"Tangela is unable to battle! The little black one wins..."
Anime & Comics · LoverrBoy
Little Erica, who didn't seem to recognize Weavile, referred to it as "the black little one."
Anime & Comics · LoverrBoy
That Vileplume thing is so dumb. I thought it was going to be a Gloom.
What the hell does these even mean?
With Kirlia (top-tier potential), Fomantis (mid-top potential), and now Torchic (high-top potential), Qin Yun's Pokémon lineup was becoming increasingly formidable.
Anime & Comics · Mgold001
Wait? When did it evolve into a Tyranitar?
Tyranitar and Bulbasaur immediately ran over, squeezing beside him.
Anime & Comics · Fanglin
Bro is reading a fanfic from MTL.
"And now, with the guidance of the spirit within its body, Charmander has already learned Fire Punch, becoming the strongest among its peers..."
Anime & Comics · Fanglin
My apologies I suppose.
Ash can feel something off about the nature, both his Aura Sense and Viridian Force were going haywire. As if something massive was going to break out soon.
Anime & Comics · Expend
I thought I did back after his Silver Conference win?
Ash can feel something off about the nature, both his Aura Sense and Viridian Force were going haywire. As if something massive was going to break out soon.
Anime & Comics · Expend
Too busy paying attention to Maxie and co.
Pokemon: Bond Evolutions of Pokémon
Anime & Comics · Expend