

LV 2
2023-01-12 Unido United States
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Emblemas 4

Moments 129
5 days ago

I will never understand why people hate when people finding out about the existence of other worlds. IT LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY KNOW OR NOT!!! What can anyone do with this knowledge? If anything, a person like Galbatorix finding out about other worlds could lead to a multiveral manhunt which could be quite epic. I say, it's your choice whether he tells someone or not. And we as the readers just have to deal with whatever you decide. It's your novel, right it the way that you want to.

19 days ago

thanks for the chapter!

21 days ago


'Tsk, This darn monster, I'll teach you a lesson one of these days just you wait.' thought Levi as he saw his mentor's states with veins popping on his head.

Avatar: The gamer

Avatar: The gamer

Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx

1 months ago

Love the novel so far. keep up the good work!!!

1 months ago

♪ Money don't grow on Erdtree's ♪

1 months ago
Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

Yea me too, its like I wrote this novel before... Must be my imagination...

2 months ago
Replied to Memes_for_dreams

Harry potter is definitely on the list, I am just worried that they will be to powerful by the time they would go there. I am dead set on heading to Skyrim first and they can get very powerful from that world. Though as long as everyone is OK with an overpowered MC(s)...

4. I'm like 90% sure what world I want to go to first as it will give a decent power boost for Saphira and has a better magic system that will be more fun to write about, but I still want your ideas just in case I am missing an amazing world that would fit my criteria or they could end up as the world after the first. please note that worlds with a boat load of lore that I don't know like One Piece will not be an option because I would never be able to do the original work justice.

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

Book&Literature · Undeadwizard7

2 months ago
Replied to 1stSlug

Yea it is kinda forced I agree. But a lot of the readers that first commented wanted Saphira to be the love interest so I kinda just wrote what came to my brain.

When the light fades, Eragon hesitantly opens his eyes and sees a humanoid dragon staring down at him, her glowing blue eyes looking at him with barely hidden lust.

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

Book&Literature · Undeadwizard7

2 months ago
Replied to 1stSlug

Yea I might add elements of dnd into the novel from time to time. I wish I had a better understanding of the lore of some of the core campaigns as that would be a good world to go to.

1. I feel that Saphira is going to fall behind in power level compared to Eragon. I have a few ideas for how to improve her strength when they head into the multiverse but I would still like your opinions on what I can do to help her from within the confines of a Eragon/LOTR world. 

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

Book&Literature · Undeadwizard7

2 months ago
Replied to Sir_Traverse

Dragons develop faster then humans and because in the novel she was in heat at this time it makes her a legal age... I do understand that maturity and age are two different things but alot of the other readers suggested she be the love interest.

Eragon slowly closes his eyes, not realizing that he was projecting his thoughts to Saphira. The scales on her face where her cheeks would be have somehow changed color, developing a rosy hue. 

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus)

Book&Literature · Undeadwizard7