Turning a leigon against a potential enemy primarch?
"Today, I bring you tools worthy of your mastery," Franklin continued, his voice carrying pride. "But understand this – these are not gifts. I do not offer charity to the Fourth. These are investments in your future, in the future you will build for humanity. Each weapon, each piece of technology, is a testament to my faith – and the Emperor's faith – in your purpose."
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And will become the only true deity like him as well 😂
"That's what all arrogant men say," Erda replied, millennia of observation lending weight to her words. "Just like Him."
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In other words, “watch my son. He will become a true deity.” Especially if Frankie has already gotten so far with his warp powers. That and the concept of his soul, ‘freedom, liberty, will’ are the most common and powerful concepts in human history. If any of the 20 has the chance to truly ‘ascend’ its the liberator
"Indeed. Though I find I don't mind it as much as I should." The Emperor's expression grew serious once more. "Watch him closely, old friend. Not out of suspicion, but curiosity. I suspect our Franklin may yet surprise us all."
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But it was the next feature that drew everyone's attention. "The Armstrong Pattern Power Fists," SMARTASS announced, zooming in on the massive gauntlets. "Integrated with advanced nanomachine colonies that reinforce structural integrity during impact. Put simply - the harder you hit, the stronger they become and nigh indestructable"
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He stopped before Vladimir, placing a hand on the Marine's shoulder. "Vladimir Mendelev, step forward."
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What followed was a display that would have made even the most flamboyant Eldar Farseer raise an eyebrow. Franklin pranced around the training room, shooting warp lightning from his fingertips and gleefully shouting, "I CAST Magic Missile!" and "Eldritch Blast!" and, most frequently, "FIREBALL!"
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Next emerged a truly massive figure, easily 10 feet tall. This one bore no helmet, revealing a stern, weathered face. A cigar clenched between his teeth gave him an air of nonchalance that belied the obvious danger he presented. Robert watched as his own knights, brave men all, took involuntary steps backward.
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The Liberty Guard passed by next, and I found myself reassessing everything I knew about military organization. These weren't merely well-equipped soldiers; they represented a fundamental reimagining of human military potential. Each warrior carried the Liberty Pattern Combi-Bolter, a streamlined version of their signature weapon that combined bolter and pulse capabilities in a compact frame. On Their Shoulders were retractable shoulder mounted mini-turrets. The precision of their movements and the confidence in their bearing spoke of enhancements far beyond baseline humanity. They were living embodiments of efficiency, adaptability, and overwhelming firepower.
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Their armor... it's unlike anything in our armories. Robert marveled at the deep blue of their suits, the red pauldrons adorned with white stars, and the majestic two-headed golden eagle emblazoned on their chests. It spoke of a level of craftsmanship and technology far beyond anything Austeria had possessed even in its glory days.
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The inspection was, as Mikael had anticipated, quick and clinical. He watched as a Valorian Sector drone—some sleek, automated craft—performed scans of the Fortune's Gambit without ever boarding. They didn't even bother with Imperial pomp or bureaucracy. Within the hour, they were cleared for entry and escorted toward the Valorian Trading Station Alpha.
The Primarch of Liberty
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