

male LV 14
2023-01-16 Unido Global
Emblemas 9

Moments 209
2 days ago

actually without the stress of wind wich cause tree rings to form "imperfectly" the trees get too perfect and it causes them to be much weaker.

Brother Choi nodded. "You can, but it's not as efficient because there isn't enough energy there to make a nice even advancement layer. Like the rings of a tree, you need it to be even all the way around for it to be perfect."

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

2 days ago

but thor awesome

Lotus gave him a single raised eyebrow look of challenge. "What? Don't tell me you're suddenly fashionable. I bet that if I let you go unattended, you'd do something like trying to outfit match with Thor. Go, go. Let's go to the armoury and find something that won't make you look like a dork."

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

2 days ago
Replied to Echelon_5

strangely a good visual reference.

"That's a good point. With half as much damage done to the Golems, and the recent upgrade that Dana got to her Golems, we should be able to hold quite well against stronger threats." Karl agreed.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

2 days ago

don't ruin it i liked the stairs of fate where while there were certain things that were more probable nothing was set in stone.

It took a moment to realize the true horror of having your future told to you by an Oracle. Once you had been told, how could you trust that any choice you made was your own? Would you deliberately sabotage the good things that might happen to you while attempting to change the choices that might lead to the undesirable options that you had been informed of?

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

2 days ago
Replied to MadRat1286

we're men we're men in tights, tight tights.

The brown haired High Priest known as Brother John spoke as they were seated. "Now, if everyone is ready, our questions are probably not what you might be expecting. We have read your reports, and they are quite comprehensive, so we're not going to go over the basics again. 

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

3 days ago
Replied to Shadecam1


[Usable by partner: Rae] Combine with Blood Lotus, Shadow Grass and Commander Rank or higher vital fluids to create a sympathetic reaction.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

3 days ago
Replied to DaoNeko98

its so nice, I'm a guy and like guy mcs and don't really care if there's much of a female presence, but if you have them there don't make them barely supporting characters.

"I learned a new Class Skill. Destruction. It increases the damage of all my spells."

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

3 days ago

I mean fair enough she had to lay her claim when he's in a tent full of girls

Karl woke up to the feeling of Rita poking him on the forehead to get him up for his shift, and he realized that he wasn't alone under the blanket. Dana was curled up against him, sound asleep, with her own sleeping bag abandoned half on top of his. She must have rolled over at night, and Karl could see from the smirk on the Sergeant's face that Rita was going to hold this one against him in the future.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

3 days ago
Replied to aussiegw

quicker than directly telling Rae when its implied for her to give the order

[Spider Golems, go help the soldiers until I can get there.] Karl ordered.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

3 days ago
Replied to syrus_mandell


The only thing the soldiers regretted was not giving Karl a subvocal microphone so that he could relay Hawk's observations in real time.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku