This is the tale of how Raheem and Hiroki, unlikely comrades, rose to ascendancy in the realm of lacrosse.
Sports · Parago_n
I got to be honest when I first started I thought this book was a simple book that use things other novels use but the more I read the more simpler and crazier it gets it has a simple story but the author flips it on it's head and make it crazy the world building gets a 4/5 Characters 5/5 Designs of the characters I would wear some of the clothes their wearing. Fights 5/5 sometimes 4/5 plot 3/5. I love everything about this book the romance, the comedy, the fights the killing and the interactions between the characters immerse you in the story. This book is delightfully straightforward yet packed with unexpected twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.
Another great work by paragon I'm at chapter 20 and I'm loving it already it's different from Hunter's State far different I hope Hunter's State will be back soon.
The Phoenix Slayers
Fantasy · Parago_n