By the time the guard was dropped on the roof Peter was already in the air behind him. The sound of a body slamming into concrete got the attention of the three watchmen stationed on the roof. They didn't notice Peter lightly drop down on one of the railings. In one fluid motion, like water streaming through the cracks of a rock, he propelled himself between and knocked two out with a sequence of well-placed strikes before violently grabbing the last one.
Anime & Comics · Othniel_Seth
Gina is adorable, thanks for the chapter. If Gina dies I’m coming to your house author-san. I’m in ur walls
Sum like this probably
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Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
Maybe something like this
He dried his clothes and made his way to the camp. Arriving at his tent, he took a spear with a blue shaft and black tip, carved with the Fire Nation emblem. He also put on his weapon, a special musket created by Petra.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
So why not try to change what he could? The Fire Nation's situation could be better, and maybe they could direct that impulse to spread like wildfire elsewhere, like the stars.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
"Kashimo. I want something from you." He spoke in a calm rigid tone that broke no way for argument.
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
"That guy's a dick" the entire class turned to look at Tsuyu Asui, they were all shocked by her brutal honesty but even Uraraka herself nodded in agreement.
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
Gonna be honest I feel like this version of Izuku listens to rap, rock, metal, and surprisingly laufey cause why not yk
Under the gazes of the curious students, Izuku ate alone in silence, his earbuds playing music in his ears, he had to put his phone in the locker room, but he kept his earbuds on since he can always hide it in his system whenever he was about to be caught, plus, strangely enough, the range of his earbuds Bluetooth connection is insane.
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
Fire I’m using this as what he looks like, thanks
When Izuku left to school again, his transformation was impossible to ignore. His once-slender frame was now toned and athletic, his posture confident, and his eyes held a sharpness that made others hesitate to approach him, he changed his style and psyche so much that he is now practically unrecognizable.
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
Blood then bled from him and coagulated in the air In front of his outstretched pointer and compressed into a ball the size of a fist. Peter activated the Will of Saitama and channeled its effects to his Index finger.
Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man
Anime & Comics · Othniel_Seth