See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Wilson's all grown up😭
"It's not something we can discuss right now. I'll wait until you've let out some steam" Wilson mumbled before walking past his now silent brother. He couldn't continue the conversation anymore. It had been long since he'd seen Charles this angry. Nothing tangible was going to come out from this conversation, so continuing it would get them nowhere.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
big brother influence
On a normal day, a low ranked Advocate like himself wouldn't even be allowed near Franklin Brown's cell, but because of his brother's influence and fame he had gotten past the processes really quickly. He was aware that the prison would call Charles to inform him of this, but he already had his reasons prepared.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
really hope Harry doesn't do anything stupid
Harry couldn't really say he was surprised with Charles option, but he couldn't hide the fact that he was annoyed. He didn't know what was bothering his friend, but for Charles to choose hiding his emotions to telling him the truth spoke volumes of how little the man thought of him. He forced himself to return Charles's smile before walking out of the room. He knew he was supposed to trust his friends decision, but he just couldn't. His ego wouldn't let him. Charles had made his choice, and he just had to live with it.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
'Nathaniel' his name fueled the newly found thirst for more power in him. He had been training relentlessly and improving as much as he can ever since their encounter and he had made tremendous progress. He was exceptionally talented and had mastered the use of war sickles in a mere month.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
"You fought well, but it seems you overstressed your body and now at your limits, I will give you the death of a warrior a fast and painless death" Edmund commended just before he drove his blade into Aarons heart.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
He was beginning to feel a bit powerless against the Guilds that were showing up recently. He didn't know how they were doing it, but somehow the ones he had faced so far had some sort of counter for his gift. He was beginning to realize just how much of a threat these Guild top tiers were. He and King had just been overwhelmed, and they were undoubtedly the strongest amongst the Advocates. He didn't want to imagine how powerful other Guild members were, all he could think of now was how to get stronger and be able to take them down.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
Nathan's looking dangerous already
He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he would find a way. It was a suicidal attempt, but what was life without risks? He just hoped that he wasn't making a mistake by trusting this woman once more. If by chance she was only doing this to wean Nathan, then he was going to come back and end her life before she could see it coming.
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins
waiting for a new chapter
A wonderfully written work. Mc is a fighter, and his friends are very supportive characters. I like the dynamic between father and son. A great read overall
The Grimoire: Battle Of Sorcerers
Fantasy · Aniagboso_Martins