
LV 12
2023-05-17 Unido Global
Emblemas 6

Moments 4
2 months ago

Is this dropped. It would be kind if the author could reply. It was a good one btw

9 months ago

Actually loved this fanfic!. Having good writing and enjoyable plot feels great but can't help but feel that the story has been abandoned as it's been a month since the last update...hope that i am wrong and the author continue this fanfic.

10 months ago
Replied to chaz_mars

i just meant that the talents or ability that he has or the fact whether everyone has some kind of talents was never really explained . I think that these things should have been a bit more explained as the story will be build on this and there are many scenarios that made me feel that the author is rushing things like his background etc . Should have given a bit more importance into it , well it's my perspective and like I said ,I actually like the idea that the author had but guess the execution wasn't of my taste!

11 months ago

It just doesn't make sense!. Many things are not explained and is the back story of the character and about how he got the ability. I kind of like the idea the author had but feels like the execution is bad. Hope it gets better and adds the missing details somehow.