Thanks, I'll rewrite it.
he has empty sockets
Ainz looked at her intently with those empty eye sockets. "Don't worry, I understand it's hard to imagine."
Anime & Comics · Sr_Angel
No, I looked for it, the spell causes nausea and fear
I had paralyzed the entire demihuman army I had brought with a single spell (Aura of Despair Level 3). The demihumans were on the ground, some unconscious, others nauseous on the ground. The only ones who partially withstood the spell were five:
Anime & Comics · Sr_Angel
did you read the story?
It s dothraki from GoT xD
Vaes Khadokh
Anime & Comics · Sr_Angel
Por eso empiezo la historia justo cuando la historia empieza a cambiar radicalmente , aunque hago algunos cambios menores en la historia (salvar personajes) y hacer prospero a el reino hechicero. Aunque probablemente sea mejorable.
"Ahem, thank you, Shalltear," I said. In this timeline, I decided to kill her just like in the canon to earn (even more) respect from the guardians.
Anime & Comics · Sr_Angel
Ya esta cambiado, gracias
Este número foi suprimido.
Anime & Comics · Sr_Angel
Este verano actualizo, siento mucho no contestar
Transmigrado en Pokemon
Video Games · Sr_Angel