

LV 4
2022-09-08 Unido Global
Emblemas 3

Moments 973
19 hours ago

It not truly it not

The Ministry of Magic has yet to release an official statement on the matter, but sources suggest that an investigation is underway. As for Hogwarts itself, one can't help but wonder: Is the once-revered institution still the safest place in Britain?

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

1 days ago
Replied to Ethan_Venable

And I forgot to add a shop with i can by bloodlines, powers, etc. from all of existence for VARY cheap prices and they don’t come with the downsides like if i get turbo energy(from max steel) i wont have to worry about exploding or destroying electronics inless I want to

"What would happen if I get a Satoru Gojo Template? What I want most is his talent which forced the world to grow to adapt to his birth. I want something like that." I said calmly,

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

Anime & Comics · itachi1010

1 days ago
Replied to Ethan_Venable

I just realized my comment was so long that some of it was cut off at least it is for me. I don’t know about everyone else. Just in cas that is what I would choose if i was this guy

"What would happen if I get a Satoru Gojo Template? What I want most is his talent which forced the world to grow to adapt to his birth. I want something like that." I said calmly,

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

Anime & Comics · itachi1010

1 days ago

Personally, the three I would’ve picked is doomsday(without it effecting my look) Phoenix force Shadow monarch(from solo leveling when he is at his strongest and i get all his shadows) For extra powers if allowed i pick Essence of crafting The gamer ability(with some modifications to make it more op like no limit to levels, stats,class, i can get. Four private dimensions that only i or someone i let in can got in to First dimension is has a infinite supply of resources like ores or minerals, things like that from all of existence Second dimension has infinite supply of resources like plants, animals, monsters stuff like that from all of existence Third dimension A library that holds all knowledge of things like magic(and other energies), martial arts,weapon fighting styles, craft/makeing thing(basically all that entails like blacksmithing, working, sowing,all forms of science, enchanting, etc., etc.) And last dimension a place that has all the equipment I will ever need to fully utilize my crafting essence Pls not I still get id create from the gamer And the ability to safely us any kind of power system/energy in existence I just have to unlock them and can even combinde them if they are compatible (example aura from rwby and aura from pokemon) combining them, gives the energy the complete benefits of both but stronger

"What would happen if I get a Satoru Gojo Template? What I want most is his talent which forced the world to grow to adapt to his birth. I want something like that." I said calmly,

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

In the DC World With 3 Tamplets

Anime & Comics · itachi1010

1 days ago
Replied to i_like_catwoman

Got it thanks

Maxim could also feel the Demonic Energy washing over him, improving his resistances to Magic based attacks, and also allowing him to potentially dabble in Magic himself in the future.

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Movies · StrikerAuthor

2 days ago

Isn’t he part angel as well

Maxim could also feel the Demonic Energy washing over him, improving his resistances to Magic based attacks, and also allowing him to potentially dabble in Magic himself in the future.

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Marvel: Video Game Templates!

Movies · StrikerAuthor

3 days ago
Replied to Whadyamean

I am going to be honest, I only recalled one time he died but a bunch of times where he should have been

Hidden Quest: Save the Injured Mew (Complete)

Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Anime & Comics · sssachin098

3 days ago

I suggest he learns iron tail next and thunderbolt

3 days ago

Don’t use

The Amulet Grants A x50 To All Magical Abilities, However, The More The Amulet Is Used, The More It Corrupts The User. Can Only Be Removed By The Wielder. Contains The Tortured Souls Of Thousands Of Creatures And Their Magic Potential. }

Begin Again In Marvel

Begin Again In Marvel

Movies · DJMLucarionite

3 days ago

Does the shield not have a inventory like it does in the anime granted naufumi didn’t know about it until later

The system's voice echoed at that moment. Jason noticed he had gained a new skill, a storage shield with a capacity of 10 cubic meters that could store any non-biological items and could be upgraded as well.

Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Reborn as shield hero with Garps Template

Anime & Comics · Darkphoenix11