they are actually using it correctly...a child born outside of marriage is a bastard...i actually like we use it now to call a despicable person
I hated the way that word was used in this world.
Anime & Comics · StarWaves
An intense wave of magical pressure erupted from him scaring the hell out of everyone present in the hall including the professors. The atmosphere in an instinct turned suffocating and only powerful people-the professors could maintain their thoughts at the moment.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
i will just let him be 14-15 in my head...
In his previous life Hedwig had died taking a killing curse meant for Harry while he was being shifted from this house, the night before he turned 17.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
i liked the guy but felt he was irreponsible on critical matters. stuck with his own problems without realising most people he was with didnt care. Lupin sadlt cant be trusted with overly important matters
Harry gave one last look and walked away from Lupin's office back towards Gryffindor dorm.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
those 37 gifts every year dont pay themselves up xDVernon was loaded
Every month, Petunia made an extra £3,000—nearly a third of her husband's salary.
Book&Literature · michaeI
heck prob months xD
"Sorry Percy," Amanda finally controlled her laughter, "we couldn't help it! It was too easy! We have been planning this for days!"
Book&Literature · SageOF016
and we need oxygen to live...any other great statements? xD
"No idea," Juan said with a shrug as he slumped his shoulders, "but I do know one thing though. I officially have no chance to get with a french veela."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
they are noted to pick fight with lions and eat their testicles....badgers also resist some sont fuck with a badger
"What? Are you joking? Of course they are!" Percy exclaimed, "Honey Badgers are actually one of the bravest animals on the planet! They fight bees, snakes, birds and even other honey badgers! Honey Badgers are awesome!"
Book&Literature · SageOF016
if remember punk is a bit more about self harm so piercing tatoos etc
Percy shrugged, "beats me. I thought punks and goths were the same."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
George suddenly got up and approached Vizet in a serious tone, his playful demeanor replaced by an unusual level of sincerity. He clapped Vizet on the shoulder, his expression earnest. "Listen, mate. Are you sure you don't want to come to Gryffindor? We need talents like you. You'd fit right in."
HP: Transmigrating as an Obscurial
Book&Literature · LuxRadium