The setting is wayyy in the past and the liquor worm is not as rare as in fang yuans era, also no one has discovered that it can be refined into higher ranks at this time so the in the eyes of the gu masters its value is less then the 1st place gu
But my way to even overtake him involves the second prize, the liquor worm. This would allow me to cultivate with an efficiency that none could match.
Book&Literature · ACDPQS
You know what would be cool, if during his ascension all of horizons crimes got exposed or any other time in the future and he delivers the legendary Homelander speech
'She is crazy, but not completely gone. On the crazy scale, she would be a 7, but on the hot scale, she would be a 9.' I thought remembering a meme I saw. Something about how Hot a person was, and how crazy they were allowed to be. She could be even more crazy, and it would be alright... at least that's what that scale said. I didn't know if it could be trusted.
DC: I'm The Ultimate Lifeform
Anime & Comics · itachi1010