
LV 4
2023-02-26 Unido Global
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2 months ago


The Falcon was a single-engine plane with a streamlined design, reminiscent of the Supermarine Spitfire. It featured a bubble canopy for improved visibility and was armed with light machine guns mounted in the wings.

Building a Conglomerate in Another World

Building a Conglomerate in Another World

History · SorryImJustDiamond

4 months ago
Replied to Joebiden_Biden

hey man any update on your fanfic

1 years ago
Replied to Echii_Sama

I don't how your mind made these absurd connections, but as it doesn't have anything to do with my story I am going to drop this topic. James in my version of story is the character I perceive him to be. Which is a jerk, former bully, Arrogant but ultimately a good man.

1 years ago
Replied to Noely_poley

as per my understanding, avatars created by Priori Incantatem are not true souls but just phantoms created cause connection between harry and voldy and their wands also somehow will of the caster (in this case Harry) impacted them to help him escape. even if there aren't phantoms of harry's parents and cedric there will be others

After Disapparating from the home he didn't come to dormitory instead told Sweety to take him into the center of the maze. He had already cast Disillusionment charm on himself and Sweety. At the center cup wasn't placed yet, but that wasn't the goal he was here to save Cedric. So he enchanted nearby vines to pull and hold Cedric when he tried to grab the cup. As he finished his work he was quite relaxed. He told Sweety to take him to dormitory and then go home. Since It was still early and there were no lectures today he went to sleep after what felt like a years. 

HP: work in progress

HP: work in progress

Book&Literature · Blaze_98

1 years ago
Replied to Echii_Sama

So let me just say this I also don't like James much but letting him die and only saving Lily seemed forced. As for stealing Lily from Snape or breaking their friendship I don't think Lily ever saw Snape Romantically and friendship broke because Snape started hanging out with deatheaters. Even if James didn't LOVE Lily at the pint in time HE still liked her and wanted to go out with her it has nothing to do with Snape.

1 years ago
Replied to Kraug

If you are asking why save them it's because I always liked Lily's character and wanted to explore more and saving only her didn't make sense to me. If you are asking why he can't change the timeline it's because of the time fluctuations around his body because he doesn't completely belong to the timeline so it's seen as outside interference and corrected. So he could save them now but they might die tomorrow. It will make no difference. time will keep correcting itself unless you are part of that time line which he will be after next jump.

Matt opened his eyes and examined his surroundings and his body. He was in a small room with bunk beds, he looked like 10-11 year old. He got some basic memories from his brain, he found out his name here was Matthew Blaze, quite close to the original name and that He was in 1970. He spent rest of the day thinking why he was in this timeline. He remembered It was the marauders era. He thought maybe he could prevent James and Lily from dying. Although he knew couldn't alter the time line, he had to try while maybe also helping other people along the way.

HP: work in progress

HP: work in progress

Book&Literature · Blaze_98

  • HP: work in progress original

    HP: work in progress

    Book&Literature HARRYPOTTER

    This is work that just popped into my mind after reading unknown number of fanfics. The story will start at end triwizard tournament when harry is fighting voldemort. obviously the copyrights for harry potter and related characters belongs to J. K. Rowling. Cover art doesn't belong to me. If it's yours and want me to take it down contact me.

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