

male LV 14
2023-02-19 Unido India
Emblemas 6

Moments 1018
10 days ago

the fuck dude she is a kid

PS: So Kushina healed her injuries. Does it mean she regained her virginity? Sorry that was a strange thing to ask.

Naruto: I am Uchiha Shirou

Naruto: I am Uchiha Shirou

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode

18 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

That's disgusting

More Omake storys like the valentines day one, along with request Omake storys and even affecting the story in some way.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

18 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Though Lyra here already has a better option

"Wait a minute..." Ash squinted at the screen. "I know that guy. That's Khoury!"

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

21 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Lol, I have to read it for research purposes, of course 😅

Her Adventures manga counterpart was probably his favorite, she had more of a big sister vibe. And in The Electric Tale of Pikachu, she was a cute tsundere. In his opinion, the anime version of Misty, at least the original series version, was probably the worst interpretation of her, even if she does get better later.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

21 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Man, you write about the image it's really good , originally, I didn't like Oleana that much, but after seeing this image, I will vote for her and since we can't have Loreli as a secretary we will do with Oleana for now lol 😀

"So I guess that means we're technically business partners, huh?" Whitney said, looking amused. "You supply the Tauros, and I promote them just by having them at my gym."

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

21 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Yeah, well, it's not a bad idea, and I don't think Rose not having Oleana as a secretary changes something major, but it's up to you 😉

"So I guess that means we're technically business partners, huh?" Whitney said, looking amused. "You supply the Tauros, and I promote them just by having them at my gym."

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

22 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

I feel you bro for all three previous exams. I got full marks 40/40 in PPS, but in the pre university exam, I got 69/70, though I don't know whether I should be feeling upset for that 1 mark or enjoy the legendary 69

Ash smirked. "Yeah, thanks. I realized I mixed up X-linked and autosomal inheritance. Appreciate the second chance helped me get a perfect score."

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

22 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Let me guess : Latios , Zeraora(Shiny , if possible considering it's an alternate timeline) , Diancie, Meleotta , Tapu Koko(maybe from that one alternate dimension) , Legendary Birds ( residing in Kalos can be caught too) and that's all I can guess oh and maybe the ones Goh caught like Suicuine , Eternatus, etc

22 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Man, that's giving me some h*ntai vines not gonna lie

Her Adventures manga counterpart was probably his favorite, she had more of a big sister vibe. And in The Electric Tale of Pikachu, she was a cute tsundere. In his opinion, the anime version of Misty, at least the original series version, was probably the worst interpretation of her, even if she does get better later.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

28 days ago
Replied to Katsu39

Yeah, I like the gold theme, too, and hate green one

Suddenly a zip came from behind and a big shiny Beedrill appeared directly behind the Nidoqueen in a blink.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39